木村 妙子 木村 昭一 自見 直人 倉持 利明 藤田 敏彦 駒井 智幸 吉田 隆太 田中 隼人 岡西 政典 小川 晟人 小林 格 小玉 将史 齋藤 礼弥 清野 裕暉 片平 浩孝 中野 裕昭 吉川 晟弘 上野 大輔 田中 正敦 大矢 佑基 前川 陽一 中村 亨 奥村 順哉 田中 香月 Kimura Taeko Kimura Shoichi Jimi Naoto Kuramochi Toshiaki Fujita Toshihiko Komai Tomoyuki Yoshida Ryuta Tanaka Hayato Okanishi Masanori Ogawa Akito Kobayashi Itaru Kodama Masafumi Saito Masaya Kiyono Yuki Katahira Hirotaka Nakano Hiroaki Yoshikawa Akihiro Uyeno Daisuke Tanaka Masaatsu Oya Yuki Maekawa Yoichi Nakamura Toru Okumura Junya Tanaka Kazuki
三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科紀要 = The bulletin of the Graduate School of Bioresources Mie University
vol.45, pp.11-50, 2019-09

Preliminary results of the deep-sea faunal survey conducted from the TR/V Seisui-maru of Mie University in April 2018 are presented. 18 taxonomists and ecologists working on a wide variety of animal taxa participated in this survey. Surveyed areas included the Kumano Sea (off Mie Prefecture) and south of the Kii Strait (off Tanabe Bay, Wakayama Prefecture), at depths of 80-821 m. Sampling gears employed were beam trawl and biological dredge. The collection is represented by macrobenthos and meiobenthos from 11 animal phyla, including arthropods, echinoderms, annelids and molluscans. The number of phyla occurring in each station varied from 3 to 7. The station with most diverse fauna at the phylum level was St. 3B (south of the Kii Strait, 421-543 m depth, sandy mud bottom). Meiofauna includes priapulids and small arthropods, such as ostracods, tanaidaceans, isopods, cumaceans and acarus. In addition to free-living species, parasitic crustaceans, platyhelminthes, acanthocephalans, annelids and cnidarians were also collected from fishes, ascidians, urchins, holothurians, crustaceans and polychaetes. Preliminary identifications are given for Ostracoda, Cirripedia, Amphipoda, Decapoda, Asteroidea,Ophiuroidea, Holothuroidea, polychaetes, Echiura, Mollusca and Xenoturbellida.
草本 真実 白水 貴 保坂 健太郎 細矢 剛 Kusamoto Mami Shirouzu Takashi Hosaka Kentaro Hosoya Tsuyoshi
三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科紀要 = The bulletin of the Graduate School of Bioresources Mie University
vol.47, pp.1-11, 2021-12

Auricularia specimens deposited in the National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan, were observed to reexamine their species identification based on updated taxonomic criteria, and to verify the taxonomy and distribution of Auricularia spp. in Japan. Four of the ten specimens previously identified as A. auriculajudae were reidentified as A. americana (1), A. cornea (1), and A. villosula (2) based on morphological criteria such as medullae, abhymenial hairs, and basidiospores. The remaining six specimens could not be identified at the species level due to the lack of distinguishing morphological characteristics. Two of the five specimens previously considered A. minor were identified as different species due to basidiospore size discrepancy, but the remaining two specimens and the type specimen were in poor condition, and their basidiospores could not be properly observed. Three of the nine specimens previously identified as A. polytricha were reidentified as A. cornea based on morphological criteria. The remaining six specimens were not identified as A. polytricha. The type specimens of A. polytricha f. leucochroma and A. polytricha f. tenuis were in poor condition, and their basidiospores could not be properly observed. Reexaminations of existing specimens based on recent taxonomic criteria will contribute to updating the taxonomy and distribution of Auricularia spp. in Japan.
神田 育子 古山 歩 若林 郁夫 若井 嘉人 船坂 徳子 吉岡 基 Kanda Ikuko Furuyama Ayumi Wakabayashi Ikuo Wakai Yoshito Funasaka Noriko Yoshioka Motoi
三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科紀要 = The bulletin of the Graduate School of Bioresources Mie University
vol.47, pp.13-23, 2021-12

In this study, we aimed at clarifying the recent trends in narrow-ridged finless porpoise stranding on the west coast of Ise Bay. We analyzed the annual/monthly change in the number of stranded individuals, the status found, the length and sex of the individuals, and the seasonality of the geographical distribution data from 486 individuals collected along the northern central coast of Mie Prefecture for 10 years from January 2011 to December 2020. The annual number of stranded individuals fluctuated between 2011 and 2015, although it was stably around 60 individuals after 2016 when a local stranding network of universities, aquariums, museums, and local governments were established. As for the status of stranding, 96.5% of the individuals were found alone and they were dead except one. More males were observed among the stranded individuals than females with a sex ratio of 1.4. The body length frequency data showed that 75-85 cm individuals, approximately of birth length, accounted for 51.1% and 39.1% in the male and female groups, respectively, and stranding during the newborn period was overwhelmingly predominant. Several individuals below the birth length were found in April-July while the peak of calving season was considered to be April-June. The monthly number of stranded individuals peaked in May-June every year, and dead newborn calves were major factors in boosting the number of stranded individuals found during this period. The geographical distribution of stranded individuals displayed seasonal changes. Most stranded animals were recorded in the central part of the west coast of Ise Bay in April-June, exhibiting a gradual decrease and becoming scarce by January-March.
下野 義人 広井 勝 高松 進 下野 義人 広井 勝 高松 進
no.40, pp.65-75, 2014-03

Phylogenetic relationships with in Russula section Compactae were investigated using sequence data from the nuclear-encoded large subunit ribosomal DNA(n-LSU rDNA)and ITS region, including the 5.8 S rDNA. Forty-two sequences of the n-LSU rDNA and forty-nine sequences of the ITS region with outgroups were used in this study. Analysis of the n-LSU rDNA indicated that the Compactae section was divided into three large groups: group A comprised R.densifolia and R.adusta, group B comprised R. subnigricans, and group Ccomprised R. nigricans. The ITS region did not support the monophyly of group B. Subgroup B-5 was sister to all other taxa of the Compactae section in the NJ and MP trees, and subgroup B-1 grouped with group C. Consequently, R. densifolia and R. adusta(group A)and R. nigricans(group C)were considered largely monophyletic, but R. subnigricans(group B)was not monophyletic. Russula densifolia (group A), but not R. adusta, were divided into six different subgroups.リボソームDNA28S領域(LSUrDNA)および5.8Sを含むITS領域の塩基配列に基づいて、ベニタケ属クロハツ節の分子系統解析を行った。外群を含めて28S領域の解析には42個、ITS領域では49個のシークエンスを用いた。最節約法(MP)に基づく、リボゾームDNAの28S領域の解析では、クロハツ節は大きな3群(groupA-C)に別れた。GroupAはクロハツモドキ(Russuladensifolia)とコゲイロハツ(R.adusta)、GroupBはニセクロハツ(R.subnigricans)、GroupCはクロハツ(R.nigricans)で構成された。ITS領域の解析ではGroupBの単系統を支持しなかった。MPおよび近隣結合法(NJ)ではGroupB-5は今回の研究で用いたすべてのクロハツ節の個体と姉妹群を形成し、GroupB-1はGroupCと同群に属した。これらのことから、クロハツモドキとコゲイロハツを含むGroupAとクロハツを含むgroupCはともに単系統であると推測されたが、ニセクロハツ(groupB)は単系統ではないと考えられた。コゲイロハツを除くとクロハツモドキの特徴を示す仲間は6小群に別れた。
内山 智裕 Sruamsiri Pittaya Jarupanthu Chantaree 内山 智裕 スワムシリ ピタヤ ジャルパンツ チャンタレー
no.37, pp.19-30, 2011-02

タイは世界最大のパイナップル生産国であるが, 日本への生鮮パイナップルの輸出量は極めて小さい。本論では,タイ産生鮮パイナップルの対日輸出拡大の可能性を探るべく,消費者に対するアンケート調査およびパイナップル市場に関する統計と専門誌レビューによる整理分析を行った。その結果は以下の通りである。①消費者はタイ産「ベビーパイナップル」の食味を概ね評価しているが,価格評価は高くなく,売上拡大の可能性と課題を有している。②タイ産パイナップルの対日輸出を見ると,缶詰や果汁では支配的な地位を占めているが,缶詰の国内市場は縮小傾向にある。③データは不足しているものの生鮮パイナップル流通では一部の企業が寡占的な位置を確立しており,シェア拡大のためにはこれらの企業と提携が重要となることが明らかになった。2007年の日タイEPAの計画の1つは,農業の持続的発展および食の安全性確保に向けた協力の促進である。 企業間の連携だけでなく,共同研究による日タイ間の協力の推進も必要であるといえる。
IWATSUKI Yukio NAGINO Hayato TANAKA Fumiya WADA Hidetoshi TANAHARA Kei WADA Masaaki TANAKA Hiroyuki HIDAKA Koichi KIMURA Seishi 岩槻 幸雄 投野 隼斗 田中 文也 和田 英敏 棚原 奎 和田 正昭 田中 宏幸 日高 浩一 木村 清志
vol.43, pp.27-55, 2017-09

Annotated checklist of marine and fresh water fishes is reported from the Hyuga Nada area, including Miyazaki Prefecture, southern coastal area of Oita Prefecture and eastern coast of Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan. Such fishes are classified into 228 families, 680 genera and 1,340 species including 24 subspecies and 1 hybrid, consisting of natural inhabitants in the area, and invasive and introduced fishes as alien species out of Japan or from the other areas. Confirmation of each species on identification is based on voucher specimens kept in Miyazaki University and other museums, photographs of fishes taken in the area, confirmed photographs in websites and references formerly reported before August 2016. Fish occurrence tendency by our gross observation is noted at each species.
新田 恭大 向井 貴彦 淀 太我 吉岡 基 NITTA Yasutomo MUKAI Takahiko YODO Taiga YOSHIOKA Motoi
vol.40, pp.45-64, 2014-03-01

The fish fauna of the Ano River in Mie Prefecture, central Japan, was surveyed between May 2013 and August 2013. A total of 1242 individuals of 38 species belonging to 15 families were collected from 13 stations and 3 species belonging to 3 families were visually confirmed. Six species, Dasyatis akajei, Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris, Microphis(Oostethus)brachyurus brachyurus, Plectorhinchus cinctus, Kuhlia marginata, Rhinogobius sp. BF, Rhinogobiussp. OM were newly added to the fish fauna of the Ano River. Six alien species were collected and seven species of threatened fishes in red list of Ministry of Environment Japan or in red databook of Mie Prefecture, such as Cottus reinii were collected. Two of these alien species, Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis macrochirus macrochirus were designated “Invasive Alien Species” by Invasive Alien Species Act (Law of Japan). Other four species, Acheilognathus rhombeus, Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris, Rhinogobius sp. OM, and Tachysurus nudiceps were domestic alien speceies and the former three species were evidently introduced from Lake Biwa basin. It seemed that a dam(1.8m in hight) which constructed in the middle leach of the river disturb diadromous migration. Control of alien species and improvement of the fish way on the dam are necessary to conserve fish biodiversity in the Ano River.
木村 妙子 木村 昭一 角井 敬知 波々伯部 夏美 倉持 利明 藤田 敏彦 小川 晟人 小林 格 自見 直人 岡西 政典 山口 悠 広瀬 雅人 吉川 晟弘 福地 順 下村 通誉 柏尾 翔 上野 大輔 藤原 恭司 成瀬 貫 櫛田 優花 喜瀬 浩輝 前川 陽一 中村 亨 奥村 順哉 田中 香月 Kimura Taeko Kimura Shoichi Kakui Keiichi Hookabe Natsumi Kuramochi Toshiaki Fujita Toshihiko Ogawa Akito Kobayashi Itaru Jimi Naoto Okanishi Masanori Yamaguchi Haruka Hirose Masato Yoshikawa Akihiro Fukuchi Jun Shimomura Michitaka Kashio Sho Uyeno Daisuke Fujiwara Kyoji Naruse Tohru Kushida Yuka Kise Hiroki Maekawa Yoichi Nakamura Toru Okumura Junya Tanaka Kazuki
三重大学フィールド研究・技術年報 = Annals of Field Research and Technology Mie University (ISSN:13496824)
vol.17, pp.1-29, 2019-11

Preliminary results of the deep-sea faunal survey conducted from the TR/V Seisui-maru of Mie University in April 2019 are presented. A total of 20 taxonomists and ecologists working on a wide variety of animal taxa participated in this survey. Surveyed areas included the Kumano Sea(off Mie Prefecture)and south of the Kii Strait(off Tanabe Bay, Wakayama Prefecture), at depths of 112-775 m. Sampling gears employed were beam trawl and biological dredge. The collection is represented by macrobenthos and meiobenthos from nine animal phyla, including echinoderms, arthropods, molluscans and annelids. The number of phyla occurring in each station varied from seven to eight. The station with most diverse fauna at the phylum level was St. 3B(south of the Kii Strait, 775-661 m depth, mud bottom).Meiofauna includes priapulids, nematodes and small arthropods such as copepods, tanaidaceans, amphipods, isopods and cumaceans. In addition to freeliving species, cnidarians symbiotic on a gastropod and an antipatharian, and crustaceans parasitic on a fi sh and sea urchins were also collected. Preliminary identifi cations are given for Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Holothuroidea, Crinoidea, Cyclopoida, Siphonostomatoida, Tanaidacea, Isopoda, Decapoda, Mollusca, polychaetes, Bryozoa, Cnidaria and Nemertea.
関根 義彦
no.37, pp.57-60, 2011-02

To infer the future and / or the true mechanism is an important event in the present society. It is pointed out that to confirm the predicting events on the four dimensional situation, three special dimensions and a time dimension, and to consider the events on the four dimensional coordinate are an basic important process in the inference of future problems and / or the true mechanism. Examples of special difficult problems of future inference such as the nonlinear characteristics of the fluid dynamics is also discussed.
飯島 慈裕 会田 健太郎 浅沼 順 石川 守 岩崎 博之 太田 岳史 小谷 亜由美 佐藤 友徳 篠田 雅人 杉浦 幸之助 朴 昊澤 檜山 哲哉 平沢 尚彦 金子 有紀 堀 雅裕 GOMBOLUUDEV Purevjav OYUNBAATAR Dambaravjaa IIJIMA Yoshihiro AIDA Kentaro ASANUMA Jun ISHIKAWA Mamoru IWASAKI Hiroyuki OHTA Takeshi KOTANI Ayumi SATO Tomonori SHINODA Masato SUGIURA Konosuke PARK Hotaek HIYAMA Tetsuya HIRASAWA Naohiko KANEKO Yuki HORI Masahiro
no.43, pp.15-25, 2017-09

宇宙航空研究開発機構によって2014年2月に打ち上げられた全球降水観測計画(GPM: Global Precipitation Measurement)の主衛星は高緯度地域の降水量が新規に得られる。このデータの検証は,今後の寒冷圏陸域の水循環・水資源研究等への利用促進に向けた観測精度の向上を図るうえで必要不可欠である。本研究プロジェクトでは,観測研究を実施してきた国内外の機関が協働して,北東ユーラシア(主としてモンゴル・東シベリア)で既設の観測システムを改良し,他の衛星データ解析と合わせて,夏季降水(降雨),冬季降水(降積雪)およびそれらの空間分布に関する地上検証を行う。また,今後の応用研究に向けて,陸面モデル・分布型河川流出モデル,メソ気象モデルを利用した,地域規模のGPM観測データの利用可能性を検討する。
勝川 俊雄 Toshio KATSUKAWA
no.38, pp.81-88, 2012-03

Japanese seafood industry was hit by earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011. The tsunami swept across fishing ports in the country's northeast area (Sanriku-area). The fisheries in Sanriku-area have been shrinking since 1970's. More than half of the fisherman is aged over 60 and has no successor. Therefore, we are facing difficult situation. In order to reconstruct fisheries, restoration to the original condition is not enough. We have to reform fishing industry at the same time.
木村 妙子 木村 昭一 自見 直人 角井 敬知 冨岡 森理 大矢 佑基 松本 裕 田邊 優航 長谷川 尚弘 波々伯部 夏美 本間 理子 細田 悠史 藤本 心太 倉持 利明 藤田 敏彦 小川 晟人 小林 格 石田 吉明 田中 颯 大西 はるか 締次 美穂 吉川 晟弘 田中 正敦 櫛田 優花 前川 陽一 中村 亨 奥村 順哉 田中 香月 Kimura Taeko Kimura Shoichi Jimi Naoto Kakui Keiichi Tomioka Shinri Oya Yuki Matsumoto Yu Tanabe Yuki Hasegawa Naohiro Hookabe Natsumi Homma Riko Hosoda Yushi Fujimoto Shinta Kuramochi Toshiaki Fujita Toshihiko Ogawa Akito Kobayashi Itaru Ishida Yoshiaki Tanaka Hayate Onishi Haruka Shimetsugu Miho Yoshikawa Akihiro Tanaka Masaatsu Kushida Yuka Maekawa Yoichi Nakamura Toru Okumura Junya Tanaka Kazuki
三重大学フィールド研究・技術年報 = Annals of Field Research and Technology Mie University (ISSN:13496824)
vol.16, pp.1-32, 2018-10

In this study, we had investigated the benthic deep-sea fauna using the dredge and beam trawl in the region from the continental shelf to the continental slope of the Sea of Kumano, Mie Prefecture, during the No.1722 research voyage of the training ship Seisui-Maru of Mie University. The survey was carried out at 16 stations covering a depth range of 113-1059 m. The results of the survey, 14 phyla had been confirmed. Arthropod, echinoderm, annelid and molluscan macrobenthos were collected from all of the stations. The phylum number of each station was in the range from 4 to 11. The largest number of phyla had been confi rmed at St.10D of boulders bottom(768-800 m depth). Meiobenthos confi rmed in our sample were kinorhynchs, nematodes, tardigrades, loriciferans and small arthropods such as tanaidaceans, copepods and cumaceans. In addition to free-living species, parasitic copepods, isopods, platyhelminthes, acanthocephalans and nematodes had been found in fish, crustaceans and polychaetes.
下野 義人 広井 勝 高松 進
no.40, pp.65-75, 2014 (Released:2014-11-21)

リボソームDNA 28S領域(LSU rDNA)および5.8Sを含むITS領域の塩基配列に基づいて、ベニタケ属クロハツ節の分子系統解析を行った。外群を含めて28S領域の解析には42個、ITS領域では49個のシークエンスを用いた。最節約法(MP)に基づく、リボゾームDNAの28S領域の解析では、クロハツ節は大きな3群(group A-C)に別れた。Group Aはクロハツモドキ(Russula densifolia)とコゲイロハツ(R. adusta)、Group Bはニセクロハツ(R. subnigricans)、Group Cはクロハツ(R. nigricans)で構成された。ITS領域の解析ではGroup Bの単系統を支持しなかった。MPおよび近隣結合法(NJ)ではGroup B-5は今回の研究で用いたすべてのクロハツ節の個体と姉妹群を形成し、Group B-1はGroup Cと同群に属した。これらのことから、クロハツモドキとコゲイロハツを含むGroup Aとクロハツを含むgroup Cはともに単系統であると推測されたが、ニセクロハツ(group B)は単系統ではないと考えられた。コゲイロハツを除くとクロハツモドキの特徴を示す仲間は6小群に別れた。
矢田 裕美 磯村 慎亮 宮﨑 照雄 YATA Hiromi ISOMURA Shinsuke MIYAZAKI Teruo
vol.40, pp.35-44, 2014-03-01

Herpesviral hematopoietic necrosis of goldfish has caused mass mortalities in the USA, Australia and European countries as well as in Japan since 1993. Still we have no ways to treat this disease. We tried passive immunization by intramuscular injections with anti GFHNV-IgY(egg yolk antibody)in order to protect goldfish from GFHNV infection. Injected IgY containing anti GFHNV-IgY was absorbed into the blood serum at high concentration in the day 1 after three injections, which was maintained to the day 7. The immunized fish were challenged by immersion with GFHNV at 10-3 and 10-4 dilution in the day 1 post immunization and were protected from GFHNV infection at 40.0% and 87.5% RPS respectively. Histopathological observation revealed no signs of virus infection to hematopoietic cells in survivors, indicating neutralization of virus with IgY. Electron microscopy revealed apoptosis-like features of virus-infected cells, resulting in prevention of viral maturation and virion release out of the cell.
前川 陽一 中村 亨 仲里 慧子 小池 隆 竹内 淳一 永田 豊 Maekawa Yoichi Nakamura Toru Nakazato Keiko Koike Takashi Takeuchi Junichi Nagata Yutaka
no.37, pp.45-55, 2011-02

By using the training ship Seisui-maru, we observed of detailed oceanic condition in the vicinity of Cape Shionomisaki, the tip of the Kii Peninsula in April, 2009 and in October, 2009. The sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami tide stations is used to monitor the flowing path of the Kuroshio, or to identify whether the Kuroshio is taking the straight path or the meandering path. It is shown that this sea level difference occurs in the narrow portion of about 7 km from off Cape Shionomisaki to off Oshima Island, and that the sea level difference is mainly created by the oceanic condition in the thin surface layer above 150 m. This indicates that the structure of the Kuroshio does not influence directly to the sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami. The sea level difference indicates whether warm and light Kuroshio Water is brought into shelf region to the west of Cape Shionomisaki or not, and whether the sea level difference between coastal waters to the west and to the east of Cape Shionomisaki. The success of this elaborated observation owe to improved facilities of the new training ship Seisui-maru2009 年 4 月と 10 月の 2 回にわたって, 勢水丸を潮岬周辺に派遣して, 従来に見られない詳細な海況の観測を実施した。黒潮の流路が直進路をとっているか, 蛇行路をとっているかをモニターするのに串本・浦神の検潮所間の水位差が用いられるが, この水位差は潮岬から大島の沖, 東西 7 km の部分で生じていることが示された。また, この水位差の殆どは, 僅か 100 ~ 150 m のごく表層の海洋構造によって作り出されたものであることが示された。串本・浦神の水位差には, 黒潮本来の構造が直接関与しているのではなく, 振り分け潮にともなう黒潮系水の潮岬西の沿岸域への侵入の有無, あるいはそれに伴って生じる潮岬東西の沿岸水の性質の違いを通してもたらされている。この微細海況観測成功には, 著しく向上した新しい二代目の勢水丸の能力が不可欠なものであった。
下野 義人 広井 勝 高松 進 下野 義人 広井 勝 高松 進
no.40, pp.65-75, 2014-03

Phylogenetic relationships with in Russula section Compactae were investigated using sequence data from the nuclear-encoded large subunit ribosomal DNA(n-LSU rDNA)and ITS region, including the 5.8 S rDNA. Forty-two sequences of the n-LSU rDNA and forty-nine sequences of the ITS region with outgroups were used in this study. Analysis of the n-LSU rDNA indicated that the Compactae section was divided into three large groups: group A comprised R.densifolia and R.adusta, group B comprised R. subnigricans, and group Ccomprised R. nigricans. The ITS region did not support the monophyly of group B. Subgroup B-5 was sister to all other taxa of the Compactae section in the NJ and MP trees, and subgroup B-1 grouped with group C. Consequently, R. densifolia and R. adusta(group A)and R. nigricans(group C)were considered largely monophyletic, but R. subnigricans(group B)was not monophyletic. Russula densifolia (group A), but not R. adusta, were divided into six different subgroups.リボソームDNA28S領域(LSUrDNA)および5.8Sを含むITS領域の塩基配列に基づいて、ベニタケ属クロハツ節の分子系統解析を行った。外群を含めて28S領域の解析には42個、ITS領域では49個のシークエンスを用いた。最節約法(MP)に基づく、リボゾームDNAの28S領域の解析では、クロハツ節は大きな3群(groupA-C)に別れた。GroupAはクロハツモドキ(Russuladensifolia)とコゲイロハツ(R.adusta)、GroupBはニセクロハツ(R.subnigricans)、GroupCはクロハツ(R.nigricans)で構成された。ITS領域の解析ではGroupBの単系統を支持しなかった。MPおよび近隣結合法(NJ)ではGroupB-5は今回の研究で用いたすべてのクロハツ節の個体と姉妹群を形成し、GroupB-1はGroupCと同群に属した。これらのことから、クロハツモドキとコゲイロハツを含むGroupAとクロハツを含むgroupCはともに単系統であると推測されたが、ニセクロハツ(groupB)は単系統ではないと考えられた。コゲイロハツを除くとクロハツモドキの特徴を示す仲間は6小群に別れた。
吉松 隆夫 吉松 隆夫
no.37, pp.11-18, 2011-02

ホルモン処理によって人工催熟した親魚から搾出した卵及び精子を人工授精し,その受精卵から孵化仔魚を得た。孵化仔魚は卵黄吸収が終了するまで,21℃と25℃,塩分32-34,0-数lxの暗条件下で飼育管理し,日々の連続標本からその外部形態及び摂餌に関わる器官の発達を観察した。孵化仔魚は,水温21℃では日齢10(211.7℃・日),25℃では日齢8(201.5℃・日)で卵黄吸収を終了し,口には上下顎それぞれ4対の針状幼歯が特徴的となった。この時期,HE染色された組織切片を見ると, 咽頭部に食道壁の肥大により狭窄した部位が観察され,またその内壁には粘液細胞もほとんど発達しないため,ワムシのような固形分の嚥下の困難が想像された。