堀 拳輔 董 居忠 岡本 啓公 関 将志 村石 浩 齊藤 典生 Thet Thet LWIN 原 秀剛 渡辺 宝 橋本 雄幸 王 波 武田 徹
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.56, no.1, pp.16-21, 2018-02-10 (Released:2018-06-15)

Lung cancer is one of the most important diseases to overcome, and chest radiography and low-dose computed tomography (CT) have been used for lung cancer screening. In chest radiographs, nodules overlying the ribs and mediastinum are occasionally difficult to detect. Therefore, CT is used as the gold standard modality to diagnose lung cancer, despite the high radiation exposure it entails. Recently, tomosynthesis has been used to detect pulmonary nodules, but mechanical scanning and a long data acquisition time (approximately 10 seconds) are required to obtain the image. Under this circumstance, tomosynthesis using a small number of projections has been anticipated to allow omission of the mechanical system and shortening of the exposure time. A chest phantom with artificial pulmonary nodules of various sizes was imaged in rotating 360-degree projections. Tomosynthesis images were reconstructed using back projection (BP) from ±32-degrees projection data, and the projection numbers were set at 4, 6, 8, 16, 32 and 64. The images were evaluated visually and quantitatively by measuring the contrast noise ratio (CNR) and artifact spread function (ASF). Tomosynthesis images reconstructed from 4 projection images allowed visualization of an artificial nodule 10mm in diameter without overlapping the ribs or the mediastinum. The CNR of a 4-projection image normalized to that of a 64-projection image was approximately 0.34, and the ASF obtained indicated that fewer number of projections was associated with greater z-axis resolution. Thus, 4-projection tomosynthesis allows visualization of pulmonary nodules 10mm or larger in diameter, and image quality appears to be useful.
山本 相浩 河野 正孝 茎田 祐司 藤岡 数記 永原 秀剛 村上 憲 藤井 渉 中村 薫 妹尾 高宏 角谷 昌俊 川人 豊
The Japan Society for Clinical Immunology
日本臨床免疫学会会誌 (ISSN:09114300)
vol.35, no.4, pp.334b-334b, 2012

Allograft inflammatory factor-1(AIF-1)はラット異所性心移植モデルにおいて同定された分子量約17 kDのポリペプチドである.これまでに我々は,関節リウマチ患者の関節滑膜組織において,AIF-1の発現が滑膜細胞,単核球,線維芽細胞で亢進していることや,AIF-1が滑膜細胞の増殖,及び滑膜線維芽細胞やヒト末梢血単核球(PBMC)のサイトカインIL-6産生を促進することを報告している.前回,健常人のCD14陽性単核球において,RNA MicroarrayでAIF-1刺激による発現遺伝子を網羅的に検索し,ケモカインCCL2, CCL3, CCL7が高発現することを示した.また,これらケモカインのELISAでの定量的評価や,Cell Migration Assayでの細胞遊走能の評価も行った.今回さらに解析を進め,CCL2, CCL3, CCL7以外にもIL-6やCCL1の発現が亢進していることを明らかにし,定量的評価や細胞遊走能の評価も行った.関節リウマチにおけるAIF-1のサイトカイン・ケモカイン産生能および細胞遊走能について,考察を交えて報告する.<br>
岩崎 篤 桑原 秀剛 轟 章 杉谷 恒也
vol.2004, no.10, pp.207-208, 2004-03-03

This research is about a statistical diagnostic method for a structural health monitoring which is applicable to existing structures from the present moment. In this method, structural condition is statistically diagnosed by change of a response surface which is regression model of sensor's outputs. Change of response surface is statistically tested with F-test. In the F-test, a threshold value of normal/troubled condition is simply decided from a theoretical F-probability distribution. Therefore, this diagnostic method only requires data of intact condition and does not require the complicated modeling and information of troubled condition. To confirm the effectiveness of the presented method, health monitoring of jet fan is conducted. Load cells are mounted to a supporting system of the jet fan. Response surface is calculated from vibration data measured by the load cells. As a result, structural condition of the jet fan is successfully diagnosed with the method.
檀原 高 岡田 隆夫 建部 一夫 坂本 直人 富木 裕一 案浦 健 鈴木 千賀子 中村 真一郎 津村 秀憲 栗原 秀剛 小林 敏之 諫山 冬実 奥村 彰久 田村 剛 富野 康日己
順天堂医学 (ISSN:00226769)
vol.53, no.4, pp.651-656, 2007-12
