大橋 忠将 有山 ゆり 早川 惠理 長沢 美樹 杉山 徹
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.59, no.6, pp.407-413, 2016

49歳男性.鍼治療後14日で僧帽筋膿瘍,DKA(血糖値643 mg/dL,pH 6.916,総ケトン体20600 <i>μ</i>mol/L)を生じ,意識障害で当院に救急搬送となった.抗菌薬投与,デブリードマン,局所陰圧閉鎖療法(negative pressure wound therapy:NPWT)にて膿瘍の治療を行い,糖尿病に関しては強化インスリン療法で血糖管理した.感染及び血糖値改善後は基礎インスリン投与と経口血糖降下薬の併用療法(basal-supported oral therapy:BOT)に変更して血糖管理を継続した.もともと無治療の糖尿病(HbA1c 15.1 %)による易感染性があり,鍼治療を契機にして僧帽筋膿瘍,感染に伴うDKAを生じたと考えられた.管理不良の糖尿病の存在下では,鍼治療のような侵襲的医療行為により感染症が引き起こされる危険性があり,注意が必要である.
松野 栄雄 王 秀霞 宛 文涵 松井 健一郎 大川 尚子 杉山 徹 甲野 裕之 清水 昌寿 頼 精二 山口 昌夫 山口 宣夫
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.62, no.3, pp.135-140, 1999 (Released:2010-08-06)

We have simultaneously proved that cell populations taking charge of immunity in human peripheral blood can be regulated quantitatively by hot spring bathing. Now, we investigated the effect of hot spring bathing qualitatively on cytokine production by lymphocyte cell in human peripheral blood estimating by cytokine containing cell by FACScan. We found a significant increase in IFN-γ containing cells after hot spring bathing and an increase in IL-4 with no statistical significance after hot spring bathing. In addition, we found significant negative relationship between the level of IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-1β before hot spring bathing and the ratio of cytokine that increased in variation after hot spring bathing. Namely, after hot spring bathing, there was a decrease of cytokine producing cells in subjects who had higher level before hot spring bathing. But an increase in subjects who had lower level before hot spring bathing, the trend was concentrated toward average levels in the cytokine production by lymphocyte in peripheral blood. So we suggest that hot spring bathing can promote acquired immunity to make it possible more suitable as immune reaction.
杉山 徹 工藤 芳明
社団法人 日本印刷学会
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.45, no.2, pp.89-100, 2008 (Released:2011-04-15)

These days, soft proof, which checks color images of printed matter on a monitor, is widely used in the field of graphic arts. In order to provide high quality soft proofing system, it is necessary to calibrate the tone reproduction curve and the chromaticity of white point of a monitor to desire characteristics and to make an ICC display profile. In such a background, we developed a method to calibrate them with low cost and high quality by visual calibration. This paper reports the principle and calibration accuracy of our method. In general, it is well known to adjust brightness of a continuous tone image with that of a binary image on a monitor for calibrating tone reproduction curve of the monitor. On the other hand, our method adjusts brightness and hue of three continuous tone images to those of binary images. As a result, our method can calibrate nonlinear tone curve of LCD accurately. In addition, our method can be applied to many viewing illumination conditions, because our method adjusts a color of white point of the monitor to that of target paper under a viewing illumination. Three experiments using three different LCDs were done to test the calibration accuracy of our method. The results of the experiment show the monitors calibrated by our method have enough accuracy for soft proof.