榎本 美香 寺岡 丈博 坊農 真弓 傳 康晴 細馬 宏通 高梨 克也 高梨 克也

祭りの支度を通じて以下に示す共同体固有の〈心体知〉を後継者世代が仲間内や現役世代と多対多の相互作用から集団学習するメカニズムを解明した。 (1) 心: 成員たちがもつ価値観や見識、信頼感といったエートス (e.g. 他者への気配り, 自己犠牲の精神) (2) 体: 成員間で力や身体位置の配分が必要な協働活動技法 (e.g. 唄のリズムと木や縄の操作との同調) (3) 知: 祭具の名称や用法、祭りのしきたりといった共有知識 (e.g. 社各部位の木材や縄結びの呼称)共同体〈心体知〉を学習する成員たち自身のやり方を相互行為分析から炙り出し、その学習のメカニズムを解明した。
土肥 健太 寺岡 丈博 榎本 美香 Dohi Kenta Teraoka Takehiro Enomoto Mika
vol.B4, no.03, pp.41-46, 2015-03-05

To reveal methods of making effective pauses and communicating as a character in a comedy skit, we have analyzed strategies for creating a histrionic, i.e., exaggerated and overly theatrical, comic performance that is often observed in comedy skits. We compared a manzai performance, which is considered to be a realistic comedy skit, with a comedy skit that had a histrionic performance by the comedy duo ``Sandwich Man'' doing the same material, in order to investigate the differences in the inter-utterance structure and posture-configuration structure of the two comedy styles. The results for the inter-utterance structure indicated that there were differences in the pauses between utterances, but there were no differences in the speech rates (sec/mora) between the comedy styles. Additionally, we found that in the posture-configuration structure, one of the performers turned his face toward his partner's face for a longer time in the histrionic comedy skit than that in the manzai skit. Also, in the histrionic comedy skit, the sum of the performers' shoulder-widths was shorter as seen by the audience than that in the manzai performance. Therefore, we concluded that utterance pauses and the performers' shoulder-widths are important factors in creating a histrionic comic show.
寺岡 丈博
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.27, no.2, pp.227-232, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-06-15)

近年の深層学習の発展により,機械翻訳をはじめとする様々な自然言語処理技術も発展の一途を辿ってきている.しかし,その一方で意味や文脈の理解に関しては未だ課題が散見され,その代表的なものが,比喩理解である.比喩とは,「ある事柄や物をそれと関係のある別の事柄や物で説明する」修辞法である.つまり,比喩は字義通りの意味と本来表現するべき意味が異なるため,文中や発話中に「比喩表現がどこにあって何を表しているか」を正しく理解することは自然言語処理の重要な課題といえる. 本稿で紹介する論文は,それぞれ修辞性が異なる比喩表現を扱っているが,どちらも統語関係に基づいた特徴量を機械学習に用いた研究である.第1 論文は,半教師学習(semi-supervised)と教師なし学習(unsupervised)をそれぞれ用いてコーパス内の比喩表現(metaphorical expression)を同定している.ここでいう比喩表現は,“mend marriage”のような動詞が隠喩的に用いられる表現を指す.第2 論文は,Predicate Window と最小構成のニューラルネットワークを使用して,コーパス内の換喩表現(metonymic expression)を識別している.換喩(metonymy)とは隣接性・近接性に基づいた比喩であり,ここでは“London”のような地名を表す固有表現(named entity)を識別の対象にしている. 以上の2 編は,比喩研究や言語研究を専門とする研究者にとって興味深い内容であると考えられる.第1 論文で,比喩表現の同定過程で取得した比喩のパターンは認知科学と心理学の比喩や概念に関する研究に貢献できる可能性が示唆されている.第2 論文では,統語的にシンプルな情報であるPredicate Window を新たに定義しており,換喩表現だけでなく,固有表現や語彙多義性の処理にも応用できる可能性が示唆されている.これらの自然言語処理研究を通して新しい知見が得られる機会になるとともに「比喩理解に何が必要なのか」を提言していただければ,紹介者として本懐の至りである.
寺岡 丈博 東中 竜一郎 岡本 潤 石崎 俊
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.28, no.3, pp.335-346, 2013 (Released:2013-04-12)

Metonymy is a figure of speech, where one item's name represents another item which usually has a close relation with the first one. Metonymic expressions need to be correctly detected and interpreted because sentences including such expressions have different meanings from literal ones; computer systems may output inappropriate results in natural language processing. In previous studies, detecting metonymies has been done mainly by taking one of the following two approaches: rule-based approach and statistical one. The former uses semantic networks and rules to interpret metonymy. The latter uses corpus-based metonymy resolution with machine learning techniques. One of the problems of the current metonymy detection is that using mainly syntactic and semantic information may not be enough to detect metonymic expressions because it has been pointed out that metonymic expressions have relations to associative relations between words. In this paper, we propose an associative approach for detecting them. By using associative information between words in a sentence, we train a decision tree to detect metonymic expressions in a sentence. We evaluated our method by comparing with four baseline methods based on previous studies that use a thesaurus or co-occurrence information. Experimental results show that our method has significantly better accuracy (0.83) of judging metonymic expressions than those of the baselines. It also achieves better recall (0.73), precision (0.85), and F-measure (0.79) in detecting Japanese metonymic expressions, achieving state-of-the-art performance.