鈴木 毅彦 村田 昌則 大石 雅之 山崎 晴雄 中山 俊雄 川島 眞一 川合 将文
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.47, no.2, pp.103-199, 2008-04-01 (Released:2009-04-25)
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立川断層の活動史を明らかにするため,4本のコアと狭山丘陵を調査した.狭山丘陵に産出するテフラSGOはMTB1・武蔵村山コア中のテフラに対比される可能性があり,同じくSYG(1.7 Ma)はMTB1・武蔵村山コア中のテフラに,箱根ヶ崎テフラ群(約2.0 Ma)は武蔵村山・MTB2コア中のテフラに対比された.また,Ebs-Fukuda(1.75 Ma)がMTB1コア中に,Kd44(1.968~1.781 Ma)が武蔵村山・瑞穂コア中に,Tmg-R4(2.0 Ma)がMTB2コア中に検出された.三ツ木地区においては,SYG層準が約126mの北東側隆起の変位を受けている.SYGと箱根ヶ崎テフラ群の変位量には累積はなく,立川断層は2.0~1.7 Maの間は活動していなかった.断層は南東・北西セグメントからなる.従来,地下でのみ認定された瑞穂断層は北西セグメント南東部であり,両セグメントは約1.5kmの区間を並走している.南東セグメント内では北西端部ほど累積変位量が小さいが,並走する北西セグメントの累積変位量を加味すれば,断層全体では南東セグメント北西端で累積変位量は急減しない.
村田 昌則 小林 淳 青木 かおり 高橋 尚志 西澤 文勝 鈴木 毅彦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.130, no.3, pp.379-402, 2021-06-25 (Released:2021-07-20)

Kozushima is a volcanic island, located in the northern part of the Izu Islands, approximately 170 km SSW of central Tokyo. The volcanism of Kozushima Volcano started at 80-60 ka and formed monogenetic volcanoes. The latest eruption occurred in AD 838, and was associated with the formation of the lava dome and pyroclastic cone of Tenjo-san. In order to contribute to the long-term forecasting of volcanic eruptions on the Izu Islands off Tokyo, the tephrostratigraphy and eruption history of Kozushima Volcano during the last 30,000 years is reconstructed. According to the geological surveys, the widespread Kikai-Akahoya (K-Ah; 7.3 cal ka) and Aira-Tanzawa (AT; 30.0 cal ka) tephras from southern Kyushu, and Niijima-Mukaiyama (Nj-My; AD 886), Niijima-Shikinejima (Nj-Sk; 8 cal ka) and Niijima-Miyatsukayama (Nj-Mt; 12.8 cal ka) tephras from the Niijima Volcano 20 km NNE of Kozushima are recognized. Tephras that also erupted from Kozushima Volcano are Kozushima-Tenjosan (Kz-Tj; AD 838), Kozushima-Ananoyama (Kz-An; 7-9 c), Kozushima-Chichibuyama-A′ (Kz-CbA′; 14-12.8 cal ka), Kozushima-Chichibuyama-A (Kz-CbA; 30-22 cal ka), and Kozushima-Chichibuyama-B (Kz-CbB; ca. 30 ka). Kz-An is formed by the activity of the northern volcanic chains (Kobe-yama–Anano-yama–Hanatate) just before the Tenjo-san eruption. Kz-CbA′ is distributed in southern Kozushima. Source vent and distribution of Kz-CbA′ have not yet been identified. The eruption history of Kozushima volcano over the last 30,000 years is as follows. At ca. 30 ka, Kz-CbB erupted in the central Kozushima, and the Nachi-san dome and Takodo-yama dome formed. At 30-22 ka, the Kz-CbA eruption in the southern Kozushima and the formation of the southern volcanic chain occurred. After the eruption of Kz-CbA′, the formation of the northern volcanic chain was followed by the eruption of Tenjo-san volcano. In addition, the eruption rate of Kozushima volcano is estimated during the last 30,000 years to be approximately 0.06 km3/1000 y in DRE.
小林 淳 青木 かおり 村田 昌則 西澤 文勝 鈴木 毅彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.65, no.2, pp.21-40, 2020-06-30 (Released:2020-07-06)

This study established tephrostratigraphy and clarified the eruption history of Niijima volcano (Izu Islands, Japan) after the Miyatsukayama event (12.8-8.5calka) through geological survey around the central and northern parts of Niijima island, and Shikinejima and Jinaijima islands. Detailed explanation is summarized below. The Miyatsukayama eruptive event started at the north of Akazakinomine lava dome (central part of Niijima island) at 12.8calka. The series of eruptions formed Miyatsukayama lava dome, and produced Nj-MtG tephra (12.8-8.5calka) and K tephra (ca. 8.5calka). In particular, the first pyroclastic density current covered the Akazakinomine lava dome thickly, accompanying fallout deposits (Nj-Mt tephra) which were widely distributed in the northern part of Izu Islands. Subsequently, the Shikinejima event ejecting Nj-Sk tephra occurred at ca. 8calka. At ca. 7.5calka, H(s) tephra was produced by the eruption near Shikinejima island, and H(n) tephra was produced by the Niijimayama event. During the Miyatsukayama-nanbu event (ca. 5.5calka) producing Nj-Mt(s) tephra, pyroclastic density currents erupted from the southern part of Miyatsukayama lava dome, buried depressions on the Miyatsukayakma lava dome and formed horizontal and flat surface. The erupted pyroclastic material covered the Akazakinomine lava dome widely and formed pyroclastic cones and lava domes near the source. After that, the Wakago event (Ni-Wg tephra), the D tephra event and the Kudamaki-Atchiyama event (Nj-KdAt) erupted basaltic magma at ca. 3.6calka, ca. 1.6calka and AD 856-857, respectively. Several decades after the Kudamaki-Atchiyama event, the Mukaiyama event (Nj-My) occurred at the southern part of Niijima island in AD 886-887. The Mukaiyama event is the largest eruption during the last 12.8 kys. At Niijima Volcano, eruptions with the magnitude equivalent to the Mukaiyama event (>0.1DREkm3) have occurred every thousand years since the Miyatsukayama event, and the large area of the island was covered with pyroclastic density currents at each eruption.
村田 昌則 鈴木 毅彦 中山 俊雄 川島 眞一 川合 将文
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.116, no.2, pp.243-259, 2007-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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Four boring cores obtained by boring surveys conducted at Wadabori Park in Suginami Ward (core WDB), Kinuta Park (core KNT) in Setagaya Ward, Tamagawadai Park (core TMG) and Unoki (core UNK) in Ota Ward, southeast part of Musashino upland, Tokyo, were reexamined. Mineral assemblage, shapes of volcanic glass shard, refractive indices of volcanic glass, and heavy minerals and chemical composition of volcanic glass of several tephra layers from these cores were determined. As a result, it is revealed that six tephra layers are correlative with the key tephra layers in the Kazusa Group of the Boso Peninsula and Tama Hills in the Kanto district. The WDB-1 tephra from core WDB is identified as the Kd8 tephra in the upper part of the Kiwada Formation in the Kazusa Group. The KNT-4 tephra from core KNT, the TMG-7 tephra from core TMG and the UNK-1 tephra from core UNK are identified as the Kd16 tephra in the middle part of the Kiwada Formation. The TMG-18 tephra from core TMG and the UNK-8 tephra from core UNK are identified as the Kd18 tephra in the middle part of the Kiwada Formation. Based on the correlation among these tephras, the sediments of ca. 15 m above sea level (a.s.l.) at Wadabori Park is correlative with the upper part of the Kiwada Formation deposited at 1.21-1.27 Ma, and the sediments of ca.-2 m a.s.l. at the Kinuta Park, ca.-20 to-74 m a.s.l. at the Tamagawadai Park and ca.-9 to-44 m a.s.l. at Unoki are correlative with the Kiwada Formation in the Kazusa Group. The sedimentary ages of these sediments are between 1.27 and 1.45 Ma based on stratigraphic relations with the calcareous nannofossil datums.