及川 輝樹 池上 郁彦 渡部 将太
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.68, no.3, pp.171-187, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-11-02)

Submarine volcanic eruptions produce a large amount of drifting pumice around the globe at a frequency of once every several to ten years. However, there is little knowledge about what kind of eruptions produce them. Document records of large amounts of pumice washed ashore in the Nansei Islands in southwest Japan are summarized in this article, along with an assessment of their source volcanoes and eruption frequency and style. A large amount of drifting pumice has washed ashore on the Nansei Islands eight times (1778 or 1779, 1905, 1914, 1915, 1924, 1934, 1986, 2021) since the 18th century, seven of which were after the 20th century, at a frequency of several times every 100 years. This frequency is not remarkably low compared to other natural hazard events. The eruptions that provided the source of these drifting pumice were the Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba 1904‒1905 and 1914 eruptions, the Myojin-Shou 1915 eruption, Submarine Volcano NNE of Iriomotejima 1924 eruption, the Showa Iwo-jima 1934 eruption and the Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba 1986 and 2021 eruptions. In the 8 recorded volcanic eruptions, including the uncertain ones, 6 were due to submarine volcanic eruptions in the southern part of the Izu-Bonin Arc. It took 2 to 6 months (mostly 2 to 4 months) for drifting pumice to reach the shores of the Nansei Islands from the Izu-Bonin Arc. The eruption styles that generated a large amount of drifting pumice can be divided into three cases. (1) An eruption that ejects a large amount of pumice from the seafloor to the sea surface and causes a steam-based volcanic plume to rise at the center of the eruption. They often occur from vents with seafloor depths of several hundred meters (Submarine Volcano NNE of Iriomotejima 1924 and Showa Iwo-jima 1934), but they also occur in shallower waters (Myojin-Shou 1915). (2) An eruption that occurs in shallow water (<50 m), with repetitive Surtseyan eruption activity that forms islands composed of large amounts of pyroclastic material, while at the same time producing large amounts of drifting pumice (Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba 1904‒1905, 1914 and 1986). (3) An eruption that occurs in shallow water (<50 m) and produces a volcanic plume reaching the stratosphere. This style of eruption forms an island and generates a large amount of pyroclastic material, including drifting pumice (Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba 2021).
南 裕介 伊藤 順一 草野 有紀 及川 輝樹 大場 司
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.68, no.2, pp.39-57, 2023-06-30 (Released:2023-07-27)

Akita-Yakeyama Volcano is an active stratovolcano located on Northeast Honshu island, Japan. Recent eruptive activity has occurred on the flank of the volcano in May 1997 and in the summit crater (Karanuma vent) in August 1997. These events indicate that Akita-Yakeyama Volcano has a high potential for future eruptions. In order to better understand the hazards posed by Akita-Yakeyama Volcano, this study focused on the modern explosive activity of Akita-Yakeyama during the last 6000 years. The authors conducted field observations and excavation surveys at outcrops, whole-rock chemical analysis, volcanic glass chemical analysis, and radiocarbon dating for intercalated paleosol layers. As a result, at least nine layers of pyroclastic fall deposits derived from Akita-Yakeyama during the last 6000 years were recognized, ranging from Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) levels of 1 to 2. In chronological order, the major pyroclastic fall deposits consist of AKY8 (45th to 47th century BC), AKY7 (10th to 29th century BC), AKY6 (2nd to 8th century BC), AKY5 (1st century BC to 2nd century AD), AKY4 (5th to 9th century AD), AKY3 (1678 AD), AKY2 (1892 AD), AKY1 (1951 AD) and 1997 eruption ejecta. The decreasing proportion of juvenile materials in eruptive deposits over the last 6000 years is consistent with a reduced magma contribution. It indicates that the development of the hydrothermal system is likely to play an important role in future eruption scenarios for Akita-Yakeyama Volcano.
及川 輝樹 中野 俊
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

長野・新潟県境に位置する白馬大池火山は、約80万年前に活動を開始した火山であるが、完新世には噴火活動を行っておらず、現在は活動を停止している火山であると考えられてきた。今回、白馬大池火山を構成する風吹大池火山にて、完新世である最近1万年間に噴火した証拠が発見され、活火山の条件を満たすことが判明した。 風吹火山は、白馬大池火山の北東部に位置する火山である。白馬大池火山は、白馬大池を含む南側を中心として約80~17万年前に活動を行ったが、約7万年前以降は北東部の風吹岳および風吹大池周辺地域が火山活動の中心となった(及川ほか,2001;中野ほか,2002)。そのため、白馬大池火山を細分して、7万年前以降に活動した北東部の火山については、風吹火山とよぶ。 風吹大池周辺には、いくつかの浸食をあまり受けていない、新鮮な地形をなす火口が複数あるため、比較的最近も噴火活動があった可能性が指摘されてきたが、火口の形成年代などは不明であった。これら火口のうち、風吹大池の北東側に隣接した、風吹岳と備前倉山の間には、西端を小敷池とした東西に長く伸びた火口列がある。その火口列の周辺の表層土層中に、火山岩塊からラピリが混じる、粘土質テフラ層を発見した。このテフラ層は、火口列に近づくと粗く厚くなり、離れると薄くなるような分布を示すため、その火口列から放出されたものと推定される。また、明らかに本質物と考えられる粒子が含まれないことから、本テフラ層をもたらした噴火は水蒸気噴火であったと判断した。本テフラ層の直下の土壌のヒューミンに対して14C年代測定を行ったところ、約4000年前(yr BP)の値が得られた。また、本テフラの下位に位置する風吹大池火山最後のマグマ噴火の噴出物である風吹岳火砕流堆積物(柵山,1980;中野ほか,2002)中には、噴火休止期を示す土層が挟まれる。その土層中の炭質物から約8800年前(yr BP)の年代を得た。これらの結果から、風吹火山は、完新世にマグマ噴火および水蒸気噴火を行ったことが明確となった。なお、風吹大池の周辺には、いくつかの湿原が広がるが、それら湿原の形成は、本テフラ層より後に形成されたことが、層位並びに14C年代測定から判明した。それらの湿原の堆積物中にも水蒸気噴火テフラの疑いのある、白色粘土層が数枚挟まれることから、風吹火山は約4000年前以降も複数回の噴火活動を行った可能性がある。文献:及川ほか(2001)火山,46,21-25. 柵山(1980)地質学雑誌,86,265-274. 中野ほか(2002)5万分の1地質図「白馬岳」地質調査総合センター.
及川 輝樹 筒井 正明 大學 康宏 伊藤 順一
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.57, no.4, pp.199-218, 2012-12-28 (Released:2017-03-20)

Shinmoedake (Kyushu, Japan), which is one of the Kirishima Volcanoes, experienced several small eruptions in 2010, finally culminating in a sub-plinian eruption on January 26-27, 2011. After this sub-plinian phase, the eruption style shifts to the phase of vulcanian eruption or ash emission. This volcanic activity is still occurring. We here summarize the eruption history of Shinmoedake during the Edo period on the basis of historical records. The eruptions of Shinmoedake during the Edo period occurred in AD 1716-1717 (Kyoho eruption) and AD 1822 (the 4th year of Bunsei eruption). The Kyoho eruption, which was a large-scale (total amount of tephra: 2×1011 kg) eruption, is divided into the following seven stages. Stage 1 (Apr. 10, 1716 to May 7, 1716): small eruptions occurred over two months; Stage 2 (Sep. 26, 1716): falling ash first observed at the foot of Shinmoedake; Stage 3 (Nov. 9 to 10, 1716): the first large eruption was observed, with pumice falling over a wide area; Stage 4 (Dec. 4 to 6, 1716): small eruptions; Stage 5 (Feb. 9 to 20, 1717): the second pumice fall eruption, with an intermittent ash fall eruption thereafter; Stage 6 (Mar. 3, Mar. 8, Mar 13, Apr. 8, 1717): ash fall eruptions; Stage 7 (Sep. 9, 1717): the last ash fall eruption. These eruptions, which continued intermittently over 17 months, were characterized by multiple repetitions of a large eruption. Based on the results of a comparison between the Kyoho eruption and the 2011 eruption, the eruptions from March 30, 2010 to January 26, 2011, were similar to Stages 1 to 3 of the Kyoho eruption; the eruptions after January 26, 2011, were similar to Stages 5 to 6 of the Kyoho eruption. In addition, the relatively large eruption events of Stages 3 and 5 of the Kyoho eruption and the January 26-27, 2011, eruption began without any noticeable precursors. The eruption in the 4th year of Bunsei (AD 1822) was a small eruption that lasted less than a day. The recent eruption sequences, which were also similar to the Edo period eruptions, are divided into a small-scale eruption (the 1959 eruption) and a large-scale eruption (the 2011 eruption). The eruption duration time of the small-scale (total amount of tephra: < 1010 kg) eruption was less than a day. The eruption duration time of the large-scale (total amount of tephra: > 1010 kg) eruption could be a few months or years. Both eruption sequences began with a small eruption. A large-scale eruption can occur a few months after the start of the eruption sequence. This is an important turning point in the eruption sequence of Shinmoedake.
及川 輝樹 谷 健一郎
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.65, no.3, pp.83-87, 2020-09-30 (Released:2020-10-13)

The activity of Toshima Volcano, Izu Islands in Japan, is divided into two stages: younger (the lava flows of parasitic craters) and older (the main stratovolcano) stages. The 14C age of “Kajiana” crater lava, the earliest lava of the younger stage, was approximately 11 ka (cal BP). Based on the results of radiocarbon dating and topographic analysis, we conclude that all three magmatic eruptions of the younger stage of Toshima Volcano occurred during the Holocene.
及川 輝樹 原山 智 梅田 浩司
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.46, no.1, pp.21-25, 2001-02-27 (Released:2017-03-20)
及川 輝樹
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.42, no.3, pp.141-156, 2003-06-01 (Released:2009-08-21)
13 21

飛騨山脈の火成活動の消長と,山脈の隆起により生産された礫層の形成時期には,よい同時性が認められる.それは,2.5~1.5Ma(Stage I)と0.8~0Ma(Stage III)における火山活動の増大と周辺堆積盆への礫層の供給の時期であり,その間の1.5~0.8Ma(Stage II)には火山活動が低調で,周辺堆積盆における礫層の堆積が停止している.このことから,飛騨山脈は,激しい火成活動を伴いながら,3Ma以降に2度大きく隆起しているといえる.既知の広域テクトニクスの解析結果と隆起モデルから,各時期の隆起メカニズムを考察する.Stage Iでは伸張から中間応力場下での地殻へのマグマの濃集と地殻の厚化によるアイソスタティックな隆起が考えられる.一方,Stage IIIでは,この地域が圧縮場に変化し,マグマの熱によって弾性的厚さが薄くなった地殻が座屈変形し隆起したモデルが考えられる.このように飛騨山脈は,大規模なマグマの貫入・定置・熱の影響と,伸張から圧縮場への広域テクトニクスの変化とが合わさって形成された山脈といえる.
草野 有紀 及川 輝樹 石塚 吉浩
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.4, pp.327-346, 2021-12-31 (Released:2022-02-22)

Nikko-Shirane Volcano located on the border of Gunma and Tochigi prefectures had the largest eruption on the historic records in AD 1649. We reconstructed the eruption event based on the geological mapping of the pyroclastic fall deposit and craters at the summit, 14C dating of soil underlying the pyroclastic fall deposit and interpretation of historic records. The pyroclastic fall deposit is observed in a 10×6 km area around Nikko-Shirane Volcano and thickens to the summit of Mt. Shirane. The pyroclastic fall deposit is preserved at>4 km east from the summit and observed 5-8 cm thick around Lake Yunoko and 20 cm thick in maximum around the southern part of Senjogahara. Based on the historic records of the 1649 eruption, the craters with about 220 m in long axis diameter and 30 m deep located next to a small shrine at the summit were opened. Thus, the 1649 eruption is considered to occur at the summit of Mt. Shirane and pyroclastic materials fell east to southeast ward. The total mass of pyroclastic fall deposit is estimated at 2×107-3×107 m3 which is a digit larger than the previous report, and it is comparable to Volcanic Explosive Index=3 and Magnitude=3.4-3.6. The pyroclastic material contains essential vesicular vitreous particles consisting 1-48 % (mean 19 %) of component in 250-2000 μm fraction. Combination of the essential particles in the 1649 pyroclastic materials suggests that a magmatic eruption was occurred during the 1649 eruption. The essential particles are concentrated in three principal distribution axes of the pyroclastic fall deposit extending to the east, southeast and west. However, the pyroclastic fall deposit is composed of a lot of fine particles, indicating that the 1649 eruption would be possible of a phreatomagmatic eruption triggered by magma intrusion to an aquifer below the volcanic body. Around the time of the eruption, lahar occurred at the western valley of Mt. Shirane and flowed through Ohirogawara to the Nigamatazawa River.
及川 輝樹 中野 俊 荒井 健一 中村 圭裕 藤田 浩司 成毛 志乃 岸本 博志 千葉 達朗 南里 翔平

飛騨山脈南部の岐阜県・長野県県境に位置する乗鞍火山の最近約1万年間の噴火史を,テフラ層序とAMS 14C年代測定を基に明らかにした.なお本報告は,乗鞍岳火山防災協議会が行った調査を基にして,その後検討を加えたものである.かつて乗鞍火山における最近1万年間の活動中心は,火口縁に最高峰の剣ヶ峰(3026m)がある権現池火口の他,恵比須岳火口にもあるとされていた.しかし,恵比須岳火口起源のテフラとされていた噴出物は,年代や記載岩石学的特徴から,その火口起源のものではないことが明らかとなった.そのため,最近1万年間の活動中心は権現池火口周辺に限られる.最近1万年間における乗鞍火山の噴火活動は,テフラ層序に基づくと,少なくともマグマ噴火を2回,水蒸気噴火を10回行っている.マグマ噴火は,いずれも水蒸気噴火に始まるが,その後火山灰を放出する噴火とスコリアを放出する噴火がそれぞれ発生した.スコリアを放出する噴火は,その初期に小規模な火砕流も発生した.総テフラ噴出量は数100~1000万/m3オーダである.なお,権現池火口周辺から流れ出た溶岩のうち,保存のよい微地形が残存する溶岩も3ユニットあることから,溶岩を流す噴火も完新世に3回発生した可能性がある.また,個々の水蒸気噴火の総噴出量は,数10~数100万m3オーダとなる.最新の噴火は,約500年前に発生した水蒸気噴火である.およそ7300年前に降下した鬼界アカホヤ火山灰より上位のテフラユニットの数から算出した噴火頻度は,800年に一回となる.近隣の焼岳火山(100~300年/回)と比べると噴火頻度は少ないが,桁違いに少ないわけではない.
及川 輝樹 和田 肇
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.110, no.9, pp.528-535, 2004 (Released:2005-01-07)
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飛騨山脈の東縁に面した主に礫層で構成される居谷里層の堆積時期は, 層序関係と古地磁気極性から1.65~0.78 Maの間のいずれかとされている. この地層の礫層は, 大部分が茶色の溶結凝灰岩礫 (70%) で構成され, その他, 花崗岩礫 (15%), 緑~黒緑色の溶結凝灰岩・火山岩礫 (5%) も含まれる. これらの礫は, 記載岩石岩学的特徴からすべて飛騨山脈起源である. 花崗岩礫には高率に暗色包有岩を含む特徴的な細粒花崗岩礫があり, 記載岩石学特徴からその花崗岩礫は飛騨山脈北部に露出する黒部川花崗岩からもたらされたと考えられる. 黒部川花崗岩は, 1.5~1.0 Ma (ジルコンFT, 黒雲母 K-Ar年代) の年代値が得られており, これは居谷里層の堆積時期とほぼ一致する. したがって, 居谷里層中から黒部川花崗岩礫が発見されたことは, 1.5~1.0 Ma以降に黒部川花崗岩が分布する飛騨山脈北部の隆起は急激だった事を示している.
栁澤 宏彰 及川 輝樹 川口 亮平 木村 一洋 伊藤 順一 越田 弘一 加藤 幸司 安藤 忍 池田 啓二 宇都宮 真吾 坂東 あいこ 奥山 哲 鎌田 林太郎 兒玉 篤郎 小森 次郎 奈良間 千之
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.3, pp.295-317, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-27)

The 2016 eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano in central Japan consisted of several small eruptions that were accompanied by syneruptive-spouted type lahars. We have reviewed the sequence of the 2016 activity and modeled the eruptive processes based on observations of various volcanic phenomena, including ash fall and lahars, plumes, earthquakes and crustal deformation, and analysis of eruptive products. Eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano after the 20th century can be categorized into two types; 1) VEI=0-1 eruptions during which ash fall covered only the summit area and no ballistic blocks were ejected (e.g., 1997-1998 event) and 2) VEI=1-2 eruptions during which ash fall reached the foot of the mountain with ejected blocks (e.g., 1974 event). We also discuss the characteristics of the 2016 activity by comparing the sequence with those of other events of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano: the 1974 and 1997-1998 eruption events and the 2000-2001 intensified fumarolic event. The 2016 eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano are divided into the following six stages. Stage I was characterized by the onset of intensified steam plume emission activity (≥200 m). Stage II was characterized by the onset of crustal deformation, slight increase of high frequency earthquakes (approx.>3.3 Hz) and further activation of steam plume emission activity (≥500 m). The crustal deformation observed commenced at the beginning of Stage II and lasted until the end of Stage V. The total inflated volume was estimated to be approximately 7.2×106 m3. Several very small eruptions that provided only a small amount of ash to the summit area also occurred. Stage III was characterized by a rapid increase of high frequency earthquakes accompanied by tilt change, and the onset of low frequency earthquakes (approx.<3.3 Hz). A small eruption was accompanied by a syneruptive-spouted type lahar at this time. Stage IV was characterized by the occurrence of several small syneruptive-spouted type lahars. The occurrence of high and low frequency earthquakes continued, but with decreasing abundance. Stage V was characterized by the highest altitude of steam plume emission (≥1,200 m), while no ash emission nor syneruptive-spouted type lahars were observed. Stage VI was characterized by a gradual decrease in steam plume emission and earthquake activity. The aerial photographs indicate the ash fall distribution, and the maximum scale of the 2016 eruption, which is estimated to be VEI=1. The assemblage of altered minerals indicates that the volcanic ash originated from volcanic conduits affected by a high-sulfidation epithermal system and no magmatic components were detected. Judging from the depth of the crustal deformation source of magmatic eruptions at other volcanoes, the estimated source of crustal deformation during the 2016 eruption is considered to have been caused by a volume change of the magma chamber. The sequence of the 2016 event can be interpreted as follows: 1) magma supply to the magma chamber, 2) increase in seismicity and fumarolic activity triggered by volcanic fluid released from the new magma, 3) destruction of volcanic conduit by increased fumarolic activity and emission of volcanic ash, and 4) occurrence of syneruptive-spouted type lahars by the “airlift pump” effect. At Niigata-Yakeyama volcano, such small eruptions and fumarolic events have been frequently observed for the last 40 years. We thus consider that the accumulation of magma has progressed beneath the volcano, which is a potential preparatory process for a future magmatic eruption.
伴 雅雄 及川 輝樹 山崎 誠子 後藤 章夫 山本 希 三浦 哲
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.64, no.2, pp.131-138, 2019-06-30 (Released:2019-07-06)

Based on the history of volcanic activity of Zao stage VI, we examined possible courses of future activity of Zao volcano. All activities will start with precursory phenomena. Next, phreatic eruptions from Okama crater or other place inner part of Umanose caldera will occur, and may cause ballistic materials release, ash fall, pyroclastic surge, and lahar. The possibility of small scales edifice collapse and lava flow swelled out is very low but should be included. When the activity progresses, magmatic eruptions will be taken place from Goshikidake, and cause same phenomena as in the phreatic eruptions but larger in scale. The possibility magmatic eruption takes place without preceding phreatic eruption can not be excluded. Rarely, the activity will go up further and resulted in sub-Plinian eruption. Aside from the above sequence, larger scale phreatic eruption from Goshikidake area should be listed, although the possibility of this is very low.
及川 輝樹
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.108, no.10, pp.615-632, 2002-10-15 (Released:2008-04-11)
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飛騨山脈南部に位置する焼岳火山群の地質,火山発達史,噴火様式の特徴を,火山層序学,K-Arおよび14C年代測定値などを基に明らかにした.焼岳火山群は,大棚,岩坪山,割谷山,白谷山,アカンダナ,焼岳の6つの火山に大別され,26ka以降に活動した新期(焼岳,アカンダナ,白谷山)と120-70kaに活動した旧期(割谷山,岩坪山,大棚)に分けられる.最も若いマグマ噴火は,2.3ka(calBP)の中尾火砕流堆積物と焼岳円頂丘溶岩である.この火山群は,複雑な斑晶組み合わせをもつ安山岩からデイサイト質の溶岩ドームおよび溶岩流とそれに伴うblock and ash flow堆積物で構成される.この火山群は,その一生を通して降下軽石やスコリアを噴出せず,爆発的な噴火は行わなかった.新期焼岳火山群の長期的マグマ噴出率は0.1-0.35km3/kyであり,この値は日本の第四紀火山の平均的な値である.しかし,焼岳火山群の体積は日本の平均的な火山より小さい.つまり,焼岳火山群は活動時期が短いがゆえに体積が小さい.最近の噴出率が落ちていないことを考慮に入れると焼岳火山群の活動はまだ続き,今後も溶岩ドームおよび溶岩流の形成とそれに伴うblock and ash flowの形成という非爆発的な噴火を繰り返すと考えられる.
西 勇樹 伴 雅雄 及川 輝樹 山﨑 誠子

はじめに 蔵王火山は、東北日本火山フロントに位置する活火山で、2013年頃から噴火の前兆的現象が多数観測されている。蔵王火山の最新期は約3.5万年前の馬の背カルデラの形成に始まり、約2千年前に最新の山体である五色岳が活動を開始した。我々は、五色岳形成開始前後の噴出物を対象として、地質学的・岩石学的研究を進め、その結果、噴出物の地質ユニットは、五色岳形成に先行する溶岩ユニット(振子滝溶岩、五色岳南方溶岩及び火砕岩類)と形成開始後の火砕岩ユニット(五色岳南部火砕岩類、五色岳東部火砕岩類)に細分されること、全ての岩石は苦鉄質・珪長質マグマの混合によって形成されたこと、一方で、両端成分マグマの特徴、マグマ溜まりの構造、および滞留時間1年未満と5年以上を示す珪長質マグマ由来の直方輝石の割合が、溶岩ユニットと火砕岩ユニットでやや異なっていることが明らかになった。 上記の火砕岩ユニットの両火砕岩類は、後者が前者を不整合に覆っており、形成時期がやや異なる可能性がある。また、五色岳南部火砕岩類には計3本の火砕岩脈が認められる。今回は、五色岳南部火砕岩類で見られる火砕岩脈の特徴と形成過程を明らかにすると共に、五色岳南部火砕岩類の岩石学的特徴を、前後の地質ユニット(溶岩ユニット、五色岳東部火砕岩類)と比較し、マグマ溜まりの時間変遷の検討をより詳細に行った。五色岳南部火砕岩類、特に火砕岩脈について 五色岳南部火砕岩類は五色岳の南東部に分布する。噴出物は主に成層構造の発達した火砕サージ堆積物からなる。全層厚は約12mである。火砕サージ堆積物を切る計3本の火砕岩脈(以下、火砕岩脈を順に1~3と称す)が認められる。その最上部は浸食されている。火砕岩脈1~3の高さは約12m、7m、7m、幅(最下部)は4m、2m、8m、幅(最上部)は16m、5m、8m、走向はN50°E、N70°E、N15°Eである。何れもほぼ垂直方向に貫入しており、火砕岩脈1、2は下部から上部に向かって幅が広がる形状を成す。火砕岩脈3の幅はほぼ一定である。火砕岩脈は褐色~青灰色の火山灰支持の凝灰角礫岩からなる。本質岩片は細かい冷却クラックを持つ火山弾とそれらが破砕されたと考えられる径5cm~10cm程度の火山礫、径10cm程度の少量のスコリアからなる。加えて、径5~10cm程度の類質岩片を少量含む。岩片の多くが冷却クラックをもつ本質物であり、破砕されたものも多いことからマグマ水蒸気爆発によるものと推定される。なお、火砕サージ堆積物と岩脈の境界は明瞭であり、境界付近の火砕サージ堆積物は赤褐色に酸化している。火砕岩脈1を代表として、内部構造について詳細に検討した。その結果、弱い成層構造が認められ、多くの火山岩塊は概ね水平方向に伸長しており、少なくとも一部はフォールバックした可能性が高い。また、火山岩塊の含有割合に不均一性が認められる。特に、岩脈の両端から10~20cmにおいては大きな火山岩塊が認められない。これは岩脈の境界付近で効率的に破砕が進行したためと思われる。岩石学的特徴の比較検討 五色岳南部火砕岩類(火砕岩脈の本質岩片も含む)の岩石学的特徴について、前後の地質ユニットと比較検討を行った。いずれの岩石も単斜輝石直方輝石安山岩からなり、全岩化学組成は、概ね一連の組成トレンドに乗る。しかし、溶岩ユニット、五色岳南部火砕岩類、五色岳東部火砕岩類の組成変化トレンドは、TiO2-SiO2図上で、この順に高TiO2量側にシフトし、Cr-SiO2図上では低Cr量側にシフトしている。これらの特徴は、溶岩ユニットから五色岳東部火砕岩類にかけて、苦鉄質端成分マグマの組成が変化したことを示唆する。また、どの地質ユニットでも直方輝石斑晶のリム(Mg# = 69)から内側~100μmの部分でなだらかな逆累帯構造をもつreverse-zoned タイプ と、リムから内側~50μmの部分でMg-rich zone(Mg# = ~75)を持つMg-rich-rim タイプが認められるが、溶岩ユニットではreverse-zoned タイプが多く、五色岳東部火砕岩類ではMg-rich-rim タイプが多いのに対して、五色岳南部火砕岩類ではその両方がある程度認められる。また、直方輝石の滞留時間について、溶岩ユニット中の多くのものは5年以上で、五色岳東部火砕岩類の多くのものは1年未満のであるのに対して、五色岳南部火砕岩類はその両方が認められる。 以上の検討結果から、五色岳南部火砕岩類は溶岩ユニットと五色岳東部火砕岩類の中間的な岩石学的特徴を持つことが明らかとなった。reverse-zonedタイプの多い溶岩ユニットでは混合マグマは発達し、Mg-rich-rim タイプの多い五色岳東部火砕岩類では混合マグマは未発達であったと考えられるため、その両方のタイプをある程度含む五色岳南部火砕岩類は上下の地質ユニットと比べて、中間的な混合マグマの発達度合いであったと考えられる。すなわち、五色岳南部火砕岩類は、溶岩ユニットから五色岳東部火砕岩類に移る転換時期であったと考えられる。
石崎 泰男 森田 考美 岡村 裕子 小池 一馬 宮本 亜里沙 及川 輝樹
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.59, no.3, pp.185-206, 2014-09-30 (Released:2017-03-20)

Nantai volcano (2,486m a.s.l.), a near-conical stratovolcano with a summit crater ~1km wide, is located along the volcanic front of NE Japan. To date, the eruptive history and characteristics of this volcano have been poorly studied, except for an explosive eruption that occurred at ~17 cal. ka BP (Stage 2 eruption). In this paper, we present the results of investigation of the stratigraphy of recent proximal eruption products, the tephrostratigraphy of the northeastern foot of the volcano, and new radiocarbon ages. The results show that at least six eruptions of Nantai volcano have occurred after Stage 2 eruption, and we refer to these as Stage 3 eruptions. We identify four tephra layers and one pyroclastic flow deposit in the soil sections above the Stage 2 pumice flow deposit, at the northeastern foot of the volcano. These are classified in the ascending order as: (1) Nantai-Bentengawara Tephra 4 (Nt-Bt4), (2) Bentengawara Pyroclastic Flow Deposit, (3) Nt-Bt3, (4) Nt-Bt2, and (5) Nt-Bt1. The Nt-Bt2 is phreatic fallout with no juvenile material; the other tephra layers are phreatomagmatic fallouts containing juvenile pyroclasts together with ash aggregates. Six Stage 3 eruption products are identified within and around the summit crater: (1) a blocky lava flow (Osawa Lava) exposed on the northern crater wall, (2) a partly dissected scoria cone and (3) a poorly-preserved tuff ring (and its resedimented deposits) on the steep crater floor, (4) a subaqueous lava and associated lava fragments sandwiched by lacustrine deposits, (5) a tuff breccia containing hydrothermally-altered lava block and clayey matrix, and (6) a stratigraphically uppermost phreatomagmatic tephra (Nantai-Yudonoyama Tephra). All the proximal eruption products, except for the subaqueous lava, can be correlated with the tephra layers and the pyroclastic flow deposit on the northeastern foot based on stratigraphic positions, lithologies, and geochemical affinities. Our study reveals that five tephra-forming eruptions (ca. 14, 12, 8, 7.5, and 7 cal. ka BP) and one non-explosive subaqueous eruption (between 12 and 8 cal. ka BP) occurred during Stage 3, from a discrete eruption center inside the summit crater. Moreover, the tephra-forming eruptions were diverse in style, with strombolian (12 cal. ka BP), phreatomagmatic (14, 8, and 7 cal. ka BP), and phreatic (7.5 cal. ka BP) eruptions. Eruption style was determined primarily by vent position and spatiotemporal variations in local hydrological factors (e.g., the presence or absence of a crater lake, wet lacustrine deposits, and streams).
三宅 康幸 齋藤 美由紀 竹下 欣宏 及川 輝樹 齋藤 武士
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.54, no.4, pp.163-173, 2009-08-31 (Released:2017-03-20)

Nantai Volcano is a symmetrical stratovolcano, situated in the southern part of the Northeast Japan arc. Many geologic studies hitherto have suggested that the stratovolcano was formed during the Main stage, and the overlying pyroclastic materials and a lava flow were formed in the Later stage. Because no sedimentary gap is found between any deposits of the Later stage, it is inferred that all of the activity in the Later stage took place successively around 12ky BP (15-14 cal ka BP) and went dormant until now. However, we found a pyroclastic flow deposit named Bentengawara Pyroclastic Flow Deposit (BPFD) at the northeastern flank of the Nantai volcano about 2km from the summit crater. This deposit overlies an 80cm thick deposit of weathered ashy sediments that in turn overlies the Arasawa Pumice Flow Deposit, a member of the Later stage. The lower half of the BPFD consists of volcanic lapilli and ash that is remarkably fine-depleted while the upper half contains abundant scoria of mainly lapilli-block sized clasts. The deposit also includes a small number of breadcrust blocks and occasional accessory lava blocks and fragments of charred wood. The breadcrust blocks consist of a dense outer crust that is significantly fractured and a vesiculated interior. It is noteworthy that the edges of the cracks are sharp and never rounded, suggesting that the vaporization of the inner magma that produced these cracks took place just before or immediately following the settlement of the blocks. Paleomagnetic data from three breadcrust block samples indicate that the magnetic vectors of high temperature components are aligned with our present-day poles. Two pieces of charred wood were measured for their 14C ages with results of 12-11 cal ka BP. The whole rock chemistry of scoria and breadcrust blocks are determined to be significantly different from any of the rocks of the Later stage, but the accessory block in the BPFD has the similar chemistry to the Osawa Lava, the last product of the Later stage. We therefore suggest that the BPFD was deposited after the Later stage with a short (~3ka) dormant period between them. Since the age is possibly around 10ka, the Nantai volcano should be counted as active volcano based on the definition provided by the Meteorological Agency of Japan.