伊佐 夏実
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.109, pp.5-27, 2022-02-21 (Released:2023-06-30)

本稿では,難関校出身生徒に焦点をあて,高校から大学への移行に際して進学先レベルを低めた層とそうでない層の違いがどこにあるのかを,高大接続パネルデータを用いて検討した。難関校から難関大に進学する女子は男子に比べて少なく,その一因として,女子の浪人選択率の低さが挙げられる。また,階層の低い女子や地方出身の女子,学習意欲の低い女子は下降移動しやすいが,それらの要因を統制してもジェンダーの直接効果が残ることから,女子の移動パターンに影響を与える他の要因の存在が示唆された。 そこで,将来希望する職業に焦点を当てた分析を行った結果,看護師に代表される医療職や,教職を希望することが下降移動につながっており,資格取得により可能となる確実なキャリアを選択しようとする志向性が,偏差値とは異なる基準での進路分化を生み出すひとつの要因であることが分かった。四大ではなく短大や専門学校への女子の進学行動を説明する際に指摘されてきたものと同じメカニズムが,難関高校という上昇移動に向けた加熱が生じやすいとされるトラックにおいても確認されたのだ。本稿の分析からは,性役割意識そのものは難関大への進学を左右する要因にはなっていなかったが,特定の職業へと女性をいざなっていく「ジェンダー・トラック」は維持されており,労働市場におけるジェンダーギャップが解消されない限り,教育機会の男女差は残り続けるとも言えるだろう。
伊佐 夏実
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.179-199, 2010-06-30 (Released:2017-04-21)
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本研究の目的は,異なる社会経済的背景をもつ2つの公立中学校を対象にした分析から,「現場の教授学」を形作る要因としての階層文化の影響に焦点をあて,それらと「学校のコンサマトリー化」の関係性について検討することである。 対象となった北中と南中ではそれぞれ,生徒や保護者が異なる特徴をもつものとして理解され,こうした教師の解釈によって「現場の教授学」は構築されている。教師と生徒は互いにあまり立ち入らず一定の距離を保ちながら,教師による生徒への強制や命令的コントロールは極力避けられるべきものとして捉えられている北中に対して,南中では,教師が主導権を握り,生徒に対して体当たりで勝負することが求められる。ここから,北中では,「コンサマトリー化」と呼ばれる現象が進行しつつあるようにも見えるが,南中では,そうした図式は当てはまらないことがわかる。 このような両校の違いについては,次のように理解することができる。まず,市場化や現代的な人間関係上の規範といったポストモダンな変容を学校にもたらしている社会的要因は,特に中産階級層において浸透してきており,そうした価値が学校に持ち込まれる際に生じる階層差によって,「学校のコンサマトリー化」の進行には違いが生じるということ。さらには,生徒の文化に歩み寄る形で構築される「現場の教授学」の性質が,「コンサマトリー化」を促進する働きをもっているということである。
伊佐 夏実
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.125-144, 2009-05-31 (Released:2018-05-01)

This paper examines and presents the characteristics of the “emotional labor” of teachers by analyzing interviews with ten elementary teachers. Moreover, it discusses the notion that the emotional labor of teachers is a teacher strategy. The concept of emotional labor, introduced by Hochschild (1983), contends that the emotion of workers becomes commoditized when these acts are sold for a salary and thereby estranged from the individual. Although Hochschild emphasizes the negative aspects of emotional labor, I contend here that the emotional labor of teachers may have strategic aspects even if it is compulsory.The differences between Hochschildʼs argument and that put forward by this author arise from two points. The first depends on the autonomy of work. The second depends on the aspect of emotional labor as a means by which teachers carry out their core classroom purposes. In this paper, I present a concrete analysis of the latter point.In Hochschildʼs argument, the commercialization of feelings and their instrumentality are dealt with as identical things, but the two aspects should be distinguished. I insist that the emotional labor of teachers has an instrumental aspect rather than one of commercialization. That is to say, for emotional labor in teaching it is important to consider how teachers manage pupilsʼ emotions. Japanese teachers hope that pupils will grow up not only academically but also emotionally. In addition, a teacherʼs instruction is based on working on pupilsʼ feelings. Thus teachers need to manage both pupilʼs feelings and their own in order to build relationships in which the parties are linked together by emotional bonds in order to enable teachers to control classrooms.Because of this, teachers are required to carry out emotion management of their work, and in this sense they constrain their emotional labor. However they carry out emotional labor strategically by changing the meaning of heteronomous emotion rules into valuable instruments for their pedagogical purposes. This strategic aspect of the emotional labor of teachers is a skill acquired in the process of socialization as teachers. Thus negative aspects do not reside in the characteristics of the emotional labor of teachers, but are caused by aspects (compulsory/strategic) which are emphasized when a teacher carries out emotional labor.However, as Hochschild shows, emotional labor becomes negative and draining when poor working conditions make it impossible for teachers to perform their work well. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct further studies concerning the emotional labor of teachers in relation to the circumstances surrounding the teacher.
伊佐 夏実 Natsumi ISA 大阪大学大学院 Graduate School Osaka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.125-144, 2009-05-31

This paper examines and presents the characteristics of the "emotional labor" of teachers by analyzing interviews with ten elementary teachers. Moreover, it discusses the notion that the emotional labor of teachers is a teacher strategy. The concept of emotional labor, introduced by Hochschild (1983), contends that the emotion of workers becomes commoditized when these acts are sold for a salary and thereby estranged from the individual. Although Hochschild emphasizes the negative aspects of emotional labor, I contend here that the emotional labor of teachers may have strategic aspects even if it is compulsory. The differences between Hochschild's argument and that put forward by this author arise from two points. The first depends on the autonomy of work. The second depends on the aspect of emotional labor as a means by which teachers carry out their core classroom purposes. In this paper, I present a concrete analysis of the latter point. In Hochschild's argument, the commercialization of feelings and their instrumentality are dealt with as identical things, but the two aspects should be distinguished. I insist that the emotional labor of teachers has an instrumental aspect rather than one of commercialization. That is to say, for emotional labor in teaching it is important to consider how teachers manage pupils' emotions. Japanese teachers hope that pupils will grow up not only academically but also emotionally. In addition, a teacher's instruction is based on working on pupils' feelings. Thus teachers need to manage both pupil's feelings and their own in order to build relationships in which the parties are linked together by emotional bonds in order to enable teachers to control classrooms. Because of this, teachers are required to carry out emotion management of their work, and in this sense they constrain their emotional labor. However they carry out emotional labor strategically by changing the meaning of heteronomous emotion rules into valuable instruments for their pedagogical purposes. This strategic aspect of the emotional labor of teachers is a skill acquired in the process of socialization as teachers. Thus negative aspects do not reside in the characteristics of the emotional labor of teachers, but are caused by aspects (compulsory/strategic) which are emphasized when a teacher carries out emotional labor. However, as Hochschild shows, emotional labor becomes negative and draining when poor working conditions make it impossible for teachers to perform their work well. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct further studies concerning the emotional labor of teachers in relation to the circumstances surrounding the teacher.
伊佐 夏実
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.125-144, 2009-05-31

This paper examines and presents the characteristics of the "emotional labor" of teachers by analyzing interviews with ten elementary teachers. Moreover, it discusses the notion that the emotional labor of teachers is a teacher strategy. The concept of emotional labor, introduced by Hochschild (1983), contends that the emotion of workers becomes commoditized when these acts are sold for a salary and thereby estranged from the individual. Although Hochschild emphasizes the negative aspects of emotional labor, I contend here that the emotional labor of teachers may have strategic aspects even if it is compulsory. The differences between Hochschild's argument and that put forward by this author arise from two points. The first depends on the autonomy of work. The second depends on the aspect of emotional labor as a means by which teachers carry out their core classroom purposes. In this paper, I present a concrete analysis of the latter point. In Hochschild's argument, the commercialization of feelings and their instrumentality are dealt with as identical things, but the two aspects should be distinguished. I insist that the emotional labor of teachers has an instrumental aspect rather than one of commercialization. That is to say, for emotional labor in teaching it is important to consider how teachers manage pupils' emotions. Japanese teachers hope that pupils will grow up not only academically but also emotionally. In addition, a teacher's instruction is based on working on pupils' feelings. Thus teachers need to manage both pupil's feelings and their own in order to build relationships in which the parties are linked together by emotional bonds in order to enable teachers to control classrooms. Because of this, teachers are required to carry out emotion management of their work, and in this sense they constrain their emotional labor. However they carry out emotional labor strategically by changing the meaning of heteronomous emotion rules into valuable instruments for their pedagogical purposes. This strategic aspect of the emotional labor of teachers is a skill acquired in the process of socialization as teachers. Thus negative aspects do not reside in the characteristics of the emotional labor of teachers, but are caused by aspects (compulsory/strategic) which are emphasized when a teacher carries out emotional labor. However, as Hochschild shows, emotional labor becomes negative and draining when poor working conditions make it impossible for teachers to perform their work well. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct further studies concerning the emotional labor of teachers in relation to the circumstances surrounding the teacher.
志水 宏吉 中村 瑛仁 若槻 健 西 徳宏 伊佐 夏実 原田 琢也 新谷 龍太朗 鈴木 勇 濱元 伸彦 佐古 清

本研究の目的は、医療・ビジネス・国際協力等幅広い分野で注目されている「社会関係資 本」概念を、教育分野、具体的には「学校づくり」の分野に応用し、すべての子どもたちの学力のみならず、彼らの非認知能力の発達にも寄与する「力のある学校」を生み出す筋道を理論的に明らかにすることにある。教育分野における社会関係資本の指標化と小中学校(10校を予定)におけるアクションリサーチが中心的作業となる。