高橋 勝雄/和田 重人/古田 勲 タカハシ マサオ/ワダ シゲヒト/フルタ イサオ TAKAHASHI Masao/WADA Shigehito/FURUTA Isao
vol.19, no.2, pp.187-192, 2000-12-30

Seventy-eight cases of benign tumors derived from the soft tissue of the oral and facial regions were analyzed clinically. The results were as follows. 1) The tumors were classified as hemangioma (28.2%), pleomorphic adenoma (24.4%), fibroma (17.9%) and papilloma (14.1%). The remaining 15.4% consisted of 3 cases of lipoma, 3 of adenolymphoma, and other rare cases. 2) Of the 78 cases, 28 were in males and 50 in females (sex ratio) (1:1.8). 3) The patient ages at the first visit ranged from 5 to 80 years (mean age) (47.9 years). 4) Approximately three quarters (75%) had swelling as the chief complaints. 5) The primary sites was 22 cases (28.2%) in the tongue, 15 (19.2%) in the palate, and 12 (15.4%) in the lip. Hemangiomas and pleomorphic adenomas are more common in the tongue or lip and in the palate respectively. 6) The average long diameter of pleomorphic adenomas and papillomas were 32.9mm and 7.1mm respectively. These values deviated from the 19.6mm average for all cases.
八塚 美樹 和田 重人 原 元子 松井 文 駒井 希望 安田 智美 吉井 美穂 田澤 賢次
Japanese Society for Thermal Medicine
日本ハイパーサーミア学会誌 (ISSN:09112529)
vol.21, no.4, pp.231-236, 2005-12-01 (Released:2010-01-29)
4 6

遠赤外線温熱療法は, 免疫賦活作用を有する癌治療法として, 今改めて注目されている.その特徴は相補・代替医療の特徴を備え, 西洋医学単独では解決しえない病態や未病への治療となる新たなる領域である.そこで, 今回, 肩こり, 不眠, 冷え等の体調の不良を訴える人を対象に, 遠赤外線温熱刺激による効果を, 気分プロフィール尺度 (POMS) を用いて心理的側面の変化から検討した.結果として, 温熱刺激により「抑うつ-落ち込み」, 「怒り-敵意」, 「混乱」においてPOMS評点の有意な低下, 「緊張-不安」, 「疲労」の低下傾向が認められ, 温熱刺激が心理的側面に影響を与えることが示唆された.
小村 健 和田 重人 小野 貢伸 嶋田 文之
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.42, no.6, pp.560-565, 1996-06-20

In squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity, spinal accessory lymph node (SALN) metastasis develops infrequently, and the prognosis of the patients with SALN metastasis is extremely poor.<BR>In this paper, patients with SALN metastasis of squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity were studied retrospectively. The SALN metastasis was histopathologically confirmed in 9 (5.0%) of 179 patients who underwent radical or modified radical neck dissection. The primary sites of their tumors were the tongue in 6 patients, the lower gingiva in 2, and the buccal mucosa in 1. The risk of SALN metastasis was related to the tumor spread into the oropharynx and the differentiation of the tumor, but not related to the T stage. In the patients with SALN metastasis, the mean total number of involved nodes on the affected side of the neck was 9.4. All of these patients had metastases in multiple groups of neck lymph nodes, and the majority had metastases in the upper and middle jugular groups of nodes. The mean number of involved SALNs was 2.0, and the mean size of these nodes was 0.52 cm in diameter.<BR>The outcome of treatment in the patients with SALN metastasis was poor: 1 patient was alive with no evidence of disease, and 8 patients died of disease with an average duration of survival of 8.0 months after neck dissection.<BR>To improve the prognosis of patients with SALN metastasis, both postoperative irradiation to the neck and intensive adjuvant chemotherapy should be employed.
小村 健 和田 重人 小野 貢伸 嶋田 文之
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.42, no.6, pp.560-565, 1996-06-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

In squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity, spinal accessory lymph node (SALN) metastasis develops infrequently, and the prognosis of the patients with SALN metastasis is extremely poor.In this paper, patients with SALN metastasis of squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity were studied retrospectively. The SALN metastasis was histopathologically confirmed in 9 (5.0%) of 179 patients who underwent radical or modified radical neck dissection. The primary sites of their tumors were the tongue in 6 patients, the lower gingiva in 2, and the buccal mucosa in 1. The risk of SALN metastasis was related to the tumor spread into the oropharynx and the differentiation of the tumor, but not related to the T stage. In the patients with SALN metastasis, the mean total number of involved nodes on the affected side of the neck was 9.4. All of these patients had metastases in multiple groups of neck lymph nodes, and the majority had metastases in the upper and middle jugular groups of nodes. The mean number of involved SALNs was 2.0, and the mean size of these nodes was 0.52 cm in diameter.The outcome of treatment in the patients with SALN metastasis was poor: 1 patient was alive with no evidence of disease, and 8 patients died of disease with an average duration of survival of 8.0 months after neck dissection.To improve the prognosis of patients with SALN metastasis, both postoperative irradiation to the neck and intensive adjuvant chemotherapy should be employed.
鈴木 信雄 田畑 純 和田 重人 近藤 隆 近藤 隆 和田 重人

これまで超音波の骨に対する作用を解析した研究は、骨芽細胞の株細胞を用いたin vitro の研究が主流であり、骨芽細胞と破骨細胞の相互作用を解析する良いモデルがない。また歯の形成に対する作用においても、in vivo の系が主流であり、in vitro の良いモデル系が求められている。その機構を解析する硬組織モデルとして魚類のウロコとマウスの歯胚を用いて、低出力超音波パルスの影響を解析した。その結果、ウロコを用いて低出力超音波パルスの最適な条件を見出した。その条件では、歯胚の特に象牙質の形成に効果があり、ウロコを用いたGeneChip 解析により超音波に対する破骨細胞のシグナル伝達経路を初めて明らかにすることができた。さらに新規化合物の骨に対する作用も解析して、骨疾患の治療に有望な化合物を見出した。