熊谷 浩一 田中 尚人 佐藤 英一 岡田 早苗 Kumagai Koichi Naoto Tanaka Eiichi Satoh Sanae Okada 東京農業大学大学院農学研究科農芸化学専攻 東京農業大学応用生物科学部菌株保存室 東京農業大学応用生物科学部生物応用化学科 東京農業大学応用生物科学部生物応用化学科 Department of Agricultural Chemistry Tokyo University of Agriculture NRIC Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry Tokyo University of Agriculture
東京農業大学農学集報 (ISSN:03759202)
vol.59, no.4, pp.274-282,

長崎県対馬市は南北に長い島であり,対馬のそれぞれの農家ではサツマイモを原料とした固有の伝統保存食品である『せんだんご』を小規模に製造している。 せんだんごは,水で戻し,捏ねた生地を麺状に加工して茹であげ『ろくべえ麺』として食される。 ろくべえは,原料であるサツマイモ単体では生じ得ない食感を有していることから,せんだんごの製造工程に着目した。 せんだんごの製造には,"芋を腐らせる(発酵させる)"工程,それを丸めて数ヶ月に及ぶ軒下での"寒晒し"の工程があることから,島内各地域の「せんだんご製造農家」を訪問し,製造方法の調査を行った。 その結果,これら両工程にはカビなどの微生物が繁殖しており,黒色カビが繁殖した場合は味が悪くなるという理由からその部位が破棄され,白色や青色カビが繁殖した部位の製造が続行される。 このことから微生物の働きがあってせんだんごとなり,さらにろくべえ麺特有の食感が与えられると推察した。 さらに,せんだんご製造に重要な働きをすると考えられる微生物を特定するにあたり,数年にわたり島内の調査を重ねた結果,基本的にはせんだんご製造工程には3段階の発酵工程(発酵1(浸漬),発酵2(棚板に広げて発酵),発酵3(ソフトボール大の塊で発酵))と洗浄・成型工程の2工程4区分に分けられることが確認された。Sendango is an indigenous preserved food derived from sweet potato that is traditionally made in Tsushima, Japan located between the Korean Peninsula and Kyushu. The local people process a noodle called Rokube from Sendango and eat it with soup, fish or chicken. Rokube has a unique texture similar to konyaku, and unlike that of cooked sweet potato. There are two or three fermentation processes involved in Sendango production; therefore, we inferred that the unique texture of Rokube may result from the fermentation process. Sendango is manufactured in several farmhouses on the island ; however, the manufacturing process varies among districts. We investigated each local Sendango manufacturing process and determined the microorganisms involved in fermentation. The investigation of Sendango manufacturing procedures was carried out in three towns, Toyotama, Izuhara, and Mitsushima, by interviews and observations between December and February each year from 2008 to 2011. The processes consist of three main fermentations. In Fermentation-1 (F1), sliced or smashed sweet potatoes were soaked in cold water for 7-10 days. Gas production and film formation were observed during F1. In Fermentation-2 (F2), the soaked sweet potato pieces were piled to a thickness of 5-20cm for 20-30 days. Intense propagation of filamentous fungi was observed during F2. In fermentation-3 (F3), softball-sized lumps were formed on the sticky sweet potato by fungi. The sweet potatoes were left outside for approximately 1 month. The lumps gradually hardened by drying. Many fungal mycelia were observed on the surface of potatoes and inside the lumps during F3. The three aforementioned fermentation processes were used for Sendango production in two towns (Toyotama and Izuhara). In Izuhara, smashed sweet potatoes were placed in sandbags knit with plastic strings, and the bags were soaked in the flowing river water. The sandbags collected from the river water were left on the river bank for 20 days. F2 was carried out in sandbags. In Mitsushima, Sendango production consisted of two fermentation processes, F1 and F3. The fermentation process occurs over a long time period. The propagation of filamentous fungi was particularly intense during F2 and F3. It is thought that filamentous fungi are indispensable for Sendango production. We characterized the microorganisms participating in Sendango production based on this investigation.
多田 由紀 川野 因 田中 越郎 前田 良之 高橋 英一 古庄 律 上岡 美保 日田 安寿美 新村 洋一 貝沼 章子 高野 克己 Yuki Tada Kawano Yukari Tanaka Etsuro Maeda Yoshiyuki Takahashi Eiichi Furusho Tadasu kamioka Miho Hida Azumi Niimura Youichi Kainuma Akiko Takano Katsumi 東京農業大学応用生物科学部栄養科学科 東京農業大学応用生物科学部栄養科学科 東京農業大学応用生物科学部栄養科学科 東京農業大学応用生物科学部生物応用化学科 東京農業大学応用生物科学部教養分野 東京農業大学短期大学部栄養学科 東京農業大学国際食料情報学部食料環境経済学科 東京農業大学応用生物科学部栄養科学科 東京農業大学応用生物科学部バイオサイエンス学科 東京農業大学応用生物科学部醸造科学科 東京農業大学応用生物科学部生物応用化学科 Department of Nutritional Science Faculty of Applied Bio Science Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Nutritional Science Faculty of Applied Bio Science Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Nutritional Science Faculty of Applied Bio Science Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry Faculty of Applied Bio Science Tokyo University of Agriculture Fundamental Arts and Science Faculty of Applied Bio Science Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Nutrition Junior College of Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Food Environment Economics Faculty of International Agriculture and Food Studies Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Nutritional Science Faculty of Applied Bio Science Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Bio-Science Faculty of Applied Bio Science Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Fermentation Sciences Faculty of Applied Bio Science Tokyo University of Agriculture Fundamental Arts and Science Faculty of Applied Bio Science Tokyo University of Agriculture
東京農業大学農学集報 (ISSN:03759202)
vol.54, no.4, pp.322-329,

応用生物科学部1年生を対象に,食育トライアル授業として,食の生産,安全管理,健康管理などに関する10回の講義と2回の農業体験(種まき,収穫作業等)を実施し,学生の授業への出席状況及び授業前後のアンケートによって,プログラムの内容および学生の食育に対する知識,意欲等の変化を評価した。応用生物科学部全学科の学生に授業への参加を呼びかけた結果,授業の出席者は27名であり,栄養科学科の学生が20名と最も多く,参加学生の学科構成に偏りがみられた。授業の初回に行ったアンケートの回答者は24名,最終回に行ったアンケートの回答者は11名であった。授業後のアンケートでは,「食育活動への興味は深まったか」「知りたい情報は得られたか」「参加後,農業と食の関連に対する考えが変わったか」「授業として開講された場合受講するか」という問いに対し,それぞれ73~91%が「はい」と回答し,「授業への総合的な満足度」についても73%が「(非常に)満足である」と回答した。「農業」に原点をおいた食育トライアル授業によって,食べ物の成長を通した気づきと感動,生産者への感謝の気持ち,環境への配慮,栄養と健康との関連知識の習得等に寄与することができたと考えられる。今後は授業への参加者数を増やし,結果の一般化可能性について検討するとともに,授業の実現に向けた人的・物的資源の問題について検討する必要がある。We aimed to evaluate changes in both knowledge of dietary education (Shokuiku) and in motivation, in first-year students of the Faculty of Applied Biosciences who attended a voluntary Shokuiku program in 2008. The program comprised 10 lectures on food production, safety management, and health management, as well as 2 farming practicum classes (seed sowing, harvesting, etc.). Twenty of the 27 students who attended the courses belonged to the Department of Nutritional Sciences. We received responses from 24 and 11 students to questionnaires administered before and after the program, respectively. We obtained a "yes" answer 73-91% of the time in response to the following questions : 1) Was your interest in dietary education activities enhanced? 2) Were you able to obtain the information you sought? 3) After attending these courses, did your understanding of the relationship between farming and diet change? and 4) Would you take this course if it were officially offered as a class? Seventy-three percent of students replied that they were very satisfied with the courses. By placing "farming" as the central principle, these courses contributed to food awareness and appreciation, feelings of gratitude toward producers, consideration for the environment, and knowledge acquisition about the relationship between nutrition and health. Future studies should address the generalizability by examining a larger pool of participants. In addition, other issues such as human and material resources should be considered in realization of the Shokuiku program curriculum.