2 0 0 0 OA 射精の研究

木村 行雄 宮田 宏洋 安達 国昭
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.62, no.11, pp.877-886, 1971-11-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
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The nervous pathways controlling the two phenomena, seminal emission and closure of the internal urethral orifice were studied experimentally, using male mongrel dogs.Methods: The nerves examined in this study were the nerve fibers entering the lower mesenteric plexus, the splanchnic nerves and the lumbar nerves. The peripheral cut end of these nerves was electrically stimulated continuously with pulses of 0.5-5V in amplitude, 0.5-2msec in duration and 1-40cps in frequency.For seminal emission and ejaculation, posterior urethrogram was recorded by the method described in a previous report. For measurement of contraction of the internal urethral orifice, a latex balloon fitted at the tip of a No. 6 polyethylene tube was inserted into the internal urethral orifice and alteration of the pressure in the balloon was recorded.The results obtained were as follows:1) Selective Stimulation on the Nerve Fivers enterining the lower Mesenteric Plexus.In this study the nerve fibers descending on the anterior wall of the aorta into the plexus were tentatively nominated as the central branch of the lower mesenteric plexus and the fibers entering from the lateral portion into the plexus as the lateral branch of the plexus.When the central branch was stimulated, seminal emission occurred and contraction of the internal urethral orifice was not noted. On the other hand, when the lateral branch was stimulated, emission did not occur but the marked contraction in the internal urethral orifice was observed.2) Stimulation of the Splanchnic Nerves.Seminal emission was caused by stimulation of the greater splanchnic and the third lesser splanchnic nerves. The degree of emission was more remarkable on stimulation of the latter nerve. In regard to contraction of the internal urethral orifice, it was observed that when the 4th-6th lesser splanchnic nerves were stimulated the internal orifice contracted. In particular, contraction was most marked when the 5th lesser splanchnic nerve was stimulated. Accordingly, it was thought that seminal emission and contraction of the internal urethral orifice during ejaculation were controlled by the different nerve pathways upper the lower mesenteric plexus.3) Stimulation of the Lumbar Nerves.In this study, seminal emission was examined alone.Slight emission was observed when the anterior roots of the 1st and 2nd lumbar nerves were stimulated. A remarkable emission was found to occur when the anterior root of the 3rd lumbar nerve was stimulated. Emission was not observed on stimulation of the other lumbar nerves and the posterior roots of the lumbar nerves.
木村 行雄 宮田 宏洋 安達 国昭
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.63, no.5, pp.343-345, 1972 (Released:2010-07-23)

The peripheral nervous controls of seminal emission and closure of the internal urethral orifice during ejaculation were examined experimentally and the hypothesis reported in the previous paper was confirmed.Methods: The hypogastric nerve and the fibers entering the hypogastric plexus which were grouped and referred to as the central branch of the hypogastric plexus and the lateral branch were exposed and sectioned. After 1-4 weeks postoperatively, the penis of the operated dogs was manually stimulated without anesthesia and changes in ejaculation were observed.The results obtained are as follows:i) Section of the bilateral hypogastric nerves. Ejaculation did not occur after 1-4 weeks postoperatively. Disappearance of ejaculation was found to be due to retrograde ejaculation, i. e. regurgitation of the semen into the bladder, but not due to the loss of seminal emission.ii) Selective section of the nerve fibers entering the hypogastric plexus.In the dogs whose median branch was cut, ejaculation occurred just like before section of the branch. No retrograde ejaculation occurred in these dogs. In 5 dogs whose lateral branch was sectioned, ejaculation disappeared in all dogs. In 3 of the 5 dogs retrograde ejaculation occurred and in a dog many spermatozoa were found in the urethra. In only one dog emission disappeared completely.From these results it is concluded that the nerve fibers controlling seminal emission and closure of the internal urethral orifice during ejaculation may take different passways above the hypogastric plexus and these results also confirmed those reported in the previous report.
池村 修寛 稲川 浩平 福田 芽森 山田 亘 宮田 宏太郎 田中 宏明 吉田 拓生 池上 幸憲 谷本 耕司郎 布施 淳 坂本 宗久 樅山 幸彦
Japan Heart Foundation
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.46, no.2, pp.S2_105-S2_109, 2014

症例は心室細動蘇生後の23歳男性. 生来健康. 従兄弟が32歳で突然死. 駅のホームで倒れているところを発見され, 救急隊要請された. 目撃者なし, bystander CPRなし. AED (Automated External Defibrillator) により, 除細動を2度行われた後に自己心拍再開し, 当院救命センター搬送となった. 心肺停止時間は不明だが最大で1時間程度と考えられた. 全身状態安定後に低体温療法を開始した. 来院時のQT間隔は正常 (QT/QTc : 370/440msec) であったが, 低体温時の心電図で著名なQT延長 (QT/QTc : 720/600msec) を認めた. 復温後にQT間隔は正常化した. 冠動脈造影は異常なく, アセチルコリン負荷試験は陰性, 心エコー, 心臓MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) で器質的心疾患を示唆する明らかな所見は認められなかった. 潜在性QT延長症候群を疑いエピネフリン負荷試験を施行した. 負荷前のQT間隔は正常 (QT/QTc : 440/423msec) であったが, 投与1分後 (Peak state) にQT/QTc : 480/640msecまで延長し, 投与3分後 (Steady state) にはQT/QTc : 440/454msecまで戻った. 潜在性QT延長症候群と診断し, ICD植え込みを行った. 診断にエピネフリン負荷試験が有用であった心室細動蘇生後の潜在性QT延長症候群の1例を経験したので報告する.
田中 宏明 福田 芽森 山田 亘 池村 修寬 宮田 宏太郎 吉田 拓生 稲川 浩平 池上 幸憲 谷本 耕司郎 布施 淳 坂本 宗久 樅山 幸彦
Japan Heart Foundation
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.46, no.3, pp.S3_226-S3_231, 2014

DCMの68歳男性. ○年○月にCRT-D植え込み. VT stormに対し, ○+3年○月にアブレーション (心内膜側) を施行. 左室中隔および側壁に低電位領域 (LVA) を認め, ICEでLVA領域に一致して壁内から心外膜側にかけて高輝度領域を認めた. VTはペースマップ (PM) を用いて良好なPM部位でアブレーション施行. アブレーション後再発を認めたが, ATPで停止可能で経過観察していた. ○月○日 (1回目のアブレーションより3カ月後) にVT stormを認め, 緊急入院. ○月○日, アブレーション (心内膜側・心外膜側) を施行した. 前回アブレーションした側壁LVAの心外膜側は正常波高であったが, perfect PM (S-QRS=40ms) およびNSVT時にQRSに先行する拡張期電位 (Egm-QRS=54ms) が得られ, VTのExitと考えられた. 心外膜側および心内膜側にアブレーションを行い, clinical VTは誘発不能となった.
宮田 宏 並木 美太郎 佐藤 未来子
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J97-D, no.6, pp.1068-1081, 2014-06-01
