大山 建司
山梨大学看護学会誌 (ISSN:13477714)
vol.3, no.1, pp.3-8, 2004
大山 建司
山梨大学看護学会誌 = 山梨大学看護学会誌 (ISSN:13477714)
vol.3, no.1, pp.3-8, 2004

朝山 光太郎 井上 義朗 雨宮 伸 大山 建司 加藤 精彦
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.26, no.1, pp.51-57, 1983

肥満児において, 赤盈球インスリン受容体結合 (IB) とヘパリン負荷後血中リボ蛋白リパーゼ (LPL) および肝性トリグリセライドリパービ (HTGL) 活性を測定し, 高TG血症との関連性を解析した.IBはGambhirらの方法に準拠して測定し, LDLおよびHTGL活性の測定は免疫化学的測定法によった.ヘパリン負荷量は10単位/kg体重と, Allenらの循環血液量算出法に基づく補正投与量を用いた.5~16歳の顕性糖尿病を認めない肥満児35名を対象とした.<BR>肥満児には高TG血症を高頻度 (20/35) に認めたが, 著明な高コレステロール (chol.) 血症, 低HDLchol.血症はなかった.IBは肥満児では低値であり, 空腹時インスリン値 (n=18), OGTT時のインスリン面積 (n=18), 血清TG値 (n=20) のそれぞれの対数値と負相関を示した.LPL値は10単位/kg負荷時 (n=13), 補正投与量負荷時 (n=12) のいずれも小児正常値と差がなかった.血清TG値は空腹時インスリン値 (n=29) およびインスリン面積 (n=20) と正相関した.相対体重はIB, 血清脂質とは相関せず, 空腹時インスリン値 (n=29) およびインスリン面積 (n=20) と相関した.<BR>肥満児においては, 肥満度に依存しないインスリン感受性低下とそれにともなう高インスリン血症が高TG血症の成立に関与しており, TG処理障害の明らかな関与は認めなかった.
大山 建司
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.55, no.5, pp.657-677, 1979

The subjects were 36 neonates who had had no abnormalities at gestation or at birth. In 9 of the 36 neonates, exchange transfusions were performed by umbilical vein catheterization. The others had no abnormalities during the neonatal period. They consisted of 17 male and 19 female infants who were from 39-42 weeks of gestation and weighed 2870-3900g at birth. Serum GH, TSH, LH and FSH were measured by radioimmunoassay during the exchange transfusions, and after the administration of TRH or LH-RH in the early neonatal period. Furthermore, serum GH was measured after glucose administration. The following results were obtained.<BR>1) Serum GH increased in 7 out of 8 neonates, corresponding to continuous hyperglycemia during the exchange transfusion. It also increased in one out of 4 neonates, corresponding to transient hyperglycemia after the glucose administration.<BR>2) Serum GH after the TRH administration decreased in all of six neonates during the first 120 hours after birth but increased in 3 of four neonates during 7 to 10 days after birth.<BR>3) Serum GH after the LH-RH administration increased in 4 out of six neonates.<BR>4) Serum TSH showed no significant changes by either the exchange transfusion or the administration of LH-RH in the early neonatal period.<BR>5) When TRH was given to 5 neonates during 96 hours after birth, the serum TSH response was exaggerated and prolonged. In 6 neonates of 96 hours to 15 days after birth, serum TSH response to TRH was the same as that in normal infants.<BR>6) Serum T<SUB>3</SUB> increased 60 to 90 minutes after the TRH administration in all 5 neonates.<BR>7) During the exchange transfusion, serum LH definitely increased in 3 out of five male neonates, but serum FSH remained unchanged at a low level in all the male neonates. Serum LH did not increase in all the 3 female neonates, but in 2 of them serum FSH increased.<BR>8) Serum LH after the TRH administration increased in 3 out of four males and 4 out of six neonates. On the other hand, serum FSH remained unchanged in both male and female neonates.<BR>9) Serum LH response to LH-RH was higher in male (especially in more than 6-day-old neonates) than in female neonates. Serum FSH after the LH-RH administration increased in female neonates but did not increase in male neonates.<BR>The results mentioned above suggest the immaturity of the secretory controlling mechanism of GH, LH and FSH in the hypothalamo-pituitary system. However, the secretory mechanism of TSH appears to function independently of the other secretory systems, because serum TSH levels were not influenced by the exchange transfusion and LH-RH administration. In the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal system, secretion of LH appears to be predominant in males while that of FSH appears to be predominant in females even in the early neonatal period.
大山 建司
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.55, no.5, pp.639-656, 1979

Eighty-two normal full-term neonates who had no abnormalities at gestation or at birth, and 32 of their mothers were selected to measure GH, TSH, LH, FSH, T<SUB>3</SUB>, HCG, HPL, IRI, Glucose and NEFA in the umbilical arterial and venous blood, neonatal blood and maternal blood. Hormones were measured by radioimmunoassay. The following results were obtained.<BR>1) GH levels were significantly higher in the umbilical blood than in the maternal blood (P<0.01) but were almost the same between the umbilical arterial and venous blood.<BR>2) GH levels reached a peak 24 hours after birth in the group A infants in which feeding started 12 hours after birth, and reached a peak 48 hours after birth in the group B infants in which feeding started 24 hours after birth. GH levels which were measured at 72 and 96 hours after birth were significantly higher in the group B infants than in the group A (PC 0.01).<BR>3) Differences of GH secretory patterns between groups A and B, depending on the time of initial feeding, were strongly related to those changes in NEFA and glucose levels between both groups at birth. The secretion of GH was inhibited by the increase of NEFA and was stimulated by the decrease of NEFA and the increase of glucose.<BR>4) TSH levels were significantly higher in the umbilical blood than in the maternal blood (P<0.001). T<SUB>3</SUB> levels were significantly lower in the umbilical blood than in the maternal blood (P<0.01).<BR>5) TSH levels increased rapidly with a peak immediately after birth and then showed a decreasing tendency, but they remained significantly higher during the first 24 hours than they did thereafter. T<SUB>3</SUB> levels remained at a low level during the first 12 hours and then showed a rapid increase with a peak 24 hours after birth.<BR>6) There were no differences in LH-HCG levels in the umbilical blood between male and female infants. In the early neonatal period, LH levels were higher in the males than in the females and were statistically higher in the males 96 and 168 hours after birth (P<0.01).<BR>7) FSH levels in the maternal blood, umbilical blood and neonatal blood during 96 hours after birth remained less than 2.0 mIU/ml. There were no differences in FSH levels between male and female infants.<BR>8) About 1/300 of the amounts of HCG and HPL in the maternal blood was observed in the umbilical venous blood. The amounts of HCG and HPL in the umbilical arterial blood were about half of those in the umbilical venous blood. HCG and HPL levels were undetectable in the blood of almost all the infants during the first 24 hours after birth.<BR>9) The effects of HCG and HPL on the measurement of GH and TSH by radioimmunoassay seemed to be negligible. Although LH measurement in the umbilical blood appeared to be influenced by HCG, it could be almost free from the influence of HCG 12 hours after birth.<BR>10) Change in IRI was not related to that in GH in the early neonatal period.
栗岩 瑞生 鈴木 里美 村松 愛子 渡辺 タミ子 大山 建司
小児保健研究 (ISSN:00374113)
vol.59, no.5, pp.596-601, 2000-09-30
