市川 健夫
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.31, no.3, pp.142-152, 1958-03-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

(1) In the Nagano Basin (Zenkoji-daira), apple were first grown for trial in around 1879, and widely cultivated in all parts of the basin at the beginning of the 20th century. Unlike those grown in Aomori prefecture, however, they could prove no dominant commercial crop. In around 1918, as the cultivating technique was improved, the apple-growing industry was gradually expanding in the diluvial upland on the western edge of the basin and on the natural levees of River Chikuma, where apple-cultivation possesses relatively superior condition to sericulture. After the economic crisis of 1930, making a nucleus of the existing apple-culivation on a small scale, it had developed to a certain extent in the whole basin, thus the apples produced here came to be a commercial farm product in place of that by sericulture. After the war, they have become the most dominant commercial crop in the baein, and now it ranks second to Tsugaru Plain as an important apple-growing area in Japan. (2) It is clear that 80% of the apple-production in Nagano prefecture is concentrated in the Nagano Basin because of its physical condition to fit apple-growing and its geographical situation near the markets. What is more, however, the principal conditions that enables the apple-growing to expand so rapidly are the high productivity traditionally fostered by engaging in commercial agriculture since old times, the cooperative producing organization and the cheap labors richly supplied from the surrounding mountain villages. (3) The apple is a most refined commercial crop, and its cultivation is controlled by physical and social conditons, so that the apple-growing in this basin has not evenly developed. The principal growing areas are the diluvial upland on the western edge of the basin, the natural levees of River Chikuma and the diluvial upland in the northern part and the fans in the eastern part, where the apples are grown as the main crops. In the other areas, however, farmers grow them as a plural management or a sideline while they engage in sericulture together with raising of rice, wheat, vegetables, flowers, tobacco and hops.
市川 健夫 白坂 蕃
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1-28, 1978-06-25 (Released:2010-02-26)

The writers analysed the industry, economy, land use, settlement and tourism in the area from the view point of the development process and the socioeconomic aspects in this paper. The results are as follows:I. The Norikura Plateau is located at the upper limit, in terms of altitude, for agriculture in Japan. The people can not keep up their living standards by only agriculture on this plateau, because the productivity of the land is very low. Therefore, prior to 1970, the people had to manage not only with the subsistance cultivation of cereals, but also with sericulture, charcoalmaking, dairy cattle breeding, the gathering of mountain products and hunting.After 1970, the tourist industry have provided the most jobs, but the people still manage with composite jobs.II. The settlements are divided into two types, i.e., permanent and seasonal (temporary settlement for cultivation), in the Norikura Plateau. Among those temporary settlements for cultivation, Bandoko (1, 300m above sea-level) has already become a permanent settlement in the 1890's. Now Bandoko is the core settlement in the Norikura Plateau. Kanayamadaira (1, 500m) was a temporary settlement for cultivation until the first half of the 1940's.Kanayamadaira has been changed into a permanent settlement by the development of the tourist industry, as a skiing ground in winter as well as a summer resort.Shirahone Spa has developed into a permanent settlement after World War II. The other temporary settlements for cultivation has since disappeared.III. The process of the settlement and socio-economic development in the Norikura Plateau are shown in the table in the next page.(i) Since 1927, the Norikura Plateau has been used as the mountain's skiing ground in winter. The skiers came mostly from Tokyo. (ii) After World War II, the Norikura Plateau has developed also as a summer resort and as a skiing ground for the local people principally. (iii) During the first half of the 1960's, many village houses became “Minshuku” (“Minshuku” are cheap lodging houses in tourist resorts, and most of them are usually operated by farmers and fisherfolk for additional income.). In the Norikura Plateau, there were 33 hotels and 66 Minshukus in 1975.However, the Norikura skiing ground is a local one, because the skiing ground is relatively small, and the traffic condition is no good. The poor traffic condition has, in the main, restricted the development of the tourist resort in the Norikura Plateau.
許衛 東 白坂 蕃 市川 健夫
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.62, no.2, pp.104-115, 1989-12-31 (Released:2008-12-25)
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雲南省,西双版納倦族自治州は,中華人民共和国の南西端に位置し,南はラオス,ビルマと国境を接している。西双版納は植物資源の宝庫といわれ,中国だけではなく,ひろく外国の研究者にも興味深い地域である。 西双版納は東南アジアのマレーシアやイソドネシアのような,典型的な熱帯多雨林地域と比べると,熱帯の限界的性格が強く,それ故に複雑な自然条件に対応した様々な農業や集落がみられる。 西双版納倦族自治州には,傑族をはじめ,基諾族など10を越す少数民族が独特の生活様式を持って生活している。本稿では,筆者の実地調査をもとに,西双版納における集落立地を含めた農業的土地利用と近年の変化を,民族別に考察した。 1980年代に入るとともに,西双版納では農業において生産責任制が採り入れられたこともあり,かつてない急速な農業変革が進められている。その中心は,西双版納の自然環境に基づいたゴム,茶そして熱帯果樹を中心とした換金性の高い近代的集約農業の拡大である。中でもゴム栽培は,多かれ少なかれ,ほとんどの民族に取り入れられ,その高距限界は海抜1,360メートルにもおよんでいる。この,いわゆる“近代化”農業への移行過程で,盆地においては水田耕作の比重が増し,山地においては焼き畑の比重が低下し,仏教文化を持たない少数民族ほど,伝統的農法や固有の農耕文化要素が衰退し,漢民族化・漢文化化が速いテンポで進んでいる。
市川 健夫
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.36, no.4, pp.215-231, 1963

1) 八ガ岳山麓西斜面における土地利用は,昭和恐慌・太平洋戦争・戦後を経て大きく変化した.広大な採草地は大部分が林地化し,一部は開拓された。馬産地であつた南部では,酪農が伸びて従来の養蚕にかわり,日本的な混合農業が営まれている.中部・北部では,部分的に洋菜・花卉が発展しているところもあるが, 1929年に三沢勝衛が規定した「穀桑式農業」が構造的な変化をうけずに維持されている.<br> 2) 東斜面の野辺山原では,戦前粗放的な牧野利用が卓越し,後進地域に属していた.ところが1936年の小海線全通後,集約的な遠郊式農業が始められた.さらに戦中・戦後を通じて開拓が大規模に進み,土地景観は一変した.現在ここでは酪農と自由式遠郊農業が有機的に結びついた商業的混合農業が成立しっっある。<br> 3) 八ガ岳の東・西斜面における土地利用は地域類型が異なり,きわめて非対称的であるが,いずれも高冷農業地域として高度な発展段階を示している。