岩渕 博史 澤田 しのぶ 守谷 恵未 角 保徳
一般社団法人 日本老年歯科医学会
老年歯科医学 (ISSN:09143866)
vol.35, no.2, pp.127-134, 2020-09-30 (Released:2020-10-25)

目的:超音波スケーラーによる歯石除去は,注水を伴うため唾液などの混和した冷却水を誤嚥させるリスクがあり,寝たきり高齢患者では使用することが困難であった。われわれは,角らの「水を使わない口腔ケアのシステム」を応用し,角らの開発した口腔ケア用ジェルを用いることにより,非注水下で超音波スケーラーによる歯石除去が行えるのではないかと考えた。本研究では,口腔ケア用ジェルを用いて非注水下に超音波スケーラーによる歯石除去を行い,咽頭侵入や歯周組織への為害作用について検討した。 方法:口腔ケア用ジェルを用いて非注水下に超音波スケーラーによる歯石除去を行い,患者の満足度や不快症状について水を使用した場合と比較した。また,本法を寝たきり患者に対して行い,咽頭侵入程度,歯周組織への為害作用,処置後の発熱の有無を評価した。 結果:口腔ケア用ジェルを用いた超音波スケーラーによる歯石除去は,処置中の咽頭侵入は非常に少なく,処置後に誤嚥を疑う発熱もみられなかった。処置への満足感,処置中の疼痛や不快感は水を使用した場合と差がみられず,有害な歯髄反応や歯肉の異常所見はみられなかった。 結論:口腔ケア用ジェルを用いたスケーリングは,寝たきり高齢患者においても唾液などの混和した冷却水などの誤嚥の危険性が少なく,歯髄・歯肉への為害作用もみられないことから,これらの患者においても口腔ケア用ジェルを用いることにより,超音波スケーラーによる歯石除去が行える可能性が示唆された。
佐藤 真理子 石田 孝文 岩渕 絵美 岩渕 博史
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.39, no.1, pp.9-15, 2020 (Released:2020-05-16)

Patient`s with Sjögren’s syndrome(SS)are prone to the development of dental caries as a result of reduced salivary flow. As no studies to date have reported on the association between improved salivary flow in patients with SS and caries prevention, we conducted a retrospective study on the influence of salivary secretion on the number of decayed/missing/filled(DMF)teeth. This study involved a total of 165 patients with a mean observation period of 57.7±8.62 months. The results showed a significant negative correlation between the change in the number of missing teeth from baseline to end point and the mean stimulated whole salivary flow(SWSF), which was based on the mean baseline and end point SWSF(r=−0.155, P=0.047). In addition, an increase in the number of missing teeth in patients with a mean SWSF not exceeding 6 mL/10min was observed compared to patients with a mean SWSF of more than 6 mL/10min. Logistic regression analysis showed SWSF to be a risk factor for increased number of missing teeth(OR=0.905, 95 % CI=0.832–0.985, P=0.021). During the observation period, although SWSF increased between baseline and end point, increase in SWSF did not prevent an increase of DMF. As this study showed that SS patients were susceptible to missing teeth with no clear evidence of reduced number of DMF teeth associated with increased salivation, the results suggest that SS patients require all available caries prevention interventions, including not only salivary secretagogue, but also topical measures such as fluoride, antimicrobials and non-fluoride re-mineralizing agents.
永井 哲夫 角田 博之 宮岡 等 高森 康次 岩渕 博史 角田 和之 片山 明彦 片山 義郎 海老原 務 藤野 雅美
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.15, no.2, pp.143-148, 2000-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

In order to characterize the severity of psychosomatic features of the patients who maintain the false conviction of the foulness of their own breath, thirty subjects (10 men and 20 women, aged 13 to 66) were interviewed by trained dentists and psychiatrists.The patients were classified in three types (Class 1 to 3) according to the degree of their cognition of foul breath, ideas of reference, delusion of reference and social adaptation. Class 1 patients were those who were cocerned about foul breath but showed no idea or delusion of reference and had good social adaptation. Class 2 patients were convinced of the foulness of their breath and had idea of reference and problems of social adaptation. The patients most strongly convinced of the foulness of their breath were placed in Class 3.The patients in this criteria had idea of reference, delusion of reference, and hallucination indicating poor social adaptation. The role of dentists in the treatment plan for imagined foul breath can be decided by the classification of the severity of the syndrome. Class 1 patients who sometimes need anti-anxiety drugs can be treated by dentists, but treatment of Class 2 patients who need antipsychotics should be conducted in cooperation with psychiatrists. The treatment of Class 3 patients should be mainly conducted by psychiatrists, but dentists can provide support for the continuation of the treatment.
岩渕 博史 岩渕 絵美 内山 公男 高森 康次 永井 哲夫 田中 陽一
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.52, no.12, pp.703-707, 2006-12-20 (Released:2011-04-22)
1 1

Glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC) was first proposed by Gardner et al in 1988 as an infrequent developmental epithelial cyst occurring in jaw bones. We describe our experience with a case of GOC arising in the mandible and report the clinical course. The patient was 52-year-old woman with clearly bordered multilocular radiolucent lesions in bothsides of the mandibular premolar region. These cysts were extirpated, and the specimens were studied by routine pathological examination and immunohistochemical staining with cytokeratins. The diagnosis was established to be GOC. The cyst recurred 3.5 years after surgery, and reoperation was performed.
岩渕 博史 岩渕 絵美 内山 公男 高森 康次 永井 哲夫 田中 陽一
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.52, no.12, pp.703-707, 2006-12-20
2 1

Glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC) was first proposed by Gardner et al in 1988 as an infrequent developmental epithelial cyst occurring in jaw bones. We describe our experience with a case of GOC arising in the mandible and report the clinical course. The patient was 52-year-old woman with clearly bordered multilocular radiolucent lesions in bothsides of the mandibular premolar region. These cysts were extirpated, and the specimens were studied by routine pathological examination and immunohistochemical staining with cytokeratins. The diagnosis was established to be GOC. The cyst recurred 3.5 years after surgery, and reoperation was performed.