中島 広喜 成瀬 貫
CANCER (ISSN:09181989)
vol.29, pp.59-63, 2020-08-01 (Released:2020-09-09)

A mantis shrimp species of the family Nannosquillidae, Pullosquilla pardus (Moosa, 1991), is reported from the Ogasawara and Ryukyu Islands. This report represents the first record of P. pardus from the Japanese waters. The record from Anijima, Ogasawara Islands, expands the distributional range of the species to the north.
藤田 喜久 佐伯 智史 仲吉 将一 福島 新 成瀬 貫
CANCER (ISSN:09181989)
vol.30, pp.11-19, 2021-08-01 (Released:2021-08-26)

An endangered freshwater crab, Ryukyum yaeyamense (Minei, 1973) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae), is recorded for the first time from Kohamajima Island, Yaeyama island group, southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Kohamajima Island becomes the third distributional island of the species. The morphological characteristics of the species, their habitats, and ecological notes of the species are provided.
成瀬 貫 戸田 光彦 諸喜田 茂充
CANCER (ISSN:09181989)
vol.12, pp.1-6, 2003

A hypogeal atyid shrimp, Halocaridinides trigonophthalma (Fujino and Shokita, 1975), is newly recorded from Hatoma Island, Southern Ryukus, Japan, and Hatoma Island becomes the fourth island which H. trigonophthalma occurs. H. trigonophthalma was collected from the old well, which is 7-8 m in depth and its wall seem to consist of limestone. There was about 1.0 by 1.5 m clear water pool on the bottom of well, with about 10 cm in depth and sedimental soil and broadleaves, roughly dozens of small shrimps were observed. Water was licked but salinity was not felt. Detailed description of the specimens obtained shows that the numbers of spines on diaeresis of uropodal exopod overlap with the only congener, H. fowleri (Gordon, 1968), though Gurney (1984) assigned the fewer number of spines as one of two distinguishable characters between two species. Instead, the relative length of distal end of endopod peduncle of antenna and the relative length of exopod of 3rd maxilliped can differentiate H. trigonophthalma and H. fowleri.
木村 妙子 木村 昭一 角井 敬知 波々伯部 夏美 倉持 利明 藤田 敏彦 小川 晟人 小林 格 自見 直人 岡西 政典 山口 悠 広瀬 雅人 吉川 晟弘 福地 順 下村 通誉 柏尾 翔 上野 大輔 藤原 恭司 成瀬 貫 櫛田 優花 喜瀬 浩輝 前川 陽一 中村 亨 奥村 順哉 田中 香月 Kimura Taeko Kimura Shoichi Kakui Keiichi Hookabe Natsumi Kuramochi Toshiaki Fujita Toshihiko Ogawa Akito Kobayashi Itaru Jimi Naoto Okanishi Masanori Yamaguchi Haruka Hirose Masato Yoshikawa Akihiro Fukuchi Jun Shimomura Michitaka Kashio Sho Uyeno Daisuke Fujiwara Kyoji Naruse Tohru Kushida Yuka Kise Hiroki Maekawa Yoichi Nakamura Toru Okumura Junya Tanaka Kazuki
三重大学フィールド研究・技術年報 = Annals of Field Research and Technology Mie University (ISSN:13496824)
vol.17, pp.1-29, 2019-11

Preliminary results of the deep-sea faunal survey conducted from the TR/V Seisui-maru of Mie University in April 2019 are presented. A total of 20 taxonomists and ecologists working on a wide variety of animal taxa participated in this survey. Surveyed areas included the Kumano Sea(off Mie Prefecture)and south of the Kii Strait(off Tanabe Bay, Wakayama Prefecture), at depths of 112-775 m. Sampling gears employed were beam trawl and biological dredge. The collection is represented by macrobenthos and meiobenthos from nine animal phyla, including echinoderms, arthropods, molluscans and annelids. The number of phyla occurring in each station varied from seven to eight. The station with most diverse fauna at the phylum level was St. 3B(south of the Kii Strait, 775-661 m depth, mud bottom).Meiofauna includes priapulids, nematodes and small arthropods such as copepods, tanaidaceans, amphipods, isopods and cumaceans. In addition to freeliving species, cnidarians symbiotic on a gastropod and an antipatharian, and crustaceans parasitic on a fi sh and sea urchins were also collected. Preliminary identifi cations are given for Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Holothuroidea, Crinoidea, Cyclopoida, Siphonostomatoida, Tanaidacea, Isopoda, Decapoda, Mollusca, polychaetes, Bryozoa, Cnidaria and Nemertea.
前之園 唯史 成瀬 貫 Maenosono Tadafumi Naruse Tohru
琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
Fauna Ryukyuana (ISSN:21876657)
no.23, pp.1-41, 2015-08-25

Six species of terrestrial sesarmid crabs of the genus Parasesarma De Man, 1895, viz. P. dumacense (Rathbun, 1914), P. lepidum (Tweedie, 1950), P. leptosoma (Hilgendorf, 1869), P. liho Koller, Liu & Schubart, 2010, P. pictum (De Haan, 1835), and P. tripectinis (Shen, 1940) were collected from the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, of which P. dumacense, P. lepidum and P. liho represent new records for the Japanese fauna. Notes on their morphological features, colorations, ecological aspects, and distributions in the Ryukyu Archipelago are provided. The identification of P. dumacense in the present study is provisional, as the original descripton of the female holotype of P. dumacense is insufficient to confirm the identification of the Ryukyuan specimens as male characters are most important to identify the species. Rahayu & Ng (2010) redescribed P. dumacense, but the present study indicates that Rahayu & Ng's (2010) "P. dumacense" may contain more than two species (Fig. 4). Furthermore, Parasesarma kuekenthali is morphologically very close to P. dumacense. Further taxonomic study is necessary to clarify the systematic status of P. dumacense, P. kuekenthali, and the species studied by the present study and Rahayu & Ng (2010). It has been considered that P. lepidum is distinguished from allied P. palauense (Takeda, 1972) by the fewer number of granules on the upper surface of the movable finger of male chela (17–18 in P. lepidum vs. 19 in P. palauense). Our additional material of P. lepidum expands the range of the number of the granules to 20, which now overlaps with that of P. palauense. Reappraisal of the identity of P. palauense is necessary. Taxonomic problems and distinguishable characters of the other four Parasesarma species are also discussed in detail. Controversial distributional records of P. affine (De Haan, 1837) from the Ryukyu Archipelago are also discussed.琉球列島において採集されたカクベンケイガニ属Parasesarmaの6種 [ヨコスジベンケイガニ (新称) P. dumacense (Rathbun, 1914), ツメナガベンケイガニ (新称) P. lepidum (Tweedie, 1950), キノボリベンケイガニP. leptosoma (Hilgendorf, 1869), ミズギワベンケイガニ (新称) P. liho Koller, Liu & Schubart, 2010, カクベンケイガニP. pictum (De Haan, 1835), ユビアカベンケイガニP. tripectinis (Shen, 1940)] について, 形態や色彩の特徴, 生息環境, 琉球列島における分布記録および分類学的な諸問題を記述した. これらの種のうち, ヨコスジベンケイガニ, ツメナガベンケイガニおよびミズギワベンケイガニは日本初記録となる. P. dumacenseの同定については, 原記載が雌1個体に基づいており, 雄の形質を重視する現在の同定方法には不充分な情報しか得られていない. また, P. dumacenseは形態的にP. kuekenthali (De Man, 1902) に類似することから, これらの種の分類学的位置を確定するためにはさらなる研究が必要である. さらに, P. lepidumとP. palauense (Takeda, 1972) は雄の可動指上面の瘤状顆粒数によって識別されるとされていたが (P. lepidum: 17–18 vs. P. palauense: 19), 本研究によりP. lepidumの瘤状顆粒数は16–20の間で変異することが確認されたため, P. palauenseの分類学的な位置付けについても再検討が必要である. 本報では, 文献情報に基づき, 琉球列島におけるクシテガニP. affine (De Haan, 1837) の分布記録についても言及した.
藤田 喜久 佐伯 智史 仲吉 将一 福島 新 成瀬 貫
CANCER (ISSN:09181989)
vol.30, pp.11-19, 2021

<p>An endangered freshwater crab, <i>Ryukyum yaeyamense</i> (Minei, 1973) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae), is recorded for the first time from Kohamajima Island, Yaeyama island group, southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Kohamajima Island becomes the third distributional island of the species. The morphological characteristics of the species, their habitats, and ecological notes of the species are provided.</p>
Naruse Tohru Maenosono Tadafumi Uyeno Daisuke Samejima Shota Shirawakawa Naoki 成瀬 貫 前之園 唯史 上野 大輔 鮫島 翔太 白川 直樹
琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
Fauna Ryukyuana (ISSN:21876657)
no.36, pp.1-11, 2017-05-31

琉球列島より得られたコブシガニ上科6種 (サガミトゲコブシArcania sagamiensis, ホシズナエバリアEbalia stellaris, Ebaliopsis erosa, ノコバテナガコブシMyra eudactylus, サガミコブシUrnalana elata, ノコハコブシIphiculus spongiosus) の標本を記録した. それらのうち, Ebaliopsis erosaは日本より初めて, サガミトゲコブシ•サガミコブシ•ノコハコブシは琉球列島より初めて, それぞれ標本を基に報告された. また, Ebaliopsis erosaには新標準和名クルミコブシを与え, 和名の基準とする標本にRUMF-ZC-4279を指定した. さらに, 各種の近似種との識別形質や潜在的な分類学的問題点について概説した.
中島 広喜 成瀬 貫
CANCER (ISSN:09181989)
vol.29, pp.59-63, 2020

<p>A mantis shrimp species of the family Nannosquillidae, <i>Pullosquilla pardus</i> (Moosa, 1991), is reported from the Ogasawara and Ryukyu Islands. This report represents the first record of <i>P. pardus</i> from the Japanese waters. The record from Anijima, Ogasawara Islands, expands the distributional range of the species to the north.</p>
成瀬 貫 藤田 喜久 佐々木 哲朗 山田 鉄也
小笠原研究年報 (ISSN:03879844)
no.38, pp.87-90, 2014
