木村 健二郎 南 英一 本田 雅健 横山 祐之 池田 長生 不破 敬一郎 夏目 晴夫 石森 達二郎 佐々木 行美 酒井 均 水町 邦彦 浅田 正子 阿部 修治 馬淵 久夫 鈴木 康雄 小松 一弘 中田 賢次
公益社団法人 日本分析化学会
分析化学 (ISSN:05251931)
vol.3, no.4, pp.335-348, 1954-08-15 (Released:2010-01-14)
16 14 13

In order to find the proper method of medical treatment for the afflicted men on board the No.5 Fukuryu Maru on March 1, 1954, it was necessary to know the species and amounts of radioactive elements in the dust of the so-called Bikini Ashes which had fallen on board.At the request of the Hospital of Tokyo University, the authors started analyses on March 18.A combined method of chemical separation with the use of carriers and separation with the use of ion exchange resin was applied;17 nuclides were detected and the results of quantitative estimation of alkaline earth metals were reported on March 31.The main constituent of the ashes was found to be calcium hydroxide and its radioactivity was 0.37mC/g (April 23) which was decayed proportionally to -1.37 power of the time elapsed.The chemical group separation was carried out as shown in Table 3; the second, third(especially rare earth metals)and fifth(alkaline earth metals)analytical groups showed strong radioactivity.By ion exchange method(Fig. 4), the fraction of anions, Zr and Nb fraction, U fraction, the fraction of rare earth metals and the fraction of alkaline earth metals were separated.Furthermore, each constituent of those fractions was estimated quantitatively.In order to confirm the presence of 129mTe, 129Te, 131I, 132I, 103Rn, 106Ru, 106Rh, 95Zr and 95Nb, the chemical method was used.The members of alkaline earth metals, e.g.45Ca, 89Sr, 90Sr, (90Y), 140Ba and (140La), and the members of rare earth metals, e.g.91Y, 141Ce, 143Pr, 144Ce, 144Pr and 147Nd were estimated after the separation with the use of ion exchange resin.The presence of 237U was confirmed from its radioactivity and chemical properties.Also α-tracks of 239Pu.were detected by autoradiograph ic method.Table 6 indicates the summary of the results.
小坂 丈予 小沢 竹二郎 酒井 均 平林 順一
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.28, no.1, pp.59-74, 1983
6 1

Kiso-Ontake Volcano erupted suddenly on the 28th of October, 1979. The eruption started forming ten new craters on the southern flank of the volcano's summit. This paper deals with geochemical study on its volcanic activity after the eruption. The ratio of Cl to S was found to be high in the water-soluble components of the volcanic ash. The content of SO<sub>2</sub> was larger than that of H<sub>2</sub>S in the volcanic gas. According to these observations and considering the sulfur isotopic ratio, the under ground temperature was estimated to be higher than 250℃, while that at the orifice was measured to be as low as 90℃. These facts and seismic observation indicate that magma was not elavated to a sarrow part, but that only high temperature-gas, which was separated from the magma, came up rapidly along the crack, and then rushed into the mud reservoir near the surface, where a large amount of water was evaporated, following the eruption caused by prompt increase of pressure. At an early stage of the eruption, the content of Cl<sup>-</sup> was larger than that of SO<sup>2</sup><sub>4</sub> in spring and pond waters, which were in contact with the fumarolic gases at the summit, but its relation was reversed later. This has been explained by the absorption of HCl, which had been contained in the volcanic gas at the early stage, into the water phase near the summit. From 1980 to 1982, the outlet temperature of fumarole increased to 108-145℃. However, the ratio of SO<sub>2</sub> to H<sub>2</sub>S reduced rapidly, which indicates the decrease of temperature at depth. Therefore, the increase of the temperature of the fumarole is thought to be caused due to the decrease of cooling effect by ground water, because water was evaporated by the continuation of the eruptive activity. Recently no significant changes have been observed in temperature and chemical compositions of volcanic gas, suggesting that the activity will remain to be low for the time being.
伊藤 富造 本田 秀之 富永 健 巻出 義紘 八巻 竜太郎 中澤 高清 橋田 元 酒井 均 提 眞 蒲生 俊敬
宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集 (ISSN:02859920)
vol.24, pp.49-61, 1989-12

1988年5月21日に, 三陸大気球実験場でクライオジェニックサンプラーを用いて成層圏大気採取実験を行なった。高度19kmから30kmにわたる7高度で採取された大気の精密分析を行った結果, CFC-11,CFC-12,CFC-113,CCl_4,CH_3CCl_3,CO_2,CH_4,δ^<13>C, δ^<18>Oの高度分布が得られた。
成瀬 敏郎 酒井 均 井上 克弘
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.24, no.4, pp.295-300, 1986
12 13

我が国に分布する土壌のうち, 火山灰土 (クロボク土), 古砂丘下に埋没する古土壌, 玄武岩台地や海成段丘上にのる土壌, 南西諸島の赤黄色土など, 北海道から与那国島にかけての地域で20試料を採取した.<br>試料土壌中に含まれる微細石英 (1~10μm) は, 10~30%と多く, この微細石英の起源を明らかにするために石英の酸素同位体比 (<sup>18</sup>O/<sup>16</sup>O) を求めた.<br>その結果, 完新世に生成された火山灰土や黄色土中に含まれる微細石英の<sup>18</sup>Oは15.4~15.9‰であり, これまで行われた研究の結果とほぼ一致した. 最終氷期に生成された土壌についても, ほぼ同様の値が得られ(δ<sup>18</sup>O=14.1~15.5‰), これも, 従来の研究の結果とほぼ一致した.<br>以上のことから, 我が国には最終氷期, 後氷期を通じて頻繁に風成塵が飛来し, また雨水や雪にともなって降下堆積し, 土壌の母材になったことが明らかとなった.
小林 和男 飯山 敏道 藤本 博巳 酒井 均 平 朝彦 瀬川 爾朗 古田 俊夫
