藤田 和生 黒島 妃香 服部 裕子 高橋 真 森本 陽 瀧本 彩加 佐藤 義明
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.24, no.3, pp.241-263, 2009-03-31 (Released:2010-06-17)
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Capuchin monkeys are one of the most important primate subjects in understanding the evolution of kokoro (mind and heart), because of their outstanding intelligence and gentleness despite their phylogenetic distance from humans and apes. Here we report a series of experimental studies on various aspects of the kokoro of tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) conducted at the comparative cognition laboratory, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University. Briefly, for the physical intelligence, the monkeys amodally completed partly occluded figures basically like humans do. They also perceived never-presented contours by spatially and temporally integrating a sequence of fragmentary information just like humans do. They understood physical causality in a type of tool-use task involving tool, goal, and environment. In the social intelligence domain, they spontaneously took actions interpretable as tactically deceiving the conspecific opponent in an experimental food-competition contest. They also cooperated by dividing a sequence of actions leading to rewards. This cooperation continued when only one of the participants obtained a reward at a time. They were sensitive to attentional states of humans shown by eyes, though they might not try to control human attentional focus. They inferred a conspecific's behavior that they never directly observed and adaptively modified their next behavior based on the predicted consequence. They were also able to correct their actions by observing unsuccessful actions of their conspecific partner. One monkey of this species showed evidence that she recognized the knowledge status of humans suggested by their preceding actions toward the items in question. In the affective domain, this species was shown to utilize affective reactions of a conspecific against a hidden object to regulate their own actions toward it. Finally, the monkeys were sensitive to the benefit of their conspecific partner. They sometimes took thoughtful actions toward a low-ranking individual and in other times spiteful actions against a high-ranking individual. All of these results show that this New World species shares many characteristics of kokoro observed in humans.
服部 裕子 友永 雅己 松沢 哲郎
霊長類研究 Supplement
vol.29, 2013

 ダンスや合唱など,音楽のリズムに合わせて大勢が体の動きを同調させる行為は,世界中の多くの文化で見られており,同調行動はヒトの社会的なつながりを強めるために重要な働きをしていることが示唆されている.こうした行為ができるのは,ヒトがリズムに対して自発的に同調する能力があるために可能になるのであるが,本研究では,チンパンジーも音のリズムに対して自発的に行動を同期させることを実験的に検討した.まず,電子キーボードを複数回タッピングさせると餌をもらえることを学習させた.その後,タッピングを行っている間に,一定間隔の音刺激を呈示し,タッピングのリズムが音のリズムに同調するのかを調べた.その結果,チンパンジー3個体中1個体において,刺激間間隔 600msの音に自発的に同調してタッピングを行っていたことがわかった.このことから,外部の等間隔の音に対する自発的な同調傾向は,チンパンジーにも共通してみられることが示された.ヒトにみられるダンスや合唱は,こうした傾向をさらに発展させたコミュニケーション方法だと考えられる.
瀧山 拓哉 服部 裕子 松沢 哲郎
霊長類研究 Supplement
vol.32, pp.64, 2016
