小坂 丈予 平林 順一 吉田 稔 鎌田 政明 松尾 禎士 小沢 竹二郎

1.全国の火山地域における噴気ガスの化学成分測定とその変化:一 今年度は本邦における有珠, 十勝, 雌阿寒, 樽前, 北海道駒ヶ岳, 旭岳, 秋田駒ヶ岳, 秋田焼山, 鳴子(潟沼), 那須, 草津白根, 富士(河口湖), 木曽御岳, 伊豆大島, 雲仙岳, 霧島, 桜島, 開聞(うなぎ池)などの諸火山について, 噴気ガスの噴出温度, 化学成分, 噴出量や速度などを測定し, 特に火山活動の消長と噴気ガスの成分変化との関係を求められた.2.諸火山の噴気孔ガスの化学的研究から判明した2, 3の事実:- 今年度の調査結果から判明したことのうち2, 3の例について挙げると, 有珠火山に於いては, その化学組織と同位体組成の次時間変化から, その最高値より出口温度の最高値の方が約2年遅れて出現することが判った. また秋田焼山の叫沢の噴湯はその酸素・水素同位体比の測定などから山頂の噴気ガスと低温の地下水との混合後に与熱されて噴出した特殊な湧出過程であることや, また今回活動が活発化した雌阿寒岳ではフッ素/塩素比の明らかな増加が見られ逆に活動の沈静化が進んでいる大島ではこの値の低下が認められた.3.大気中に放出された火山ガスの滞留状況と災害についての調査研究:- 1986年5月に火山ガス中毒死亡事故の発生した秋田焼山叫沢に於いて, 大気中に滞留している火山ガス濃度の分布状況は, ガス発生地点の位置, 発生濃度, 温度, 地形, 気温, 風向等に密接に関係することを確かめ, 現在でもところにより250ppm以上の滞留濃度を示すことがあるのが確かめられた. 同じくガス中毒事故のあった草津白根山殺生河原や, その他桜島, 木素御岳などでも同様大気中に拡散した火山ガス濃度の経時変化を測定した.4.研究の問題点と今後の展望:- 火山ガス災害の発生源である火山噴気ガスの濃度・発生量等の予測と, 大気中への拡散後の地形・気象条件との関係についてより詳細な調査が必要である.
小坂 丈予 小沢 竹二郎 松尾 禎士 平林 順一 大隅 多加志
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.94, no.6, pp.551-563, 1985-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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The temperature of fumarolic gas ranged from 100 to 128 °C. These gas usually contained few HCl and SO2, and contained a small amount of H2S. These facts indicated that acidic gas components were absorbed into the aquifer during the cause of ascent. Hot springs may be classified into three types according to their chemical composition : 1) volcanic thermal water type ; 2) sea water type ; and 3) type of mixture of 1 and 2.δD and δ18O of waters collected from this island are high. The rocks from Iwo-jima are all trachy andesite with the SiO2 content of 54-58 %, and with the Na2O+K2O content of 9-10 %.
吉田 稔 小沢 竹二郎 小坂 丈予
公益社団法人 日本化学会
日本化学会誌(化学と工業化学) (ISSN:03694577)
vol.1972, no.3, pp.575-583, 1972-03-10 (Released:2011-05-30)

小坂 丈予 小沢 竹二郎 酒井 均 平林 順一
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.28, no.1, pp.59-74, 1983
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Kiso-Ontake Volcano erupted suddenly on the 28th of October, 1979. The eruption started forming ten new craters on the southern flank of the volcano's summit. This paper deals with geochemical study on its volcanic activity after the eruption. The ratio of Cl to S was found to be high in the water-soluble components of the volcanic ash. The content of SO<sub>2</sub> was larger than that of H<sub>2</sub>S in the volcanic gas. According to these observations and considering the sulfur isotopic ratio, the under ground temperature was estimated to be higher than 250℃, while that at the orifice was measured to be as low as 90℃. These facts and seismic observation indicate that magma was not elavated to a sarrow part, but that only high temperature-gas, which was separated from the magma, came up rapidly along the crack, and then rushed into the mud reservoir near the surface, where a large amount of water was evaporated, following the eruption caused by prompt increase of pressure. At an early stage of the eruption, the content of Cl<sup>-</sup> was larger than that of SO<sup>2</sup><sub>4</sub> in spring and pond waters, which were in contact with the fumarolic gases at the summit, but its relation was reversed later. This has been explained by the absorption of HCl, which had been contained in the volcanic gas at the early stage, into the water phase near the summit. From 1980 to 1982, the outlet temperature of fumarole increased to 108-145℃. However, the ratio of SO<sub>2</sub> to H<sub>2</sub>S reduced rapidly, which indicates the decrease of temperature at depth. Therefore, the increase of the temperature of the fumarole is thought to be caused due to the decrease of cooling effect by ground water, because water was evaporated by the continuation of the eruptive activity. Recently no significant changes have been observed in temperature and chemical compositions of volcanic gas, suggesting that the activity will remain to be low for the time being.