井上 健 岩城 明子 黒澤 健司 高梨 潤一 出口 貴美子 山本 俊至 小坂 仁
一般社団法人 日本小児神経学会
脳と発達 (ISSN:00290831)
vol.43, no.6, pp.435-442, 2011 (Released:2014-12-25)

先天性大脳白質形成不全症は, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher病 (PMD) を代表とする主に遺伝性の原因により大脳白質の髄鞘形成不全を特徴とする疾患群の総称である. これまでPMD以外の疾患については, 臨床および分子遺伝学的な分類が困難であった. しかし, ここ数年で新たな疾患概念の確立や疾患遺伝子の同定が進み, PMD以外の先天性大脳白質形成不全症に関する多くの知見が明らかになった. これらを加味した先天性大脳白質形成不全症の診断基準や疾患分類は, 臨床上有用と思われる. 本稿では, 先天性大脳白質形成不全症に関する研究班による成果による新たな診断基準や, この疾患群に含まれる11疾患の鑑別診断のためのフローチャートを含む疾患分類を中心に, 先天性大脳白質形成不全症に関する最新の知見をまとめた.
藤田 利治 藤井 陽介 渡辺 好宏 小坂 仁 和田 敬仁 森 雅亮 横田 俊平
一般社団法人 日本薬剤疫学会
薬剤疫学 (ISSN:13420445)
vol.15, no.2, pp.73-95, 2010 (Released:2011-03-22)
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Objective: The mechanism underlying the development of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as unconsciousness, abnormal behavior, delirium, hallucinations, and convulsions in influenza has not been thoroughly investigated. The relationship between drug administration and neuropsychiatric symptoms during influenza is also poorly understood. This study is the first pharmacoepidemiologic study focused on investigating the relationship between drug administration and neuropsychiatric symptoms.Design: Cohort studyMethods: Study subjects were patients under 18 years old who had influenza during the 2006/07 season. We prepared two kinds of questionnaires for doctor and for patient's family, and carried out the survey between January and March, 2007. Using data from 9,389 patients, we analyzed the relationship between neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as delirium, unconsciousness and convulsion, and drug administration of acetaminophen and oseltamivir.Results: Analysis of the relationship between delirium and drug administration provided hazard ratios of 1.55(p=0.061)for acetaminophen and 1.51(p=0.084)for oseltamivir. These hazard ratios, which were adjusted for risk factors by multivariate analysis of the proportional hazard model, showed an increasing tendency of delirium after administration of each drug. In patients who received oseltamivir, a high incidence of delirium was observed between 6 and 12 hours after onset of fever. Furthermore, delirium was found to develop in a shorter time following oseltamivir use than it did after acetaminophen use. There was no relationship between unconsciousness and acetaminophen administration, as demonstrated by a hazard ratio of 1.06(p=0.839). The incidence of unconsciousness increased significantly with oseltamivir use with a hazard ratio of 1.79(p=0.0389), and unconsciousness was found to occur in a short time after oseltamivir use.Conclusion: The results obtained from this study suggest that there are increased risks of delirium and unconsciousness with drug administration. Further pharmacoepidemiologic studies for hypothesis testing are required to study the relationship between abnormal behavior and drug administration.
山岸 裕和 小坂 仁 長嶋 雅子 桒島 真理 宮内 彰彦 池田 尚広 小島 華林 松本 歩 山形 崇倫
一般社団法人 日本てんかん学会
てんかん研究 (ISSN:09120890)
vol.35, no.3, pp.693-701, 2018
