滝川 栄二 江戸 晶子 山本 千穂 難波 和広 松浦 育代 鴨居 弘斉 大森 美季 片岡 睦子 三船 和史 大坂 京子 安原 由子 谷岡 哲也
四国医学雑誌 = Shikoku acta medica (ISSN:00373699)
vol.76, no.1, pp.99-106, 2020-04-25

Patients with mental health problems in long-term hospitalization have severe impairments and disabilities in their daily social life, thereby needing constant assistance. The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationships between the status of the improved duration of participation in occupational therapy activities through active motivation and interdisciplinary collaboration in enhancing mental health and severe physical functional level as evaluated by the Global Assessment of Function(GAF)score. Subjects were175hospitalized patients in psychiatric units at a Psychiatric hospital in Kagawa Prefecture. The duration of participation in the occupational therapy group activities was divided into Groups A-0‐5, B-6‐10, C-11‐15, and D-16‐20times per month. The number of the occupational therapy group activities per month was 20 times in August 2017 and 21 times in March2018, respectively. The number of classified four group participants before and after were calculated by the chi-square test with adjusted residuals. Comparing the number of participants in the four groups before and after 7 months by the active motivation, the number of participants was significantly decreased in group C but was increased in group D(χ2 = 6.82, p <.05). Findings show the number of participants was increased because of the active motivation by interdisciplinary collaboration and enhanced relations. However, the degree of GAF was not related to the duration of participation times. Moreover, it was clearly found that respect for individuality and patient's will were critical motivational factors in effective patient participation.
杉本 博子 安原 由子 谷岡 哲也 郷木 義子 森 健治 冨士 翔子 斎藤 憲
四国医学雑誌 = Shikoku acta medica (ISSN:00373699)
vol.72, no.1, pp.43-52, 2016-04-25

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between sleep-wake rhythms and autonomic nerve activities using actigraphy and heart rate variability(HRV)analysis. Subjects were comprised of six children who were in the fourth to sixth grade levels of elementary school(four boys and two girls). The study was conducted between January and December 2015. The data collection procedure was performed following the Private Information Protection Law, with approval from Tokushima University Hospital Ethics Board(approval number 2021). These subjects were evaluated in an Attentive-Care-Needed stress state based on the PSI(Public Health Research Foundation Type Stress Inventory)and PSQI-J(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Japanese Version). In analyzing their sleep-wake rhythms, autonomic nervous activities were determined using an actigraph and HRV through RR interval sequence electrocardiography. The results of actigraph data of sleep efficiency in Subject Number 6 was low(76.47%). Regardless, the subject experienced subjective sleep satisfaction. However, Subject Number 2, insisted that she could not easily wake up in the morning because of being sleepy. Low Frequency(LF)/High Frequency(HF)data indicated sympathetic nervous activity showing that all subjects had significantlyhigher LF/HF value during wakefulness than when asleep. HF data indicated parasympatheticactivity of five out of the six children showing significantly higher value during sleep than when awake. Subject number 3 expressed that he was sleepy and could not get up in the morning,and also had trouble going to and maintaining sleep. However, this subject's results of the PSQI-Jindicated that he had no problem expressing subjective sleep satisfaction. Furthermore, in the actigraph and HRV analysis, findings showed that subjects had good sleeping patterns. These findings strongly signify the importance of determining the sleep-wake rhythms of school children based on data from subjective and physiological evaluation methods.
藤田 郁代 物井 寿子 奥平 奈保子 植田 恵 小野 久里子 下垣 由美子 藤原 由子 古谷 二三代 笹沼 澄子
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.41, no.2, pp.179-202, 2000-04-20 (Released:2010-06-22)
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本委員会は, 1993年から「失語症語彙検査」の開発に着手し, 現在までに中核部分の諸検査: 語彙判断検査, 名詞・動詞検査, 類義語判断検査, 意味カテゴリー別名詞検査を作成した.本検査の目的は, 脳損傷患者の単語の表出・理解機能を多面的に評価し, 言語病理学的診断, 治療方針の決定, 治療効果の測定等に役立てることにある.今回は, 本検査を健常者に実施し, データを分析した.健常者の成績は, すべての検査において満点に近く, 本検査の課題は健常者にとって容易であることが明らかとなった.年齢および性による成績の差は大部分の検査において有意ではなかった.語の頻度効果を語彙判断検査, 名詞表出検査, 名詞理解検査において, 心像性効果を語彙判断検査, 名詞理解検査, 類義語判断検査において認めた.以上および先行研究の結果から, 本検査は脳損傷患者の単語の理解, 表出機能を評価する上での手段になりうると考えられた.
熊 仁美 竹内 弓乃 原 由子 直井 望 山本 淳一 高橋 甲介 飯島 啓太 齊藤 宇開 渡邊 倫 服巻 繁 ボンディ アンディ
行動分析学研究 (ISSN:09138013)
vol.24, no.1, pp.85-105, 2010-01-30
