北川 哲郎 森下 匠 細谷 和海
近畿大学農学部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University (ISSN:04538889)
no.45, pp.129-134, 2012-03 (Released:2013-10-08)

チョウセンブナMacropodus ocellatusの繁殖生態について,屋外および飼育室における飼育試験によって調査した。産卵は,屋外,飼育室内のいずれにおいても,雌に対して雄1尾を投入した飼育容器内のみで観察された。雌は同一容器に複数尾を投入しても問題なく産卵に至った。確認された産卵数は,78-324粒であった。産卵周期を観察するため,飼育室内で産卵した雌雄の2組を飼育し続けたが,産卵後の雄は雌を激しく攻撃し,再び産卵行動をとることはなかった。受精卵は産卵後約2日で孵化し,孵化後6日目で摂餌を開始した。孵化直後の仔魚は強い浮力を有し,浮遊物の付近や飼育容器の壁面沿いに塊をなして浮遊していた。孵化直後の遊泳力は皆無であり,能動的な遊泳が観察されたのは孵化後5日目であった。
北川 哲郎 小田 優花 細谷 和海
近畿大学農学部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University (ISSN:04538889)
vol.46, pp.31-36, 2013-03-01

[Synopsis] The paradise fish, Macropodus opercularis is distributed from the northern part of Vietnam to the Ryukyu Archipelago, and categorized as an endangered species in Japan. The endemism of the Okinawan population was not proven, even though Okinawa is isolated from the mainland of East and Southeast Asia. Furthermore, the ecological information was not fully investigated and the quantities are not sufficient enough to protect it. To elucidate the local variation in paradise fish, reproductive characteristics of the Okinawan fish population were examined in the laboratory. During the trials, a pair of broodstock were reared under constant environments (25 ± 0.5 °C , 14 h L - 10 h D). Each reproductive behavior was observed once per four to ten days at least. The number of the fertilized eggs was counted as being 319 - 581. Hatching was observed two days later, and then the larvae proceeded to feed six days after hatching. The newly hatched larvae drifted beneath the water surface, or fell down on the bottom of the tank. The fertilized eggs were large, and buoyancy was tenuous, if compared with the case of typical M opercularis from the mainland China. The egg-mass after spawning and prelarvae under a bubble nest were guarded by a single male parent. Protective behavior was also found in females. However, female was often attacked by the male if they were mistakenly perceived as enemy by himself. In this experiment, the filial cannibalism was not observed as far as each broodstock is concerned.
北川 哲郎
no.49, pp.1-25, 2016-03-31

〈Synopsis〉In captive environment, reproductive characteristics of seven bitterlings (Tanakia lanceolata, T. limbata, Acheilognathus rhombeus, A. cyanostigma, A. melanogaster, A. tabira jordani, and A. t. tabira) were estimated by the breeding experiments with Schale's method. Major interspecific difference were confirmed on the spawning pattern and survival rates to emergence from hatching. Some different initial growth patterns were observed in some closely-related Acheilognathus spawning in spring. Such abnormalities as deformation of yolk sac or vertebrae were observed. The achievements would be contributed to ex situ preservation as well as in situ conservation and even taxonomical studies.
北川 哲平 福井 健一 佐藤 一永 水崎 純一郎 沼尾 正行
研究報告数理モデル化と問題解決(MPS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2010, no.25, pp.1-9, 2010-09-21

複雑系において,事象過程の急激な遷移は潜在的に重要な相互作用の表れであるが,そのような事象の発生頻度は低い.本研究では,事象系列において比較的稀であるが,状態が遷移するときに共起する事象を抽出する Essential Event Extractor(E3) 法を提案した.E3 法では,自己組織化マップ (SOM) を符号化のためにベクトル量子化 (VQ) として,また共起グラフを生成するためにキーグラフを用いる.そして,VQ のトポロジーマップにおける発生密度推定を参照することで,共起グラフ上で事象遷移を得る.本論文では,燃料電池の損傷試験で観測されるAE事象系列に対して E3 法を適用し,燃料電池の損傷メカニズムを解明するために,有用な損傷事象系列を得た.Although sudden changes of the event phase in complex system may indicate potential essential forces, such events are rare. In the present paper, we propose an essential event extractor (E3) scheme to extract relatively rare but co-occurring event sequences in event transitions. In E3, the self-organizing map (SOM) is used as vector quantization (VQ) and KeyGraph as a co-occurrence graph. Afterwards, event transitions on the KeyGraph can be obtained by using occurrence density estimation on the topology map of VQ. We demonstrate the E3 using an acoustic emission (AE) event sequence observed during a damage test of fuel cells and obtain essential co-occurring damage sequences.
川谷 宗之 岡本 英彰 松田 一人 北川 哲 大西秀志 番原 睦則 田村 直之
情報処理学会論文誌プログラミング(PRO) (ISSN:18827802)
vol.46, no.6, pp.61-61, 2005-04-15

制約プログラミングとは,「ユーザは解決したい問題を制約の形で宣言的に記述するだけで,あとは制約解消系がその制約を満たす解を求めてくれる」という問題解決手法であり,近年注目を集めている.1990 年代には商用の制約解消系が登場し,これまで制約プログラミング手法に基づく生産スケジューリング,資源割当てなどの,実用的なシステムが開発されている.しかしながら,大規模な問題に対しては,制約解消系の処理に大きな計算量が必要とされるという問題がある.一方,近年の急速なネットワークインフラの高速化,普及を受けて新しい分散処理形態であるGrid が注目を集めている.我々の研究チームでは,Grid 計算環境に制約解消系を実装することでそのパフォーマンスを向上させることを目的とし,Grid に適した制約解消系の設計および実装を進めている.本発表では,その一環として実装を行ったGrid 計算環境上の2 つの制約解消系について述べる.まずSunGrid Engine(S.G.E.)上の制約解消系の実装,次にGlobus Toolkit を用いた制約解消系の実装について説明し,最後に,これらの制約解消系と単体計算機上の制約解消系を用いてパフォーマンス比較を行った結果を示す.ベンチマークにはよく知られているJob Shop Scheduling 問題などを用いた.得られた結果のうち,多くの場合において,今回の2 つの制約解消系が単体の計算機上の制約解消系より良い結果を示しており,制約解消系をGrid 計算環境上に実装することによる有効性は十分にあると結論付ける.In constraint programming, all you have to do is to define problems as sets of constraint declaratively, and then, constraint solvers search solutions. Commercial constraint solvers appeared in 1990s and have been used for production scheduling, resource allocation, and others. Constraint solving systems are useful but there are some issues. One of them is that they need much computational power to solve large scaled problems. Meanwhile, the Grid computing is a hot topic on the recent spread of the network infrastructure. In this presentation, we show some experimental results of two constraint solving systems on the Grid. We have developed these two systems on Sun Grid Engine and Globus Toolkit respectively. In each system, constraint solvers are implemented using Cream developed by our group. Cream is a Java class library for constraint programming and provides various optimization algorithms such as Simulated Annealing, Taboo Search, etc. We use Job Shop Scheduling Problem as benchmarks. In performance, our systems on the Grid gave nice speedup compared with Cream on a single machine.