和田 英敏 瀬能 宏 星野 修
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-030, (Released:2021-12-02)

During an ichthyofaunal survey of Sagami Bay (Japan) and surrounding waters, a single hawkfish specimen (55.7 mm standard length: SL) was collected from Izu-oshima Island, Izu Islands by handnet at a depth of 35 m on 7 December 2011. The specimen was subsequently identified as Cirrhitichthys guichenoti (Sauvage, 1880), having the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays X, 13; anal-fin rays III, 7; pectoral-fin rays 16, uppermost and lower six rays unbranched; lateral-line scales 52; horizontal scale rows between base of middle dorsal-fin spinous portion and lateral line 4; gill rakers 5 + 12; greatest body depth 31.1% of SL; snout length 35.6% of head length; enlarged canine teeth on front of upper jaw and central part of lower jaw; and lateral surface of body white with large brownish-red blotches when fresh. This species has been previously recorded from Indonesia, Mauritius, Réunion, Madagascar, Comoros and South Africa, the present specimen from Izu-oshima Island representing the first specimen-based record from the northern hemisphere and northernmost record for the species. Seventeen underwater observations (photographic and visual) from 8 November 2011 to 25 May 2021 of juvenile and adult (ca. 35–100 mm in total length) C. guichenoti, documented from Izu Peninsula, Izu-oshima Island, and Chichi-jima Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and encompassing both the coldest and hottest seasons, suggest that the population is established and reproducing in Japanese waters. The new standard Japanese name “Kiringombe” is proposed for the species, based on the present specimen.
和田 英敏 瀬能 宏 森下 修
神奈川県立博物館研究報告(自然科学) (ISSN:04531906)
vol.2023, no.52, pp.59-71, 2023-03-28 (Released:2023-03-28)

これまで紅海とアラビア海を含むインド洋の固有種と考えられていたベラ科タキベラ属魚類Bodianus opercularis (Guichenot, 1847) に同定される2標本(標準体長20.2–44.5 mm)が小笠原諸島から得られた。これらは本種の標本に基づく太平洋における初記録となるため、詳細な記載とともにここに報告する。本研究ではこのうちの1標本(KPM-NI 7936、標準体長45.5 mm)に基づき、本種に対して新標準和名「アカシマタキベラ」を提唱する。 本研究ではアカシマタキベラと、本種と異所的に生息する近縁種と考えられていた西太平洋固有のタキベラ属魚類であるBodianus neopercularis Gomon, 2006の分布記録を再検討した。その結果、アカシマタキベラはインド-西太平洋の広域に分布し、インド洋においては紅海およびアラビア海、ケニア、コモロ諸島、マダガスカル、マスカレン諸島西部、クリスマス島、西太平洋においては日本とマーシャル諸島に分布することが明らかになった。その一方でB. neopercularisの正確な分布記録はマーシャル諸島に限られることが明らかとなった。
和田 英敏 伊東 正英 本村 浩之
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)

<p>During an ichthyofaunal survey of southwestern Satsuma Peninsula, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, a single pompano specimen (748.0 mm standard length, 814.0 mm fork length) was collected by set net at a depth of 20 m on 24 November 2018. The specimen was subsequently identified as <i>Trachinotus anak</i> Ogilby, 1909, having the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays VI-I, 18; anal-fin rays II-I, 16; snout profile essentially straight immediately above upper lip; upper lip separated from snout by a continuous deep groove; a narrow band of villiform teeth on lower jaw; teeth on tongue absent; supraoccipital bone thin and blade-like; nasal and lacrimal bones hyperossified; first supraneural bone an inverted "L" shape; first to third ribs hyperossified; no distinct pattern (e.g., blotches or bands) on lateral body surface; and anal-fin lobe yellow, the anterior margin lacking brownish coloration. Because of the superficial similarity of <i>T. anak</i> to <i>T. mookalee</i> Cuvier, 1832, differentiation between the species sometimes requiring dissection, previous Japanese records of <i>T. mookalee</i> were re-examined. <i>Trachinotus mookalee</i> was confirmed as occurring in Japanese waters, but is known only from a single specimen from Miyazaki Prefecture, east coast of Kyushu, southern Japan. <i>Trachinotus anak</i> was previously known only from Taiwan, northern and eastern Australia, and New Caledonia, the present specimen from Kagoshima representing the first record from Japan and northernmost record for the species. The new standard Japanese name "Yokozunamarukoban" is herein proposed for the species.</p>
和田 英敏 甲斐 嘉晃 本村 浩之
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.48, pp.63-70, 2020-02-29 (Released:2020-03-13)

A single specimen (166.0 mm standard length) of Peristedion riversandersoni (Alcock, 1894) (Teleostei: Peristediidae), previously recorded in Japanese waters from off Toyama Prefecture in the Sea of Japan, the Pacific coast from Ibaraki to Miyazaki prefectures, and the East China Sea, was recently collected from off Iwate Prefecture, northern Japan. This specimen representing the northernmost record for P. riversandersoni is described herein. In addition, coloration of fresh and preserved specimens of P. riversandersoni are emphasized as newly recognized diagnostic characters for this species based on a comparative examination of 29 specimens of P. riversandersoni, including the Iwate specimen, with 70 specimens of Peristedion orientale Temminck and Schlegel, 1843.
IWATSUKI Yukio NAGINO Hayato TANAKA Fumiya WADA Hidetoshi TANAHARA Kei WADA Masaaki TANAKA Hiroyuki HIDAKA Koichi KIMURA Seishi 岩槻 幸雄 投野 隼斗 田中 文也 和田 英敏 棚原 奎 和田 正昭 田中 宏幸 日高 浩一 木村 清志
vol.43, pp.27-55, 2017-09

Annotated checklist of marine and fresh water fishes is reported from the Hyuga Nada area, including Miyazaki Prefecture, southern coastal area of Oita Prefecture and eastern coast of Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan. Such fishes are classified into 228 families, 680 genera and 1,340 species including 24 subspecies and 1 hybrid, consisting of natural inhabitants in the area, and invasive and introduced fishes as alien species out of Japan or from the other areas. Confirmation of each species on identification is based on voucher specimens kept in Miyazaki University and other museums, photographs of fishes taken in the area, confirmed photographs in websites and references formerly reported before August 2016. Fish occurrence tendency by our gross observation is noted at each species.
和田 英敏 福地 伊芙映 宮本 圭 立原 一憲 本村 浩之
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.49, pp.67-73, 2020

<p>Two specimens (67.5–75.1 mm standard length; SL) of <i>Plectranthias maekawa</i> Wada, Senou and Motomura 2018 (Serranidae: Anthiadinae), previously recorded only the Tokara Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, were collected from Okinawa-jima and Yonaguni-jima islands, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The present specimens, described herein in detail, represent the first records of the species from Okinawa Prefecture. Although the body depth (% of SL) has been regarded as one of diagnostic characters between <i>P</i>. <i>maekawa</i> and two closely-related congeners (<i>Plectranthias helenae</i> Randall, 1980 and <i>Plectranthias wheeleri</i> Randall, 1980) in the original description of <i>P</i>. <i>maekawa</i>, that of the present new specimens was overlapped with the latter two species (viz., 33.5–37.7% of SL in <i>P</i>. <i>maekawa</i>, 35.5–38.7% SL in <i>P</i>. <i>helenae</i>, and 35.6–37.9% of SL in <i>P</i>. <i>wheeleri</i>). The number of serration on the margins of subopercle and interopercle in <i>P</i>. <i>wheeleri</i> and <i>P</i>. <i>maekawa</i> has also been regarded as a diagnostic character for the two species, but additional specimens described in this study showed that the number of serration changed ontogenetically, and it overlapped in the similar-sized specimens of the two species. However, the validities of other diagnostic characters given in the original description of <i>P</i>. <i>maekawa</i> are reconfirmed in this study (viz., number of pectoral-fin rays, scales on above and below lateral line, morphometrics of body width, head length, third dorsal-fin spine length, caudal-peduncle length and depth, and both coloration of fresh and preserved conditions). In addition, three specimens of <i>P</i>. <i>wheeleri</i> (71.3–83.7 mm SL) from the Okinawa Islands, are reported here as the first records of the species from Okinawa Prefecture; it has been previously recorded from Japan (Sagami Bay, and Tokara and Amami islands), Taiwan, Indonesia, and Australasia.</p>