岩崎 直哉 小林 江梨子 田口 真穂 山田 博章 佐藤 信範
一般社団法人 レギュラトリーサイエンス学会
レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌 (ISSN:21857113)
vol.12, no.3, pp.247-257, 2022 (Released:2022-09-30)

地域連携薬局と専門医療機関連携薬局の知事認定制度は2021(令和3)年8月に開始した.そこで,薬局機能情報提供制度の情報を活用して,各薬局の機能を分析し,千葉県の各医療圏の薬局が地域連携薬局の認定基準をどの程度満たしているのかの実態を明らかにすることを目的とした.解析には千葉県内の薬局の薬局機能情報を用い,2019年は2,405件,2020年は2,430件の薬局を対象とした.解析項目は地域連携薬局の認定基準から一部を抜粋した.全項目のうち,最も達成率が低い認定基準は “地域における医療機関に勤務する薬剤師などに対して報告および連絡した実績” であり,達成していたのは,2020年で千葉県全体の2.3%(57薬局)だけであった.無菌製剤の調剤応需体制を有する薬局も少なく,自らの薬局の無菌調剤室を利用している薬局は,千葉県全体で2020年は87薬局(3.6%)しかなかった.在宅業務の実施に関連する要因を調べるために2項ロジスティック解析を行った.結果として “麻薬の調剤応需体制を有する”,“無菌製剤の調剤応需体制を有する”,“健康サポート薬局である”,“お薬手帳(電子版)に対応している” の4項目が在宅業務の実施に関連する要因であると判明した.
能勢 高志 鶴見 介登 川田 憲司 永井 博弌 山田 博章 薬王 郁久 尾島 昭次 江田 昭英
炎症 (ISSN:03894290)
vol.10, no.6, pp.471-476, 1990

A glomerulonephritis was induced in mice by injection of subnephrotoxic dose of nephrotoxic serum (NTS) after preimmunization with rabbit IgG. In order to characterize this glomerulonephritis, light, electron and immunofluorescence microscopic studies were carried out 15 days after NTS injection, the time when increases in urinary protein and serum cholesterol and a decrease in serum albumin were apparent.<BR>Characteristic changes were widespread thickening of capillary walls and narrowing of the capillary lumen owing to widening of mesangial areas. In those capillary walls, the mesangial interposition into subendothelial areas was often noted ultrastructurally and double track was confirmed on sections stained with PAM. Linear deposition of mouse IgG was detected in capillary walls by immunofluorescence. In severely affected glomeruli, PAS-positive hyaline nodular lesion was observed light microscopically and massive mesangial deposits ultrastructurally.<BR>Visceral epithelial cells demonstrated fusion of the foot processes, microvilli formation, occasional proliferation and enlargement. Parietal epithelial cells proliferated, forming cellular or fibrocellular crescent.<BR>Based on these characteristics, it appears this nephritic model shares a common pathology with human membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type 1 and crescentic glomerulonephritis and can be considered an appropriate model for producing severe nephritis for short periods.
松永 康志 大田 涼子 坂東 信行 山田 博章 湯浅 宏 金谷 芳雄
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.41, no.4, pp.720-724, 1993-04-15 (Released:2008-03-31)
6 13

(E)-4-[1-[4-[2-(Dimethylamino)ethoxy]phenyl]-2-(4-isopropyl)phenyl]-1-butenyl]phenyl monophosphate (TAT-59) is a new drug for the treatment of breast cancer. Physical and chemical stability of a tablet consisting of TAT-59 powder and a few excipients (Formulated tablet), a tablet consisting of only TAT-59 power (TAT-59 tablet) and TAT-59 powder itself itself was evaluated based on water content, tensile strenght, porosity, the amount of TAT-59 and its hydrolysis product, DP-TAT-59.The water content of Formulated tablet increased with relative humidity (RH), whereas that of TAT-59 tablet and TAT-59 powder scarcely changed. The equilibrium water content of Formulated tablet was much greater than that of the TAT-59 tablet or TAT-59 powder due to adsorbed moisture by the excipients. The tensile strength and porosity of Formulated tablet decreased and increased linearly, respectively, with increasing water content. The degradation rate of TAT-59 decreased in the following order : Formulated tablet>TAT-59 tablet>TAT-59 powder. The relationship between equilibrium water content and degradation rate of the Formulated tablet was determined by the Carstensen equation, in which the interaction order between the durg and water content was 1.9, and the degration of TAT-59 in Formulated tablet was related to water content. Thus, it was found that the degradation of TAT-59 was accelerated by compression and addition of excipients.
邵 桂鳳 姚 鳳会 山田 博章 加藤 清史
情報処理学会研究報告. CVIM, [コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア] (ISSN:09196072)
vol.125, pp.1-11, 2001-01-18
