永田 頌史 木原 廣美 新田 由規子 吾郷 晋浩
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.35, no.1, pp.17-24, 1995-01-01

We have been using the stepwise psychosomatic treatment (SPST) on asthmatic patients according to the evaluation of their medical examination and psychosocial factors that influenced the onset and clinical course of their asthma. The SPST consists of pharmacotherapy and stepwise psychotherapy in the following stages : 1) introduction to psychosomatic treatment and establishment of rapport between doctor and patient. 2) reduction of inner tension induced by a stressful situation and release from asthmatic attack. 3) making a patient aware of the relationship between asthmatic attack and psychosomatic factors. 4) helping the patients to modify their maladaptive behaviors and to develop an adaptive coping behavior. 5)termination of psychosomatic treatment. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness and problems in the practice of this therapy in 3 different medical care systems. The results are summarized as follows. 1. The modified SPST was applied to 17 patients (1 severe, 6 moderate and 10 mild cases), at A medical office, which is a clinic and has a small medical staff Most of the patients were young office workers, 14 of them had atopic disposition and 14 had psychosocial problems mainly at work. Fifteen patients showed a marked or fair improvement by this treatment. 2. Thirty-six patients (8 severe, 23 moderate and 5 mild cases) were treated with the modified SPST at B hospital which is a general hospital with respiratory division and has a sufficient medical staff. Seventeen patients had an atopic disposition and 26 patients had psychosocial problems at work or at home. Twenty-six patients showed a marked or fair improvement after personal or group education programs for asthma management and brief psychotherapy with pharmacotherapy. 3. The SPST was applied to 65 patients (31 severe and 34 moderate cases) at hospitals with an established psychosomatic care unit. All of them had psychosocial problems and 43 patients had an atopic disposition. Fifty-two patients showed a marked improvement or complete remission. The significant increase of Berle Index (BI) , which is the indicator of the ability for stress coping and social adaptation, was observed after the treatment for 2.4±1.1 years. The effectiveness of this treatment was seen to be best in life stress related types, better in neurotic types, and worst in personality related types. These results suggest that SPST may be applicable to all patients according to their pathophysiology and psychosocial situations at any hospital. SPSt's main aim, that is, the self-control of asthma, is consistent with the aim of the International Consensus Report on Diagnosis and Management of Asthma, which is the control of asthma and the reduction of the side effect of medication and promotion of the Quality of Life.
入江 正洋 山下 高範 久保 千春 木原 廣美 中野 博 川村 治子 十川 博 手嶋 秀毅 中川 哲也
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.30, no.5, pp.930-934, 1992-05-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

症例は19歳の女性. 気管支喘息として約1年10ヵ月, ステロイド剤を含む治療を受けたが, 改善しないため当科に入院した. 患者はアレルギー疾患の家族歴を有し, アストグラフでも気道過敏性があるように思われたものの, 喘鳴出現時に1秒量やPaO2の低下はなく, 気管支拡張剤の吸入でも呼吸機能に変化はみられず, 喘息は否定的であった. また, 患者の喘鳴は喉頭部で最も著明に聴取され, 多くは吸気性の呼吸困難を伴い, フローボリューム曲線は, 吸気時の流速が低下していた. さらに, Laryngos-copy では, 声帯の内転位固定と後方の僅かな間隙が認められ, 以上の所見より Vocal cord dysfunction と診断された. 本症例の喘鳴は, 不幸な生育歴を背景とする転換反応に起因するものと考えられ, 心身相関の理解やセルフコントロールの習得を中心とする心身医学的治療によって, 薬剤不要な状態にまで改善した.