原田 琢也
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.52, no.1, pp.73-85, 2016-02-25 (Released:2017-11-01)

In 2012, the Special Committee on Reform of Special Needs Education of the Elementary and Secondary Education Sectional Committee of the Central Council for Education in Japan proposed "The Report on Promotion of the Special Needs Education System to Build an Inclusive Education System toward an Inclusive Society". In this report they said that Japan will move towards inclusive education by developing progressively the existing Special Needs Education System. This research clarifies the problems inherent in the Japanese Inclusive System and the rhetoric which supports its logic through a comparison with the concept of the Salamanca Statement. Through the comparison of the two systems, the following differences were shown. In the Salamanca Statements, every single child is considered to be equally different (Monism) and in principle learns together in a mainstream school (Integralism). On the other hand, in the Japanese Inclusive Education System, children with disabilities are to be distinguished from normal children (Dualism) and learn in 'the diversity of learning environment' including special schools (Separatism). The differences between the two systems are the discrepancies both in degree and orientation, which are stemmed from their different models of each system. While Salamanca's inclusive education is based on the social model, the Japanese Special Education System is based on the medical (individual) model. This research concludes that an institutional design based on the social model is needed for Japan truly to go toward inclusive education for an inclusive society.
志水 宏吉 中村 瑛仁 若槻 健 西 徳宏 伊佐 夏実 原田 琢也 新谷 龍太朗 鈴木 勇 濱元 伸彦 佐古 清

本研究の目的は、医療・ビジネス・国際協力等幅広い分野で注目されている「社会関係資 本」概念を、教育分野、具体的には「学校づくり」の分野に応用し、すべての子どもたちの学力のみならず、彼らの非認知能力の発達にも寄与する「力のある学校」を生み出す筋道を理論的に明らかにすることにある。教育分野における社会関係資本の指標化と小中学校(10校を予定)におけるアクションリサーチが中心的作業となる。