坂田 浩章 水田 博志 白石 稔 北川 敏夫 大島 隆志
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.36, no.2, pp.347-349, 1987-10-25 (Released:2010-02-25)

Traumatic myositis ossificans is well known to occur in the muscle hematoma as a result of a contusion or a strain.An 18-year-old male of traumatic myosits ossificans after contusion on his right anterior thigh while playing rugby football was reported. Five and seven days after the first injury he played rugby football and reinjured the same area. Three weeks after the reinjury he had increased anterior thigh pain and limited motion of the knee. When examined, the right quardriceps was tender and swollen in the antero-mid thigh. Flexion of the knee was about 80 degrees due to pain. Roentgenograms showed linear and cloudy calcification in the quardriceps muscle. His knee was immobilized, and he was given a non-steroid antiinflamatory agent for two weeks. After pain relief rehabilitation began with exercise to increase the range of motion. Four months after the first injury, the patient had no pain and limitation of knee flexion.Adolescents actively involved in contact sports are at risk for muscle trauma, which can results in myositis ossificans. The development of traumatic myositis ossificans is related to the severity of the quardriceps contusion.Recognition and appropriate therapy can reduce the associate disability.
坂田 浩
大学教育研究ジャーナル (ISSN:18811256)
no.3, pp.10-19, 2006-03

「多様な学習者に対応する」ことは、日本の学校教育における緊急な課題の一つであると考える。学習者の多様性に対応する枠組みとして、Kolbは「体験的学習理論」を提唱しており、その中でより多様な教授スタイルを用いながら授業を構築する必要性を述べている。そこで、本稿では(1)学習者の好みに対応した効果的授業をどのように構成するか、そして(2)そのような授業を構成する際に考えられるリスクにどう対応するか、について述べてみることにしたい。Corresponding diversity among students is one of the urgent concerns in Japanese schools. As aframework to correspond students' diversity in a class, Kolb presented the theory called Experiential LearningTheory and proposed the need for teachers to design and organize a class with more variety of teachingstyles. The present paper will demonstrate (1) how to design more effective class for students' learningpreferences and (2) how to manage possible risks in designing such class.
坂田 浩亮 新保仁 松本 裕治
情報処理学会研究報告自然言語処理(NL) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2007, no.94, pp.113-119, 2007-09-26

言語教育において,学習者の言語習得度を知ることは教師にとって重要なことであるまた,言語学習者の言語習得度を客観的に量る手段があれば 学習者は教師がいなくても自分の言語習得度を評価できるため,学習効率の向上につながると考えられる.本発表では 言語学習者の作文と習得度別コーパスとの類似度に基づいて 学習者の言語習得度を推定する手法を提案する.NICT JLEコーパスを用いて行った提案手法の評価実験と,その結果について紹介する.We propose methods for automatically evaluating second language learners' proficiency levels. These methods not only help teachers evaluate students' proficiency levels, but also accelerate students' learning, since they can evaluate their proficiency levels whenever they like without consulting their teachers. The proposed methods compute students' proficiency levels on the basis of the similarity between their free compositions and the corpus of compositions divided into skill levels.