山田 祥子
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.1, pp.217-228, 2011-03-25

This paper aims to present two texts of the Northern Dialect of Uilta (one of the Tungusic languages, distributed on Sakhalin Island in Russia). The common theme of the texts is how to cook one of their traditional preserved foods named sulukta, which is made from boiled and crushed meat of fish. The first text (Chapter 1.3 in this paper) was told by Ms. Irina Jakovlevna Fedjaeva who was born in the village Val in 1940. The present author wrote the explanation in Uilta from her dictation in October 28th 2010 in Val, Sakhalin oblast. The second text (Chapter 2.3 in this paper) was told by Ms. Elena Alekseevna Bibikova who was born in a camping place Dagi in 1940. The present author recorded her oral explanation based on her own manuscript in Uilta in October 18th 2010 in Nogliki, Sakhalin oblast.
山田 祥子
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.1, pp.1-106, 2023-03-20

The present publication aims to make available as a primary source the sound recordings of the Ewenki language (one of the Tungusic languages) taken from Ms. Ekaterina A. BORISOVA in Sakhalin Oblast, Russian Federation, during May-July 2010. Ms. BORISOVA was born in 1949 in Ayan-Maya (or Ayan-Mai) district that is located in the northern part of the Khabarovsk region. The Ewenki language she speaks is believed to be a dialect acquired in her homeland. Based on the geographical condition, it can be assumed to be the Ayan-Maya (or Ayan-Mai) dialect of the Eastern group of dialects, but linguistic features need to be closely observed for more accurate identification of the dialect. The present sound materials contain the followings: 1. Basic vocaburary 2. Numbers 3. Basic conversational expressions 4. Sample sentences based on a questionnaire 5. Text: my background 6. Text: dad, me, and our dog 7. Text: a story about wolves trying to attack reindeer 8. Text: a day in early summer 9. Text: a place, where wild animals gather 10. Text: the new horizon 11. Text: most important is the health of reindeer 12. Text: solonetz 13. Text: my reindeer 14. Text: Manchurian wapiti 15. Text: a bear and a chipmunk (from a Nanai tale) The phonetic transcription, Russian translation, Japanese translation, and (for chapters 4-14 only) the speaker’s own Russian transcription are provided as indexes to the sound materials.
山田 祥子
北方人文研究 (ISSN:1882773X)
vol.5, pp.159-172, 2012-03-31

This paper aims to present two texts of the Northern Dialect of Uilta (one of the Tungusic languages, distributed on Sakhalin Island in Russia). The first text (1-1) ~ (1-20) is told by Ms. Irina Jakovlevna Fedjaeva who was born in the village Val (Nogliki District, Sakhalin Oblast, Russia) in 1940, and the second one (2-1) ~ (2-29) is by Ms. Elena Alekseevna Bibikova who was born in a camping place Dagi (the same of the above) in 1940. The present author recorded their narration in August 17th 2011 in Val. On this paper the texts are transcribed with Roman-based symbols according to the phonological description by Ikegami (1997). The present author added the underlining forms, the morphological analysis and Japanese free translation. Both of the speakers told about their own experiences with Prof. Jiro Ikegami and expressed respect and thanks to him. They became acquainted with him in 1990, when he visited Sakhalin for the first time. The two local ladies supported him to gather linguistic data on the Northern Dialect of Uilta. After that, they worked together to decide a writing system of the Uilta language and to produce its educational materials. The ABC-book published in 2008 (Ikegami et al. 2008) is indeed a fruit of their great collaboration. They remember that Prof. Ikegami encouraged the speakers of the endangered small language with his ardor for the study and his deep consideration for the people.
山田 祥子
北海道大学大学院文学研究科北方研究教育センター = Center for Northern Humanities, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University
北方人文研究 (ISSN:1882773X)
no.3, pp.59-75, 2010-03

山田 祥子
北海道立北方民族博物館研究紀要 (ISSN:09183159)
vol.31, pp.085-115, 2022-03-25 (Released:2022-07-01)

Prof. IKEGAMI Jirō (Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University; 1920-2011) is a linguist who conducted extensive studies on northern languages from the 1940s to the 2000s. He made remarkable contributions especially to the study of the Tungusic languages. Many of his published works are descriptive studies on Manchu and Uilta (formerly known as Orok) among the Tungusic languages. Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples has a collection of Prof. IKEGAMI's former library materials, donated by his bereaved family. This collection is called Ikegami Bunko. The present article provides a list of all 158 notebooks in the Ikegami Bunko that he used in his research and studies. In cases where the contents are related to Prof. IKEGAMI's publications, the references have been added so that they can be checked against them. This is the first step in making the contents of Prof. IKEGAMI's notebooks widely known, and it aims to provide clues for those who are interested to access the notebooks in future. It is hoped that further information will be added through future research and studies.
山田 祥子
北海道立北方民族博物館研究紀要 (ISSN:09183159)
vol.24, pp.39-58, 2015 (Released:2020-02-29)

Uilta (formerly called Orok), one of the Tungusic languages, is spoken in northeastern part of Sakhalin Island. This language is divided into 2 dialects: Northern Dialect, which was traditionally spoken in village Val and its surrounding areas, and Southern Dialect, which was spoken in Poronaisk (formerly called Shisuka) and its surrounding areas. At the present time, the Uilta speak usually in Russian, and it seems that there remain less than 10 people who are able to speak their traditional language. This report aims to present 50 short sentences translated from Russian into Uilta Northern Dialect by 2 speakers: Ms. Irina Fedjaeva and Ms. Elena Bibikova. In this report Ms. Fedjaeva's translations are marked with (a), and Ms. Bibikova's with (b). The author collected these sentences as linguistic materials during 2010 - 2013 on Sakhalin. Every sentence is represented in phonemic transcription with the underlying form, English-based grammatical gloss, and Russian original sentences with its Japanese translation.
山田 祥子

Hokkaido University(北海道大学). 博士(文学)
山田 祥子
北海道大学大学院文学研究科 = Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University
サハリンの言語世界 : 北大文学研究科公開シンポジウム報告書
pp.11-26, 2009-03-08

サハリンの先住民族ウイルタの話す言語であるウイルタ語には、ワール(Val)などを含む北の地方とポロナイスク(Poronajsk)などを含む南の地方との間で方言差があるといわれてきた(Novikova & Sem 1997: 214、池上2001[1994]: 249)。しかし、両方言を体系的に比較・対照する研究はこれまでのところ池上(2001[1994];以下、初出年は省略)に限られ、その差異の問題には依然として未解明の部分が多く残っている。現在、ウイルタ語の話者数は全員数えても20 名に満たないとまでいわれている。このような危機的状況のなか、言語の保持・伝承に対する話者や研究者たちの積年の思いが結実し、2008 年4 月この言語初の文字教本(Ikegami et al. 2008)が出版された。その内容は、南北の地方で異なる語形を併記するなど、この言語の方言差の存在をはっきりと意識させるものとなっている。これは、研究者の意図だけでなく、編集に携わった話者たちによる方言区分の認識と志向が如実に反映された結果であるといえよう。しかし、その表記のなかには一貫しない部分も少なからずあり、ここにも今後のより体系的かつ詳細な方言の記述研究の必要性がうかがわれる。そこで本稿は、今後のウイルタ語方言研究において注目すべき課題を提示することにより、本研究の意義と展望を打ち立てることを目標とする。ここでは一貫して、池上(2001)による方言分類にもとづき、南方言を基準とした北方言の相違点を述べるという流れで論を展開する。ただし、本稿で述べるいずれの相違点も今後の調査に向けての問題提起であり、あくまでも今後の検討を要するものであるということをあらかじめことわっておく。全体の構成は以下のとおりである。まず1.では、ウイルタ語の方言分類に関する先行記述を概観する。次いで2.では、池上(2001)の記述にもとづく課題を4 点取り上げ、今ある資料から再検討する。3.では、筆者自身がこれまで南方言を中心に検討してきた課題2点について、方言の観点から再解釈する必要性を提示する。最後に4.で、結論としてこれまでの論点をまとめ、今後ウイルタ語北方言の調査を行なう展望を述べる。
山田 祥子
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
no.5, pp.261-280, 2015-03

This paper aims to present a text of the Northern Dialect of Uilta (formerly called Orok) spoken in the northeastern part of Sakhalin Island. The text was provided by Ms. Irina Fedjaeva (1940- ) in village Val (Sakhalin oblast, Russia) in November 24th, 2010. She tried retelling a short story narrated by her mother, the late Ms. Olga Semenova.The story was about ogre called dǝpčigiri in Uilta. In this story a man encountered an ogre on a trip to hunting with his child. The ogre appeared from bonfire in their camp at night. It warned the man not to speak anything in the next morning and predicted that if he did it, his child would die. The next morning the man thought that he saw the ogre just in dream, and he did not care about the warning. Then he spoke with his child and after going back home, with his wife as well. After a while his child suddenly fell ill and died at last. It is believed that the ogre took the child away, because the father disregarded his warning.
山田 祥子
北海道大学大学院文学研究科北方研究教育センター = Center for Northern Humanities, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University
北方人文研究 (ISSN:1882773X)
vol.5, pp.179-191, 2012-03-31

This paper intends to introduce Professor Jiro Ikegami’s contributions to the study on the Uilta language. The contents are as below: 1. The Uilta and studies on their language 1.1 About the Uilta people 1.2 Some studies on the Uilta language (before Prof. Ikegami) 2. Prof. Ikegami’s study 2.1 On Hokkaido (1949~) 2.2 On Sakhalin (1990~) 3. Contributions from Prof. Ikegami’s study 3.1 For the native community on Sakhalin 3.2 For the younger generation of researchers