鮎川 勝 平沢 威男 国分 征 大瀬 正美
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.52, pp.1-42, 1975-03

The rocket launching facilities were inaugurated in 1969 and completed in 1971 at Syowa Station (60°00'S, 39° 35'E: geomagnetic lat. 69.6°S, long. 77.1°E). In the rocket range, about 500 m south-west of the main base: of Syowa, there are three buildings, namely a propellant magazine (10.4×6.Om), a radar-telemeter hut (14.4×6m) and an assembly shop (12×7.6m) connected with a turntable. A turntable (8 m in diameter) in the center of the launching platform is at the same level as the floor of the assembly shop. A rocket carriage can be moved on rails from the assembly shop onto the launching turntable. Rotation of the turntable and movement of the launcher are remote-controlled. An iron-grating box covered with a vinyl sheet is attached to the launcher for keeping the rocket warm. The box is air-conditioned. The rocket is assembled and tested in the assembly shop and transferred to the turntable. The whole launching system is capable of firing a rocket with a diameter up to 350 mm. A radar-telemeter system and the igniter and timer controlers are installed in the radar-telemeter hut. A radar-tracking system with a power of 10 kW is used to measure the azimuth angle, the elevation angle, and the direct range, as well as to record telemeter signals in two channels transmitted by PPM modulation. The receiving frequency of the telemeter system is 290 MHz and the data in 12 channels is recorded. The control system consists of an ignition controller, a timer controller, and a probe controller. These control systems were designed to be operated by a limited number of technicians. There are two types of single-stage sounding rockets, S-160JA and S-210 JA. Their specifications are as follows: [table] Butadiene solid propellant is used from the viewpoint of low temperaturecharacteristics. There is another type of rocket which will be used in the future; S-310JA type (payload 40kg, peak altitude 220km). These rockets were developed by the Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science, University of Tokyo. In order to fire the rockets at the moment when auroral activities begin to show a drastic increase at the onset of an auroral substorm, some considerations were needed in the procedure of the firings in the Antarctic severe natural environment. As a result of many considerations and trainings, the rocket could be fired within one minute after the receiving of the introduction in the rocket launching. The ground-based observations were consolidated at Syowa Station, assisting the direct measurements of physical quantities in auroras by means of the sounding rockets. The instruments to be used in the auroral observations are: all-sky camera (35mm, every 10s), auroral zenith photometer (4278 A), multicolour geomagnetic meridian scanning photometers (4278, 5577, 6300 A, H_β), high sensitive TV camera and VHP auroral radar. It was 10th February 1970 when the first launching of the sounding rocket was carried out at Syowa. Since then, four S-160JA type and nineteen S-210JA type rockets were flown during the period of the research program in 1970-1973. Objects of measurements were electron and ion densities, electric and magnetic fields, infrared and ultra-violet emissions, energetic paticles, X-rays and radiowave in aurora. Through the successful rocket flights, the significant information to reveal the physical nature of auroras was obtained. The present paper mainly reports on the progress of the research program by means of sounding rockets at Syowa Station in 1970-1973 concerning the transportation, the construction and maintenance of the launching facilities, arrangements of the rocket firing and tracking and the obtained results of the rocket flights. During the period of International Magnetospheric Study (IMS, 1976-1979), the rocket facilities will be reopened and more than twenty sounding rockets (S-310JA and S-210JA) are scheduled to be launched from Syowa Station.
永田 武 国分 征
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.11, pp.924-936, 1961-01

南極地域における地磁気活動の諸性質をそれに対応する北極地域の同時活動と対比して調べた.地球大気圏外から荷電粒子流が地球磁力線に沿って,地球の南北両極地域に侵入するのに際して,どの程度の均等性や同時性があるかという問題を調べるのが主目的である,得られた主な結果は次の如くである.(i)南極地域のSD-場の様相は,既に良く調べられている北極地域のSD-場の地磁気赤道に対する鏡像と考えて大差はない.(ii)昭和基地(地磁気座標-69.°7,77.°6)のK指数は,主として北半球高緯度地磁気活動を代表するK_p指数と殆んど平行して変動している.K指数でのちがいが3以上になることは全体の2%弱しかない.この2%程度の頻度でおきる昭和基地上空での嵐は,天頂の極光活動,電離層のBlackout等によって,局部的な擾乱であることが確められた.(iii)南極地域と北極地域における地磁気活動の相関を更に詳しく吟味する為に,地球磁場の磁力線に対して共軛な二点,即ち同一の磁力線が通る南及北の地磁気観測所について地球磁場変動の様子を調べた.完全な地磁気共軛点はないが,南極大陸のLittle America(地磁気座標,-74.0,312.0)とCanadaのBaker Lake(73.7,315.1)とがこの条件をほぼ満足している.この2点の他に比較として,CanadaのChurchill,南極大陸のByrd Station及びHalley Bay(位置は第1表に示してある)の地球磁場変動をも調べた.Little America(LA)とBaker Lake(BL)が共に地方時夜間時にある時は,独立な湾型変化の対応は非常によく,磁力変動水平成分変化の10分間平均値の相関は0.85に達し,又湾型変化極大値の時刻は読取誤差の範囲で一致する.然し地方時昼間時には,この相関は明瞭に減少する.BLの共軛点はLAより地磁気西方約600kmであるから,夜間時の微粒子流束の断面は600kmをほぼ覆うほど大きく,昼間時ははるかに小さいと結論される.しかし,上の何れの場合も,LAとBL間の相関はBLとその南方約500kmにあるChurchillとの相関よりもはるかに良い.この事実は,極磁気嵐を起す微粒子流束の断面が地磁気東西に延びた形をして居り,これが南極地域と北極地域との双方にほとんどいつも同時に侵入してくる事を表わしている.又磁気嵐時には,LAとBLとの相関は著しく悪くなる.当然のことながら磁気嵐場の中,大気圏外電流に因る磁場変動によって,LAとBLとの地磁気共軛性が阻害されるからであろう.(iv)平均直径400〜600km程度の微粒子流束の侵入による極磁気嵐は西方に移動する傾向がある.即ち微粒子流の運動を主として決定する要素は正荷電粒子であることが推定される.
鮎川 勝 平沢 威男 国分 征 大瀬 正美 Masaru AYUKAWA Takeo HIRASAWA Susumu KOKUBUN Masami OSE
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.52, pp.1-42, 1975-03

The rocket launching facilities were inaugurated in 1969 and completed in 1971 at Syowa Station (60°00'S, 39° 35'E: geomagnetic lat. 69.6°S, long. 77.1°E). In the rocket range, about 500 m south-west of the main base: of Syowa, there are three buildings, namely a propellant magazine (10.4×6.Om), a radar-telemeter hut (14.4×6m) and an assembly shop (12×7.6m) connected with a turntable. A turntable (8 m in diameter) in the center of the launching platform is at the same level as the floor of the assembly shop. A rocket carriage can be moved on rails from the assembly shop onto the launching turntable. Rotation of the turntable and movement of the launcher are remote-controlled. An iron-grating box covered with a vinyl sheet is attached to the launcher for keeping the rocket warm. The box is air-conditioned. The rocket is assembled and tested in the assembly shop and transferred to the turntable. The whole launching system is capable of firing a rocket with a diameter up to 350 mm. A radar-telemeter system and the igniter and timer controlers are installed in the radar-telemeter hut. A radar-tracking system with a power of 10 kW is used to measure the azimuth angle, the elevation angle, and the direct range, as well as to record telemeter signals in two channels transmitted by PPM modulation. The receiving frequency of the telemeter system is 290 MHz and the data in 12 channels is recorded. The control system consists of an ignition controller, a timer controller, and a probe controller. These control systems were designed to be operated by a limited number of technicians. There are two types of single-stage sounding rockets, S-160JA and S-210 JA. Their specifications are as follows: [table] Butadiene solid propellant is used from the viewpoint of low temperaturecharacteristics. There is another type of rocket which will be used in the future; S-310JA type (payload 40kg, peak altitude 220km). These rockets were developed by the Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science, University of Tokyo. In order to fire the rockets at the moment when auroral activities begin to show a drastic increase at the onset of an auroral substorm, some considerations were needed in the procedure of the firings in the Antarctic severe natural environment. As a result of many considerations and trainings, the rocket could be fired within one minute after the receiving of the introduction in the rocket launching. The ground-based observations were consolidated at Syowa Station, assisting the direct measurements of physical quantities in auroras by means of the sounding rockets. The instruments to be used in the auroral observations are: all-sky camera (35mm, every 10s), auroral zenith photometer (4278 A), multicolour geomagnetic meridian scanning photometers (4278, 5577, 6300 A, H_β), high sensitive TV camera and VHP auroral radar. It was 10th February 1970 when the first launching of the sounding rocket was carried out at Syowa. Since then, four S-160JA type and nineteen S-210JA type rockets were flown during the period of the research program in 1970-1973. Objects of measurements were electron and ion densities, electric and magnetic fields, infrared and ultra-violet emissions, energetic paticles, X-rays and radiowave in aurora. Through the successful rocket flights, the significant information to reveal the physical nature of auroras was obtained. The present paper mainly reports on the progress of the research program by means of sounding rockets at Syowa Station in 1970-1973 concerning the transportation, the construction and maintenance of the launching facilities, arrangements of the rocket firing and tracking and the obtained results of the rocket flights. During the period of International Magnetospheric Study (IMS, 1976-1979), the rocket facilities will be reopened and more than twenty sounding rockets (S-310JA and S-210JA) are scheduled to be launched from Syowa Station.
藤井 良一 福西 浩 国分 征 杉浦 正久 遠山 文雄
宇宙科学研究所報告 特集 (ISSN:02859920)
no.25, pp.p113-119, 1990-01

1989年3月13日の大磁気嵐中に, EXOS-Dに搭載されたフラックスゲート磁力計により観測された沿磁力線電流(FAC)の特性について報告する。本磁気嵐は地磁気観測史上有数の磁気嵐であり, その間にEXOS-Dは午前昼間側及び夕方側で大規模なFACを観測した。午前側のFACの特性は, 1)地磁気嵐主相では, 地磁気緯度で50°から80°にも及ぶ広いFAC領域が観測された。2)FACの極性は, 低緯度から上向き, 下向きのFACの他にそれらの高緯度側に上向きの大規模FACが出現した。3)この高緯度側の上向きFAC高緯度境界に狭い緯度巾(1.5°)のペアーのFACが観測された。夕方側のFACの特性は, 1) FACの低緯度側境界はSSCの直後から低緯度側に移動しはじめるが, 高緯度側境界は即座には反応しない。2)磁気嵐の回復期には逆に高緯度境界は直ぐに反応し高緯度側に移動しはじめたが, 低緯度側境界は遅れて反応した。
林 幹治 鶴田 浩一郎 国分 征 小口 高 渡辺 富也 HORITA R. E.
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.64, pp.72-81, 1979-02

国分 征
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.61, pp.75-92, 1978-03

第18次南極地域観測隊の観測計画および夏期行動の概要を述べる.楠隊長以下隊員40名,4名のオブザーバー(船舶技術者2名,カメラマン1名,ベルギーからの交換科学者1名),および約500 tの物資を積載した「ふじ」は,1976年11月25日東京港を出港,147日間の全行程を終え,1977年4月20日東京港に帰った.「ふじ」は12月31目定着氷縁に着き,1月25日までに全越冬用物資を昭和基地に運んだ.基地においては電離層棟の建設や大型雪上車の組立などの設営作業が行われたほか,2月10日にはS-310 JA-2ロケットの打ち上げに成功した.一方基地周辺では,リュツォ・ホルム湾点在露岩地域での地質学・地球化学調査,基準測量が行われたほか,航空機による氷河域写真撮影,気象観測も行われた.また,みずほ観測拠点での通年観測のための要員の送り込み,および無人観測所(69°47'S, 41°34'E)の建設のための内陸旅行がなされた.船上における海洋観測などの定常観測も全行程を通じて行われた.
林 幹治 小口 高 国分 征 鶴田 浩一郎 渡辺 富也 HORITA R. E.
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.64, pp.127-133, 1979-02
