斎藤 豊治 前野 育三 西村 春夫 西田 英一 土井 政和 足立 昌勝 林 春男

前野 育三
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.41, no.4, pp.707-741, 1990-12-20

1. The daily life of citizens and the police 1) Public peace-its two aspects The duty of the police is to maintain the safety of the life, body and property of people. This is called "chian (public-peace)" in Japanese. The Japanese word "chian" is used in two meanings. A first is the safety of citizens' life. A second is to preserve a political order that the governing classes request. Activities of the police are concerned in both the sides, as the word "chian" has two meanings mentioned above. The police has so big an authority and equipment that democratic control is important. 2) Characteristics of the Japanese police Many people point out that the Japanese police conciders it important to stick to citizens, and esteem service activities to a citizen as characteristics of the Japanese police. Activities of police box (koban) in Japan are pointed out as significant by Walter L. Ames and David H. Bayley. But the esteem of the service activities is the only one side of the Japanese police. It has a political character in another side. 3) The police as a power organization We can not imagine a modern society without police. It is expected that the police system expands still more. The expansion of the police system easily invites the expansion of abuse of the police power. It will be adequate to distinguish the abuse of the power in the process of the legitimate police activity and the political police activity. 2. The abuse of the police power 1) Juvenile police The Juvenile law has a policy to restrain the police power to the minimum. However, juvenile police activities are spreading to the wide range of juvenile "protection", today. And they produce numerous human right infringement cases in the process of the "protection" on one hand and the investigation on the other hand. 2) Traffic police It is the traffic police division that has the closest relation with citizens. It gives rise to many cases where an ordinary nonpolitical citizen has antipathy to the police. 3) Detective police The four cases that changed from capital punishment sentence to acquittal with a review continued. They showed that a innocent person could be convicted to a capital punishment. It is obvious that courts are finally responsable for these error convictions. But the original cause is found in a process of an investigation on the part of police. Illegalities and defects of an investigation bring forth error conviction. Especially an evil of an overestimating a confession in investigation must be pointed out. It is admitted in Japan that a police detention cell is a substitute for a jail. It is a hotbed of false confessions. 4) Self-righteous attitude of the police We observed infringements of human rights by police in various aspects. The biggest problem is the self-righteous attitude of the police whose infringements are pointed out. The police protects a policeman who infringes human rights and it does not accept criticism from the outside. It is even hostile to a citizen that protests against the infringement. Such an attitude of the police is generated from the lack of respect for human right and citizen sense. The insufficiency of the inspection within the police organization encourages it. And the fact that the police is an especially powerful organization makes it possible. 3. Political police "Public safety" is easily changed to the maintenance of a political profit of a particular governing class. The political police can not be restricted to activities of one division. The political police watches out for the political activities including meeting/association of citizens. Such activities can not be justified under the Constitution that secures people sovereignty principle and a basic human right. A watchout activity of the political police is mainly directed to a labor union and a reformist party. The Japanese police as a whole has a trait peculiar to the political police. 4. Emphasis on the community relations The emphasis on the commun
前野 育三
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.27, pp.11-26, 2002-10-26 (Released:2017-03-30)

澤登 俊雄 村井 敏邦 前野 育三 福田 雅章 荒木 伸怡 斉藤 豊治 新倉 修

本研究は、主として、アメリカ、イギリス カナダ、ドイツ、フランス、北欧各国の少年司法制度、児童福祉制度における「こどもの権利保障」の内容につき、体系的に整理された詳細な「共同調査項目表」を作成し、それに基づいて調査・分析を行った。この「共同調査項目表」は、少年手続を審判前、審判段階、処分決定と処遇の3段階に分け、それぞれ少年の権利保障、適正手続の観点から有意義と思われる全25項目(さらに細項目は約225項目に分かれる)について調査する質問票であり、各質問番号を各国横断的に比較することで、明確に各国権利保障の状況の比較分析ができるよう工夫されている。これについて、最新の法令、判例、運用等を紹介したことはもちろん、これらでは十分に解明しえない諸点については、外国人研究者への直接質問等により正確を期した。これらの比較の上に立って、各段階、各国毎に、適正手続、国親思想、保護主義、刑罰主義、職権主義、当事者主義等の基本概念を縦軸に、「少年司法運営に関する国連最低基準規則」、「子ともの権利条約」等、子どもの権利保障を重視した諸々の国際準則が各国においてどのような影響を与えているかを横軸に、総括的なまとめを行った。その際、これらの知見が、日本法、とりわけいま問題となっている少年手続の基本構造をめぐる議論にどのような示唆を与えるものかを常に念頭に置いて分析したことはいうまでもない。詳細は今年中に発行を予定されている書物(「少年司法と適正手続」)に譲ることとするが、国際準則の影響下、全般的には子どもの権利保障が進みつつあるものの、各国固有の歴史的、政治的、社会的背景を反映し、各国における問題関心、権利保障の具体的な現れ方には、看過できない大きな相違があることが感じられた。