木内 敦詞 七五三木 聡 天貝 均 大野 敦也 勝田 茂
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.46, no.1, pp.77-85, 1997-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究は, 閉経後骨粗鬆症の実験モデルとしてOVXラットを用い, OVX後の骨の変化を皮質骨と海綿骨の量的変化および組織学的特徴から検討し, これらが運動負荷によりいかなる影響を受けるかを調べたものである.実験にはWistar系雌性ラットを用い, 偽手術・コントロール群 (Sham-C群) , 偽手術・トレーニング群 (Sham-T群) , 卵巣摘出・コントロール群 (OVX-C群) , 卵巣摘出・トレーニング群 (OVX-T群) の計4群を設けた.卵巣摘出および偽手術は14週齢時に行い, トレーニングは17週齢より10週間のトレッドミル走とした.トレーニング期間終了時に, 脛骨を摘出後, 脱脂乾燥骨重量, 骨塩量を測定し, さらに海綿骨の組織形態計測を行った.得られた結果は以下のとおりである.1.脱脂乾燥骨重量および骨幹部骨塩量において, OVX-C群とSham-C群の有意な差異は認められなかった.しかし体重あたりの骨塩量ではOVX-C群がSham-C群に対し有意な低値を示した.また, 海綿骨の単位骨量ではOVX-C群がSham-C群よりも有意な低値を, LS/BSをはじめとする骨形成パラメータでは逆に有意な高値を示した.2.海綿骨単位骨量および体重あたりの骨塩量は, OVX-T群がOVX-C群に対し有意な高値を示した.骨形成パラメータでは両群に有意な差は認められなかった.3.上記のすべての測定パラメータで, Sham-C群とSham-T群の間に有意な差異は観察されなかった.以上の結果から, 運動は卵巣摘出による骨量の減少に対し抑制的に作用することが示された.また, これは骨形成の促進よりはむしろ骨吸収の抑制に起因する可能性が示唆された.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.145-159, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-11-05)
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College students have low levels of physical activity (PA); however, PA enhancement is suggested to serve as a gateway to the improvement of other forms of health behavior. Graduate Ready for Activity Daily (GRAD) by Sallis et al. (1999) is a PA enhancement course for college students immediately before graduation. The program contains the behavior change skills needed to adopt and maintain regular PA. Moreover, there is also a need to consider PA intervention for freshmen, from the same viewpoint as GRAD. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not a behavioral science-based physical education program with homework would have positive effects on the psychological, behavioral, and physiological variables related to the PA of college freshmen. The project was named “First-Year Physical Education” (FYPE).College freshmen from an institute of technology in the Kinki area of Japan participated in this study (N=993; intervention group, N=497; non-intervention group, N=496). The programs that were common to all the classes were as follows (the numbers correspond to the sequence of activities in the program): (1) guidance, (2) health-related physical fitness test, (3)–(6) sports activity, (7) lecture on PA and health, (8)–(12) sports activity, (13) health-related physical fitness test, and (14) summary of the program. The PA enhancement programs were meant only for the intervention group. The programs consisted of education on behavioral change skills (decisional-balance analysis, changing self-talk, relapse prevention, social support, shaping, and so on), and out-of-class practical assignments such as active homework (self-monitoring and goal setting with regard to PA). The duration of the weekly program was 3.5 months. We measured psychological variables (self-efficacy and decisional balance [pros–cons] for exercise), behavioral variables (PA level according to the intensity and frequency of categorized PA), and physiological variables (health-related physical fitness, i.e., cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, and percentage body fat). These variables were measured both before and after the class term; the intervention and the non-intervention groups were subsequently compared.Two-way ANOVA and post hoc test revealed a significant intervention effect for psychological variables such as self-efficacy and the pros of exercise. With regard to the behavioral variables, a significant intervention effect was observed for both the PA levels of “exercise and sports” and “daily activity” and the frequency of the categorized PA (daily PA, health-related exercise such as aerobic exercise, stretching, and muscular exercise). In the health-related physical fitness test with regard to physiological variables, a significant intervention effect was observed for muscular endurance. These results suggest that this behavioral science-based physical education class with homework has comprehensive positive effects on the psychological, behavioral, and physiological variables related to the PA of college freshmen.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.329-341, 2008-12-10 (Released:2009-02-25)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a physical education program based on behavioral science, which includes homework (project First-Year Physical Education: FYPE) on the health level and lifestyle of first-year college students. The study participants comprised 1,090 male college freshmen from an institute of technology in the Kinki area of Japan (intervention group, N=515; non-intervention group, N=575). The programs that were common to all the classes were as follows (the numbers correspond to the sequence of activities of the program). 1: guidance, 2–4: sports activity, 5: lecture (health science), 6–8: sports activity, 9: lecture (health science), 10–12: sports activity, and 13: summary of the class. Health behavior promotion programs were intended only for the intervention group. The programs comprised (1) education on behavioral change skills (self-monitoring, goal setting, self-reinforcement, and so on), and (2) out-of-class practical assignments such as physical education homework. We evaluated the health level and life habits of the students by using the Diagnostic Inventory of Health and Life Habit (DIHAL; Tokunaga, 2003) and evaluated their physical activity level using the Physical Activity Assessment Scale (PAAS; Wakui & Suzuki, 1997). As a result, significant intervention effects were observed with regard to the DIHAL scales for “Eating,” “Resting,” and the “Sum of lifestyle,” and with regard to the subscales of “Level of physical health,” “Eating regularly,” “Relaxing,” “Sleeping regularly,” and the “Fulfillment level of sleep.” The PAAS revealed a significant intervention effect with regard to “Daily activity,” which indicates the relatively light physical activities in daily life; however, this was not observed with regard to the DIHAL scale of “Exercise.” These results clearly indicate that physical education programs based on behavioral science and including homework can improve the overall lifestyle (namely, physical activity, eating, and resting) of first-year college students.
西脇 雅人 木内 敦詞 中村 友浩
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.63, no.5, pp.445-453, 2014-10-01 (Released:2014-10-02)
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The present study aimed to examine the effects of Internet addiction on daily steps. A cross-sectional study was performed at the Osaka Institute of Technology. A total of 334 male college freshmen were analyzed. The participants were assigned to five groups according to Internet addiction levels. Internet addiction levels were assessed by Diagnostic Questionnaire, which has been reported by Young (1998), and we measured daily steps of the participants using a pedometer during usual 1 week. There were no significant trends or differences among five groups in physical characteristics of the participants, sleep duration, frequency of eating breakfast, and walking during commute time. However, with the level of Internet addiction increasing, daily steps showed a statistically significant decreasing trend. Therefore, Internet addiction levels might be related to reductions in steps in a dose-response manner. To clarify this point, further investigations will be required after considering confounding factors.