岡本 誠 甲斐 嘉晃 三澤 遼 鈴木 勇人 時岡 駿
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.22-014, (Released:2022-09-07)

A single specimen (130.0 mm standard length: SL) of Platyberyx mauli Kukuev, Parin and Trunov, 2012, collected at 452–453 m depth off Shizugawa Bay, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, is the first record of the species from the Pacific Ocean. Previously reported only from the eastern central Atlantic, P. mauli is characterized by the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays 28 (28 in present specimen); anal-fin rays 17 (17); pectoral-fin rays 17 or 18 (18); total vertebrae number 33 or 34 (34); head length 30.4–33.9% SL (30.5% SL); body depth 45.6–52.2% SL (46.3% SL); prepectoral length 34.2–35.3% SL (34.2% SL); dorsal-fin base length 75.4–79.1% SL (76.1% SL); ventral caudal spur absent; procurrent rays cylindrical; gill rakers stout, rounded, with many small bristles, especially near tip and midway along each raker; jaw teeth in multiple rows anteriorly; posterior margin of upper jaw extending nearly to posterior margin of orbit; dorsal pharyngeal papillae multifid; conspicuous multifid papillae throughout inside of mouth cavity. The new standard Japanese name “Shamoji-yaegisu” is proposed for the species. Additionally, a single specimen (176.9 mm SL) of Platyberyx andriashevi (Kukuev, Parin and Trunov, 2012), collected off the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, represents the first record of the species from that region. A key to the six species of Caristiidae currently known from Japan is provided.
三澤 遼 鈴木 勇人 甲斐 嘉晃
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-036, (Released:2022-02-08)

The rarely collected ceratioid anglerfish family Caulophrynidae, including the genera Caulophryne Goode and Bean, 1896 and Robia Pietsch, 1979, is widely distributed from the surface to the bathypelagic zone in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Valid Caulophryne species, characterized by the absence of an expanded escal bulb, presence of only 2 pectoral radials, extremely long dorsal- and anal-fin rays, 8 caudal-fin rays, neuromasts of the acoustic-lateralis system located at the tips of elongate filaments, an illicial length less than 130% of standard length (SL), 14–22 dorsal-fin rays, and 12–19 anal-fin rays, include Caulophryne jordani Goode and Bean, 1896 and Caulophryne pelagica (Brauer, 1902) from all three oceans, Caulophryne polynema Regan, 1930 from the Atlantic and eastern Pacific, and Caulophryne bacescui Mihai-Bardan, 1982 from the eastern Pacific. A single female specimen of C. polynema, collected over a bottom depth of 658–663 m off Iwate Pref., Pacific coast of northern Japan, on 9 October 2020, was distinguished from other congeners by the following combination of characters: illicium length 17.3% SL, with about 50 translucent filaments along its entirety; 19 dorsal- and 17 anal-fin rays. In addition, a parasitic male with degenerated dorsal, anal and pectoral fins, and eyes was found on the specimen. The specimen represents the first record of Caulophryne polynema from the western North Pacific, including Japanese waters, and northernmost record of the species in the Pacific Ocean. The new standard Japanese name “Fusafusa-hirenaga-chochin-anko” is proposed for the species.
三澤 遼 木村 克也 水町 海斗 服部 努 成松 庸二 鈴木 勇人 森川 英祐 時岡 駿 永尾 次郎 柴田 泰宙 遠藤 広光 田城 文人 甲斐 嘉晃
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.20-023, (Released:2020-10-02)

New distributional records of forty-five fish species off the Pacific coast of Tohoku District, northern Japan are reported, based on specimens trawled by the R/V Wakataka-maru (Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency) during surveys in autumn of each year from 1995 to 2019. The records include northern distribution range extensions of 19 species, distribution gaps filled for 17 species, and northern and southern limits along the Pacific coast of Japan for eight and one species, respectively. Twenty-seven species were recorded off Tohoku District for the first time. In addition, taxonomic notes for each species, including some meristic and morphometric data from the collected specimens, are also provided.
三澤 遼 鈴木 勇人 甲斐 嘉晃
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.23-006, (Released:2023-07-10)

The ceratoid anglerfish genus Dolopichthys Garman, 1899, distributed in the bathypelagic zone of all three major oceans, is characterized by the following combination of characters: females with well-developed sphenotic spines; body relatively long and slender, not globular; pectoral-fin lobe short, shorter than the longest pectoral-fin rays; skin naked and entirely smooth; lower jaw with a well-developed symphysial spine; pterygiophore emerging on the snout from between the frontal bones; caudal peduncle depth less than 20% of standard length (SL); quadrate spine well developed; frontal bones long and straight; hyomandibula with a double head. The genus includes seven valid species, Dolopichthys allector Garman, 1899, Dolopichthys danae Regan, 1926, Dolopichthys longicornis Parr, 1927, Dolopichthys jubatus Regan and Trewavas, 1932, Dolopichthys pullatus Regan and Trewavas, 1932, Dolopichthys dinema Pietsch, 1972, and Dolopichthys karsteni Leipertz and Pietsch, 1987, with only D. longicornis being known from Japanese waters to date. A single female specimen (88.6 mm SL) of the rare species D. danae, was collected at a bottom depth of 902–917 m off Iwate Pref., Pacific coast of northern Japan, on 12 October 2022. The specimen was distinguished from other congeners by a longer illicium (length 70% SL), dorsal midline of the escal bulb with two darkly pigmented, distally bifurcating papillae, vomer without teeth, and lower jaw with ca. 150 teeth. Dolopichthys danae was previously known from six specimens only, all from the North Atlantic (south of 40˚N), the present specimen therefore representing the seventhknown specimen and first record of the species from the Indo-Pacific, including Japanese waters. The new standard Japanese name “Enaga-mimizuku-rakuda-anko” is proposed for the species.
鈴木 勇次
島嶼研究 (ISSN:18847013)
vol.20, no.1, pp.7-21, 2019-02-28 (Released:2020-09-29)
鈴木 勇次 Yuji Suzuki
vol.6, no.1, pp.5-15,
鈴木 勇己 二村 和視 小泉 鏡子
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.68, no.4, pp.166-170, 2021-04-15 (Released:2021-04-26)

To elucidate the effect of processing methods on the iron content of hijiki produced from the west coast of the Izu Peninsula, we analyzed the iron content and tested its correlation with the boiling time in an iron pot or the boiling and holding times in the iron pot. The iron content of the dry material of hijiki averaged 112.0±50.2 mg/100 g dry matter, and the iron content of the products processed in the iron pot was higher than that of the dry material, averaging 112.0±50.2 mg/100 g. There was no correlation between the iron content of the products and the boiling time, whereas a positive correlation was found between the boiling and holding times in the iron pot. Based on our findings, hijiki products from the west coast of the Izu Peninsula that were processed in an iron pot had a higher iron content than other sources of hijiki, and it was due not only to the length of the boiling time in the iron pot, but also the length of the holding time.
鈴木 勇介
vol.2012, pp.171-176, 2012-01-06

鈴木 勇 菅 磨志保 渥美 公秀
The Japanese Group Dynamics Association
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.42, no.2, pp.166-186, 2003-03-30 (Released:2010-06-04)
8 7

本研究は, 阪神・淡路大震災を契機とする日本の災害ボランティアの動向を歴史的経緯を踏まえて整理し, 現在展開しつつある災害NPOの全国的なネットワーク化の意義と課題を以下の3点から検討したものである。第一に, 日本における民間の災害救援活動の歴史を阪神・淡路大震災以前, 震災直後, そして, 震災以降の3つに分けて整理した。その結果, 阪神・淡路大震災を契機として, 災害に関わるボランティアが「防災ボランティア」から「災害ボランティア」へと変容し, 災害ボランティアのネットワーク化が求められてきたことが明らかになった。第二に, 災害ボランティア・NPOのネットワーク化の現状について, 事例調査を基に報告した。災害NPOは, 地元地域における従来の活動を維持しつつ, 効果的な救援活動を行うために全国ネットワークに参加していることが明らかになった。最後に, 災害NPOのネットワークがもつ今後の課題を整理し, 日本における災害救援の今後のあり方を考察した。
志水 宏吉 中村 瑛仁 若槻 健 西 徳宏 伊佐 夏実 原田 琢也 新谷 龍太朗 鈴木 勇 濱元 伸彦 佐古 清

本研究の目的は、医療・ビジネス・国際協力等幅広い分野で注目されている「社会関係資 本」概念を、教育分野、具体的には「学校づくり」の分野に応用し、すべての子どもたちの学力のみならず、彼らの非認知能力の発達にも寄与する「力のある学校」を生み出す筋道を理論的に明らかにすることにある。教育分野における社会関係資本の指標化と小中学校(10校を予定)におけるアクションリサーチが中心的作業となる。
廣谷 太一 福島 大 美並 輝也 鈴木 勇人 下竹 孝志
特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会
日本小児外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0288609X)
vol.54, no.7, pp.1369-1373, 2018-12-20 (Released:2018-12-20)

髙村 正造 鈴木 勇己 荻原 真我 古市 生 渡邊 千夏子
一般社団法人 水産海洋学会
水産海洋研究 (ISSN:09161562)
vol.84, no.2, pp.79-88, 2020-05-25 (Released:2022-03-17)

相模湾および相模灘海域で漁獲されたマアジについて,雌雄の生殖腺の組織学的観察や生殖腺重量指数(GSI)に基づいて,性成熟や産卵期などを調べた.GSIの月別変化から,雌雄ともに3–9月にGSIの高い個体が出現し,雄は5月,雌は6月にGSI平均値が最大となった.生殖腺の組織学的観察結果から,雄では精子で充たされた精巣を持つ個体が3–7月に,雌では胚胞(核)移動期および成熟(吸水)期の卵を持つ個体が4–7月にそれぞれ出現した.当該海域における最小成熟年齢は,雄では0歳,雌では1歳であるとともに,雄では11歳,雌では23歳の成熟個体も認められた.半数成熟尾叉長は雄では188.2 mm,雌では230.6 mmであり,雄は雌よりも小型・若齢で成熟することが示唆された.年齢とGSIの関係から,高齢魚ではGSIが低下する傾向が認められたが,当該海域の本種は初回成熟・産卵後から10年以上に渡って産卵に寄与し続けていると考えられた.
松本 諭 鈴木 勇至 成田 秀明 関根 徹
vol.51, pp.187-188, 1995-09-20

鈴木 勇次
島嶼研究 (ISSN:18847013)
vol.20, no.1, pp.7-21, 2019
熊谷 雄治 藤田 朋恵 横田 愼一 澤田 実花 井澤 志名野 鈴木 勇一 立岡 和弘 庄田 隆 矢後 和夫
The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
臨床薬理 (ISSN:03881601)
vol.33, no.5, pp.205-213, 2002-09-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

Objectives: Tibolone (KB-889) is a novel compound that possesses tissue-specific hormonal effects. We investigated the pharmacokinetics of tibolone in postmenopausal women in four pharmacokinetic studies, namely a dose linearity study, a multiple dose study, a study in fasted condition, and a study in elderly. In this report, the results obtained from the above four studies are summarized.Methods: In the dose linearity study, a single dose of 0.5 mg, 1 mg and 2 mg of tibolone was administered to 6 postmenopausal women using a 3-period crossover method with at least a 7-day wash-out period between treatments. In the multiple dose study, 2 mg of tibolone was administered once daily for 4 days to 6 postmenopausal women. In the study in fasted condition, a single dose of 2 mg of tibolone was administered to 6 postmenopausal women after overnight fasts. In the study in elderly, a single dose of 2 mg of tibolone was administered to 6 elderly women aged 65 or older. Plasma and urine concentrations of tibolone and its metabolites were measured.Results and Conclusion: Plasma concentrations of the 3α-OH and 3β-OH metabolites of tibolone were measured, since the levels of tibolone and its Δ4-isomer were under or near the detection limits. After single dose administration of 0.5, 1 and 2 mg of tibolone, the means of Cmax and AUC0-12h of plasma 3α-OH metabolite were 2.3, 3.5 and 6.5 ng/mL and 10.2, 18.5 and 36.7 ng·Eh/mL, respectively, and those of 3β-OH metabolites were 0.9, 1.7 and 3.1 ng/mL and 4.6, 8.8 and 17.7 ng·Eh/mL, respectively. The means of Tmax and T1/2 (6-12h) of plasma 3α-OH and 3β-OH metabolites were between 3.7 and 5.7 h, and between 3.2 and 4.4 h, respectively. The pharmacokinetic properties of tibolone were considered to be linear within the dose range of 0.5 mg to 2 mg. In the multiple dose study, no accumulation was found. When comparing the pharmacokinetic parameters obtained from the study in fasted condition with those of day 1 of the multiple dose study, the absorption of tibolone was rapid under fasted condition, but AUC was not influenced by food intake. [The means of Tmax of 3α-OH and 3β-OH metabolites were 1.17 and 1.33 h in fasted condition, and 3.83 and 4.00 h on day 1 of multiple dose.] Finally no difference in pharmacokinetics was found between postmenopausal women and elderly women in the comparison of the pharmacokinetic parameters obtained from the study in the elderly and those of day 1 of the multiple dose study.