岡田 光貴 末岡 裕一郎 中西 大輔 大須賀 公一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.85, no.880, pp.19-00151, 2019 (Released:2019-12-25)

This paper is concerned with the demonstration of scallop-like swimming with the aid of robot toy; using jet propulsion by clapping the shells quickly. Previous works from biological approach have indicated what structures contributes to generate the jet propulsion. This paper tries to perform quick underwater locomotion by mimicking the structures of scallop based on constructive approach: development of scallop-like robot with autonomous generation of jet propulsion. After designing the structure and actuation mechanism by mimicking the scallop, we focus on the effect of the mantle property on swimming. Firstly we confirm that developed robot can perform scallop-like swimming. Secondly we also compare the swimming speed by changing the property of designed mantles.
角田 祐輔 末岡 裕一郎 和田 光代 大須賀 公一
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.55, no.8, pp.507-515, 2019 (Released:2019-08-10)

In this paper, we deal with the control problem to manipulate autonomous multiple agents (a flock of sheep) escaping from an agent (a sheepdog) according to nonlinear interaction. This work was motivated by so-called sheepdog system inspired by sheepdog shepherding: a flock of several thousands of sheep are controlled by only a few sheepdogs in the real world. It is an interesting control system because one or more sheepdogs, who act as a small number of controllers, can control many sheep that cannot be directly controlled, taking advantage of their own maneuverability. For this reason, there have been many studies about this system; however, these studies have been limited to building numerical models or performing simulation analyses. Therefore, we aim to clarify the control principle theoretically. For this purpose, we conduct theoretical analysis for a sheepdog-type navigation system which we design based on a flock control model proposed by Vaughan et.al. in the case that one sheep is controlled by a sheepdog. Moreover, we also demonstrate the results by using simulations to confirm the validity of the analysis.
角田 祐輔 末岡 裕一郎 和田 光代 大須賀 公一
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.34, no.7, pp.191-198, 2021-07-15 (Released:2021-10-15)

This paper constructs a control system in which one highly mobile agent navigates autonomous multiple agents escaping from the agent according to nonlinear interaction. This study is motivated by the sheepdog system: a flock of thousands of sheep are controlled by only a few sheepdogs. Inspired by the sheepdog system, we have proposed a control law of a sheepdog to solve the problem of one sheep converging on a circular trajectory around a goal by one sheepdog, which is called the mobile control. In this paper, we extend this controller to applicable to a flock of sheep by treating multiple sheep as “a disc with a certain flock radius”. This paper deals with the problem of navigating a flock of sheep to converge their centers of gravity on a circular trajectory around a goal position. For this problem, we propose a flock model of sheep and an extended mobile control designed by considering the suitable distance between a sheepdog and a center of the flock. Finally, we verified the validity of the proposed method through numerical simulation and robot demonstrations.
岡田 光貴 末岡 裕一郎 中西 大輔 大須賀 公一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.19-00151, (Released:2019-12-04)

This paper is concerned with the demonstration of scallop-like swimming with the aid of robot toy; using jet propulsion by clapping the shells quickly. Previous works from biological approach have indicated what structures contributes to generate the jet propulsion. This paper tries to perform quick underwater locomotion by mimicking the structures of scallop based on constructive approach: development of scallop-like robot with autonomous generation of jet propulsion. After designing the structure and actuation mechanism by mimicking the scallop, we focus on the effect of the mantle property on swimming. Firstly we confirm that developed robot can perform scallop-like swimming. Secondly we also compare the swimming speed by changing the property of designed mantles.
末岡 裕一郎 北 卓人 石川 将人 杉本 靖博 大須賀 公一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:18848354)
vol.79, no.801, pp.1718-1727, 2013 (Released:2013-05-25)
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In this paper, we discuss some phenomena of obstacle clustering by distributed autonomous robots, in the light of space-discretization (or cellular automata) approach. This work was motivated by Swiss Robots which collect scattered obstacles into some clusters without any global information nor intelligent concentrated controller. Then we define fundamental event rules in this cellular world, and introduce two types of local rules for robot action: one is the Push & Turn rule, which can collect obstacles, the other is Pull & Turn rule, which can scatter obstacles. By defining several indices (ratio of immobile obstacles, ratio of moved obstacles), we investigate the dynamic equilibrium of obstacle clustering by heterogeneous agents. And, this paper also presents a control method of ratio of immobile obstacles from the estimation of each robot's local information even if all the states of obstacles cannot be measured.