栁澤 宏彰 及川 輝樹 川口 亮平 木村 一洋 伊藤 順一 越田 弘一 加藤 幸司 安藤 忍 池田 啓二 宇都宮 真吾 坂東 あいこ 奥山 哲 鎌田 林太郎 兒玉 篤郎 小森 次郎 奈良間 千之
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.3, pp.295-317, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-27)

The 2016 eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano in central Japan consisted of several small eruptions that were accompanied by syneruptive-spouted type lahars. We have reviewed the sequence of the 2016 activity and modeled the eruptive processes based on observations of various volcanic phenomena, including ash fall and lahars, plumes, earthquakes and crustal deformation, and analysis of eruptive products. Eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano after the 20th century can be categorized into two types; 1) VEI=0-1 eruptions during which ash fall covered only the summit area and no ballistic blocks were ejected (e.g., 1997-1998 event) and 2) VEI=1-2 eruptions during which ash fall reached the foot of the mountain with ejected blocks (e.g., 1974 event). We also discuss the characteristics of the 2016 activity by comparing the sequence with those of other events of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano: the 1974 and 1997-1998 eruption events and the 2000-2001 intensified fumarolic event. The 2016 eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano are divided into the following six stages. Stage I was characterized by the onset of intensified steam plume emission activity (≥200 m). Stage II was characterized by the onset of crustal deformation, slight increase of high frequency earthquakes (approx.>3.3 Hz) and further activation of steam plume emission activity (≥500 m). The crustal deformation observed commenced at the beginning of Stage II and lasted until the end of Stage V. The total inflated volume was estimated to be approximately 7.2×106 m3. Several very small eruptions that provided only a small amount of ash to the summit area also occurred. Stage III was characterized by a rapid increase of high frequency earthquakes accompanied by tilt change, and the onset of low frequency earthquakes (approx.<3.3 Hz). A small eruption was accompanied by a syneruptive-spouted type lahar at this time. Stage IV was characterized by the occurrence of several small syneruptive-spouted type lahars. The occurrence of high and low frequency earthquakes continued, but with decreasing abundance. Stage V was characterized by the highest altitude of steam plume emission (≥1,200 m), while no ash emission nor syneruptive-spouted type lahars were observed. Stage VI was characterized by a gradual decrease in steam plume emission and earthquake activity. The aerial photographs indicate the ash fall distribution, and the maximum scale of the 2016 eruption, which is estimated to be VEI=1. The assemblage of altered minerals indicates that the volcanic ash originated from volcanic conduits affected by a high-sulfidation epithermal system and no magmatic components were detected. Judging from the depth of the crustal deformation source of magmatic eruptions at other volcanoes, the estimated source of crustal deformation during the 2016 eruption is considered to have been caused by a volume change of the magma chamber. The sequence of the 2016 event can be interpreted as follows: 1) magma supply to the magma chamber, 2) increase in seismicity and fumarolic activity triggered by volcanic fluid released from the new magma, 3) destruction of volcanic conduit by increased fumarolic activity and emission of volcanic ash, and 4) occurrence of syneruptive-spouted type lahars by the “airlift pump” effect. At Niigata-Yakeyama volcano, such small eruptions and fumarolic events have been frequently observed for the last 40 years. We thus consider that the accumulation of magma has progressed beneath the volcano, which is a potential preparatory process for a future magmatic eruption.
石川 真志 八田 博志 笠野 英行 小笠原 永久 山田 浩之 宇都宮 真

本研究は赤外線サーモグラフィを用いた大型の構造物の効率的な非破壊検査手法の開発を目標として検討を行った。実験の結果、アクティブサーモグラフィ検査時の加熱方法としてレーザー走査加熱を利用することで、10 m遠方に位置する対象物であっても内部の欠陥検出が可能であることが確認された。また、温度データへのフーリエ変換により得られる位相画像を利用することで、欠陥検出が容易となること、および高周波数の位相画像に注目して検査を行うことで検査時間の短縮が可能であることも確認された。これらの技術を組み合わせることで、高効率かつ高精度な検査の実現が期待される。
荒尾 与史彦 小柳 潤 武田 真一 宇都宮 真 川田 宏之
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集A編 (ISSN:18848338)
vol.77, no.776, pp.619-628, 2011 (Released:2011-04-25)
7 8

Strict geometrical stability is required for the precise structures like telescopes. Unpredictable out-of-plane deformation is a serious problem when we use CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) laminate to the precise structure. This out-of plane deformation of symmetrical CFRP laminate mainly arise from combination effects of ply angle misalignment and temperature change. We discussed here is effective stacking sequence of CFRP laminate that mitigate the deformation caused by the ply angle misalignment. The analysis based on laminate theory was performed to calculate the thermal deformation. In this analysis, the random numbers were added to each layers as ply angle misalignments. The analytical results were obtained statistically by Monte Carlo method. Mohr's curvature circle was also incorporated to evaluate the deformation as P-V (peak to Valley) values. We performed the analysis with various stacking sequence. It was calculated that the symmetric cross-ply laminates deformed 10 times larger than the other quasi-symmetric laminates. In the case of the total ply number is less than 12, the stacking sequence in the laminate has a significant effects on the thermal deformation. However, if the total number ply number is more than 24, effect of stacking sequence on the thermal deformation becomes negligible. We also discussed the geometrical stability of CFRP mirror by considering unavoidable ply angle misalignment. It was presumed that the CFRP mirror can be used for wide range of wave length when the back structure was attached to CFRP laminates.