福地 伊芙映 立原 一憲
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-006, (Released:2022-02-17)

The Daito (Borodino) islands, comprising three riverless oceanic islands (Minami-daito, Kita-daito and Oki-daito Islands) mostly bounded by rocky coasts, are the only southern Japanese islands located between the Ryukyu Archipelago and the Ogasawara islands. Identification of the mullet fauna on such oceanic islands should provide a clue to the dispersal ability of the family. Field surveys at Minami-daito and Kita-daito Islands were conducted in October 2019 and March 2020 resulting in five (Chelon macrolepis, Crenimugil crenilabis, Ellochelon vaigiensis, Mugil cephalus, Oedalechilus labiosus) and four mugilid species (Ch. macrolepis, Cr. crenilabis, Neomyxus leuciscus, O. labiosus) being collected from the respective islands. In addition, a specimen of Moolgarda seheli previously collected from Minami-daito Island, was found in the collection of the National Museum of Natural and Science (NSMT). All seven mugilid species are here recorded for the first time from the Daito Islands, supported by voucher specimens. A detailed description is provided for each species.
植松 一眞 細谷 和海 吉田 将之 海野 徹也 立原 一憲 西田 睦

オランダ国ライデン自然史博物館に保管されているシーボルトが採集した日本産フナのタイプ標本を現地で精査した結果、C. cuvieriはゲンゴロウブナに,C. langsdorfiiはギンブナに,C. grandculisはニゴロブナによく一致したが、キンブナに対応するタイプ標本はなかった。一方、C. buergeriのタイプシリーズにはオオキンブナとナガブナが混入している可能性が示唆された。日本各地および韓国群山市で採集したフナ59個体と7品種のキンギョを入手し、筋肉断片から抽出したミトコンドリアDNA(mtDNA)ND4/ND5領域の約3400塩基配列に基づく近隣結合法による系統樹作成、外部形態・計数形質・内部形態の計28項目の計測比較、倍数性の確認を行なった。その結果、これらは1.琵琶湖起源のゲンゴロウブナからなる集団、2.韓国・南西諸島のフナとキンギョからなる集団、3.日本主要集団からなることが遺伝学的にも形態学的にも確認された。日本産と韓国産の2倍体フナは異なる久ラスダーを形成したことから、両者には異なる学名を与えるべきと考えた。日本主要集団の2倍体個体はさらに東北亜集団(キンブナ)、中部亜集団(ナガブナとニゴロブナ)、そして南日本集団(オオキンブナ)に分けられるので、これらに与えるべき学名を新たに提案した。また、ゲンゴロウブナ集団はすべて2倍体であったが、他の2集団は、遺伝的に非常に近い2倍体と3倍体からなる集団であった。すなわち、2倍体と3倍体は各地域集団において相互に生殖交流しつつ分化したものと考えられた。キンギョは遺伝的に日本主要集団のフナとは明らかに異なり、韓国・南西諸島の集団に属するので、大陸のフナがその起源であることがあらためて確認された。フナとキンギョの行動特性(情動反応性)が明らかに異なることを示すとともに、その原因となる脳内発現遺伝子の候補を得た。
立原 一憲 大城 直雅 林田 宜之 西村 美桜 伊藤 茉美

石川 哲郎 高田 未来美 徳永 圭史 立原 一憲
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
保全生態学研究 (ISSN:13424327)
vol.18, no.1, pp.5-18, 2013-05-30 (Released:2017-08-01)

1996〜2011年に、沖縄島の266河川において、外来魚類の定着状況と分布パターンを詳細に調査した結果、13科に属する30種1雑種の外来魚類を確認した。このうち、温帯域から熱帯域を含む様々な地域を原産とする合計22種(国外外来種19種、国内外来種4種)が沖縄島の陸水域で繁殖していると判断され、外来魚類の種数は在来魚類(7種)の3倍以上に達していた。繁殖している外来魚類の種数は、20年前のデータと比較して2倍以上に増加していたが、これは1985年以降に18種もの観賞用魚類が相次いで野外へ遺棄され、うち10種が繁殖に成功したことが原因であると考えられた。外来魚類の分布は、各種の出現パターンから4グループに分けられた:極めて分布が広範な種(カワスズメOreochromis mossambicusおよびグッピーPoecilia reticulata)、分布が広範な種(カダヤシGambusia affinisなど4種)、分布が中程度の広さの種(マダラロリカリアPterygoplichthys disjunctivusなど5種)および分布が狭い種(ウォーキングキャットフィッシュClarias batrachusなど20種)。外来魚類の出現頻度と人口密度との間には正の相関が認められ、外来魚類の出現パターンと人間活動との間に密接な関係があることが示唆された。外来魚類は、導入から時間が経過するほど分布を拡大する傾向があったが、その速度は種ごとに異なっていた。特に、日本本土やヨーロッパにおいて極めて侵略的な外来魚類であると考えられているモツゴPseudorasbora parva、オオクチバスMicropterus salmoidesおよびブルーギルLepomis macrochirusの分布拡大が遅く、外来魚類の侵略性が導入された環境により異なることが示唆された。沖縄島の陸水域において新たな外来魚類の導入を阻止するためには、観賞用魚類の野外への遺棄を禁ずる法規制の整備と共に、生物多様性に対する外来生物の脅威について地域住民に啓発していくことが重要である。
平嶋 健太郎 立原 一憲
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.47, no.1, pp.29-41, 2000-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Members of the genus Rhinogobius are widely distributed in Far East Asia, at least 11 species having been recognized in Japan. Of the six species recorded from Okinawa Island, two are land-locked (“aobara-yoshinobori” R. sp.BB and “kibara-yoshinobori” R. sp.YB) and the remainder amphidromous. Embryonic development and morphological changes in the two land-locked species are described from artifically-reared eggs, larvae and juveniles. Survival and growth of the two species were compared under different salinities (0-35%0) dur-ing a 21-day period following hatching. Although egg diameters of both species were almost the same (“aobara-yoshinobori”; 4.3±0.1 mm, “kibara-yoshinobori”; 4.3±0.2 mm), newly-hatched larval morphology, and larval and juvenile salinity tolerance clearly differed. Newly-hatched larvae of “aobara-yoshinobori” had a flexed notochord and caudal fin rays already developed. The yolk was completely consumed 3 days after hatching. By comparison, “kibara-yoshinobori” hatched at an ealier developmental stage, having a straight notochord. The yolk disappeared 7 days after hatching. Larvae and juveniles of “aobara-yoshinobori” were less toler-ant in high salinity than those of “kibara-yoshinobori”. The results suggested that the two land-locked gobies have become adapted to a wholly fluvial life cycle, through somewhat different strategies.
立原 一憲 木村 清朗
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.54, no.1, pp.55-60, 1988-01-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
9 7

Observations on the life history of land-locked Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis were made in Lake Ikeda, in Kagoshima Pref., from 1981 to 1985. In this study, two types of Ayu were recognized in its social behavior of immature adult fish in the Lake. One is territorial type and the other is non-territorial type. Some differences were found in the shape of dorsal fin and the color pattern of body between two social types. The territorial fish have longer posterior dorsal fin rays and darker fin membranes than those of non-territorial ones. The former have three clear yellow oval marks on their gill covers and anterior body sides, however, the latter have only one mark and its coloration is pale or faint. Thesevariations are not related with body size and sexuality but with the social type. It is suggested that large and clear yellow marks are signal for recognition of their status among owners of territory and for showing the domination of owner to non-territorial fish. Thus, these differences between two social types of Ayu show a possibility of being applied to the evaluation of fishing ground of this species.
立原 一憲 木村 清朗
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.57, no.12, pp.2187-2192, 1991-12-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
6 7

Observations on the life history of the land locked ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis were made in Lake Ikeda, Kagoshima Prefecture, 1981 to 1986. The gonads of males and females developed rapidly from August and the GSI of both sexes indicated the highest values in October. The diameter of ovulated oocytes in the body cavity ranged from 0.74 to 0.99mm and the relation between the number and standard length of fish was represented as E=0.00188χL3.418. The spawning season of the ayu in the lake was from early October to late November. The ayu spawned mainly at shore lines shallower than about 30cm in depth and the substrate of reds consisted of fine gravel, ranging mostly from 3-10mm in diameter. The sex composition of the ayu crowding the spawning site was not the same throughout the spawning season. Males predominated in the early period of the season, and females in the latter. The male fish matured simultaneously and most of them crowded at spawning grounds. On the other hand, the fully matured female appeared at the spawning site one by one, while the immature ones dispersed around the site in low density. It is suggested that this mode of spawning in the ayu may be one of the important factors for sustaining its population land locked in Lake Ikeda.
立原 一憲 蛭子 亮制 塚島 康生
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.59, no.9, pp.1479-1488, 1993 (Released:2008-02-29)
29 31

The spawning, embryonic development, and morphological changes of the purplish amberjack Seriola dumerili were observed using specimens reared at the Aquaculture Research Laboratory of Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries. Spawning was induced by intra-mascular injection of pituitary homogenate of the chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta and the genital hormone. Spawning occurred 36 hours after hormone treatment and 1, 400, 000 and 7, 000, 000 eggs were obtained in 1990 and 1991, respectively. The eggs were pelagic, spherical, and 1.05-1.20mm in diameter with a single oil globule of 0.22-0.28mm. The larvae hatched out 37 hours after spawning (W. T. 24.6°C). The newly hatched larvae were 2.7-3.1mm in length with 26 myotomes and a single oil globule. The yolk was mostly absorbed on the 4th day after hatching when the larvae attained 3.9mm in length and began to feed on rotifers. In the postlarval stage (6.3mm B. L.) the rudiments of ventral, dorsal, and anal fins began to develop and the vertebra was well ossified. In the juvenile stage (11.2mm B. L.) the membranous fins disappeared and fish gathered around drifting algae. Later in the juvenile stage (35.0mm B. L.) six or seven lateral bands appeared in the trunk as well as a band from the eye to the anterior part of the dorsal fin base. At a body length of 100mm, they reached the stage of young fish, while at a size of over 170mm in body length a yellow vertical stripe appeared from behind the operculum to the caudal peduncle. The smallest size of sexual maturation was thought to be about 600mm. Notochord or standard length at each growth stage was as follows: 2.7-3.9mm (yolk sac stage), 3.9-4.7mm (preflexion stage), 4.8-8.5mm (postflexion stage), 10-100mm (juvenile stage), 100-600mm (young stage), and over 600mm (adult stage).
福地 伊芙映 立原 一憲
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)

<p>The Daito (Borodino) islands, comprising three riverless oceanic islands (Minami-daito, Kita-daito and Oki-daito Islands) mostly bounded by rocky coasts, are the only southern Japanese islands located between the Ryukyu Archipelago and the Ogasawara islands. Identification of the mullet fauna on such oceanic islands should provide a clue to the dispersal ability of the family. Field surveys at Minami-daito and Kita-daito Islands were conducted in October 2019 and March 2020 resulting in five (<i>Chelon macrolepis</i>, <i>Crenimugil crenilabis</i>, <i>Ellochelon vaigiensis</i>, <i>Mugil cephalus</i>, <i>Oedalechilus labiosus</i>) and four mugilid species (<i>Ch. macrolepis</i>, <i>Cr. crenilabis</i>, <i>Neomyxus leuciscus</i>, <i>O. labiosus</i>) being collected from the respective islands. In addition, a specimen of <i>Moolgarda seheli</i> previously collected from Minami-daito Island, was found in the collection of the National Museum of Natural and Science (NSMT). All seven mugilid species are here recorded for the first time from the Daito Islands, supported by voucher specimens. A detailed description is provided for each species.</p>
立原 一憲 木村 清朗
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.54, no.7, pp.1107-1113, 1988
1 4

A study on the life history of land-locked ayu <i>Plecoglossus altivelis</i> was made in Lake Ikeda, Kagoshima Prefecture, from 1981 to 1986.<br>Like amphidromous ayu, the life span of the land-locked fish in this lake is usually only one year and most of them die after spawning in autumn. However, a few individuals of land-locked ayu passing over the second winter are found in the lake.<br>The specimens counting 7, 810 of ayu in the lake were collected during this study and 73 of them were thought to be the over-wintered ones, because they had a conspicuous spawning mark on the embeded part of their scales. None of 0<sup>+</sup> fish had any such scales. The amounts of fat tissue around viscera of mature ayu decreased in the spawning season from early October to late Novermber. Also, the condition factor of ayu caught in November showed very wide range from 0.6 to 1.7. The fish whose condition factor was less than 0.9 had exteremely shrunk stomach without any food, whereas the fish of more than 1.3 in condition factor had normal stomach containing a small amounts of diatoms and blue-green algae. All specimens of 1<sub>+</sub> fish, which were collected after December, had recovered their fat tissue and begun to grow again. Thus, it is suggested that the survival of ayu after spawning season depends on the degree of stomach shrinkage and adequate intake of food. Some of them grew 150mm in standard length or more by the next autumn.<br>The specimens of mature 1<sup>+</sup> fish which were caught at a spawning ground in October suggests that some of the over-wintered ayu in the lake are able to attain maturity in second spawning season.
立原 一憲 木村 清朗
vol.57, no.5, pp.789-795, 1991 (Released:2011-03-05)
上原 匡人 本永 文彦 太田 格 海老沢 明彦 宮岡 勇輝 立原 一憲
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.68, no.2, pp.129-142, 2021

<p>The Indian mackerel <i>Rastrelliger kanagurta</i> is an important coastal fishery resource for Okinawa Prefecture, southwestern Japan. However, much is still unknown about its life history. The early development, occurrence, sexual maturation, and reproductive cycle of the species was examined from specimens collected from the coastal waters of Okinawa Island, and management of the fishery evaluated. Larvae [3.4 mm notochord length–12.5 mm standard length (SL)] and juveniles (11.4–16.2 mm SL) of <i>R. kanagurta</i> were distinguished from other mackerel species by: 1) numbers of myomeres, 2) absence of spines on the preopercle posterior margins, 3) positional relationship between the upper and lower jaw tips, 4) melanophore pattern, and 5) distribution (allopatric). Both larvae and juveniles occurred in the offshore epipelagic zone of Nakagusuku Bay in May, June, and August, which coincided with the occurrence of high-gonadosomatic value adults in coastal waters. However, specimens were not encountered in extremely shallow coastal areas (e.g., tidal flats), although younger individuals may utilize such the offshore epipelagic zone of the bay, attaining fork lengths (FL) of ca. 8 cm. Individuals mature at ca. 26 cm FL, one year after hatching. <i>R. kanagurta</i> are primarily caught by set net fishery near Okinawa, small (immature) individuals accounting for > 45% of netted individuals in all months, except May and June, during the period from April 1985 to April 1987, and for > 35% of the examined individuals in all months, except June and July, between April 2011 and March 2016. These results for both periods suggest growth overfishing. Accordingly, immature individuals must be conserved to sustain the Okinawan population of <i>R. kanagurta</i>.</p>
上原 匡人 太田 格 海老沢 明彦 立原 一憲
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.68, no.2, pp.93-107, 2021

<p>Two closely related, commercially important threadfin breams, <i>Nemipterus furcosus</i> and <i>N. peronii</i>, are an essential coastal fishery resource in Okinawa Prefecture. The age, growth, reproductive cycle, and stomach contents from 124 <i>N. furcosus</i> and 37 <i>N. peronii</i>, obtained from November 2011 to December 2015, were examined, age being assessed from sectioned otoliths and gonadal histology. <i>Nemipterus furcosus</i> and <i>N. peronii</i> were the most abundant threadfin breams in Kin Bay and Nakagusuku Bay, Okinawa Island, areas including many coastal tidal flats, where the two species comprised 98.1% of the total number of <i>Nemipterus</i> individuals examined. Overall sex ratios of both species were significantly sex-biased, the apparent lack of transitional gonads implying functional gonochorism. The spawning seasons of both species were estimated as occurring between spring and fall, no immature fishes having been obtained. Age validation using edge-type analyses implied that opaque zones were formed once per year, being valid annual growth increments. Although no intersex differences in maximum length, growth equation, and age range were observed in <i>N. furcosus</i>, <i>N. peronii</i> females were larger and older than males. The greatest ages observed were 4.3 and 7.0 years for <i>N. furcosus</i> and <i>N. peronii</i>, respectively. Both species fed predominantly on crabs, which primarily occupied the inner bays. Over the previous 27 years, the catch per unit effort of <i>Nemipterus</i> has declined in the highly altered environments of Kin and Nakagusuku Bays, suggesting that the decline in the populations of these species at Okinawa Island may be due to coastal fishery practices, environmental decline, and the degradation of suitable habitats. The biological implications for conservation are discussed.</p>
上原 匡人 本永 文彦 太田 格 海老沢 明彦 宮岡 勇輝 立原 一憲
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)

<p>The Indian mackerel <i>Rastrelliger kanagurta</i> is an important coastal fishery resource for Okinawa Prefecture, southwestern Japan. However, much is still unknown about its life history. The early development, occurrence, sexual maturation, and reproductive cycle of the species was examined from specimens collected from the coastal waters of Okinawa Island, and management of the fishery evaluated. Larvae [3.4 mm notochord length–12.5 mm standard length (SL)] and juveniles (11.4–16.2 mm SL) of <i>R. kanagurta</i> were distinguished from other mackerel species by: 1) numbers of myomeres, 2) absence of spines on the preopercle posterior margins, 3) positional relationship between the upper and lower jaw tips, 4) melanophore pattern, and 5) distribution (allopatric). Both larvae and juveniles occurred in the offshore epipelagic zone of Nakagusuku Bay in May, June, and August, which coincided with the occurrence of high-gonadosomatic value adults in coastal waters. However, specimens were not encountered in extremely shallow coastal areas (e.g., tidal flats), although younger individuals may utilize such the offshore epipelagic zone of the bay, attaining fork lengths (FL) of ca. 8 cm. Individuals mature at ca. 26 cm FL, one year after hatching. <i>R. kanagurta</i> are primarily caught by set net fishery near Okinawa, small (immature) individuals accounting for > 45% of netted individuals in all months, except May and June, during the period from April 1985 to April 1987, and for > 35% of the examined individuals in all months, except June and July, between April 2011 and March 2016. These results for both periods suggest growth overfishing. Accordingly, immature individuals must be conserved to sustain the Okinawan population of <i>R. kanagurta</i>.</p>