松林 達史 幸島 匡宏 林 亜紀 澤田 宏
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.6, pp.713-720, 2015-11-01 (Released:2015-10-27)
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In marketing science field, modeling of purchase behavior and analysis of brand choice are important research tasks. This paper presents a method that enables such analysis by time-series pattern extraction based on Non-negative Tensor Factorization (NTF). The development of the scanning devices and electronic payments (e.g. online shopping, mobile-phone wallet and electronic money) has led to the accumulation of more detailed POS data including the information about purchase shop, amount of payment, time, location and so on and it brings possibilities for more deep understanding of purchasing behaviors. On the other hand, due to the increase of the number of attributes, it is still difficult to effectively and efficiently handle large feature quantities. In this paper, we consider feature quantities as high-order tensor. Then, using NTF for simultaneous decomposition of multiple attributes, we show analytic effectiveness of pattern factorization for real Beer Item/Brand purchase data. By applying NTF considering three axes: USER-ID × TIME-STAMP × ITEM-ID,we find several temporal tendencies depending on the season.In addition, by focusing on the purchase-pattern correlations between beer items and brands, we find that the tendencies of brand choice strategies appear on the graph drawing results.
清水 仁 松林 達史 納谷 太 澤田 宏
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.34, no.5, pp.wd-B_1-8, 2019-09-01 (Released:2019-09-01)

The theme park problem is a platform where methods of guiding visitors to relieve congestion are developed and evaluated by reproducing a crowded theme park on a computer. In the theme park problem, the attraction selection model is an important element in the simulator. In previous studies, multinomial logit model was mainly used for attraction selection. However, when we observed real amusement parks, we found that we can not reproduce the characteristics of waiting time of real attraction by this model. In this research, we propose a multinomial linear model as a model of attraction selection. This model can express the rational behavior of visitors that waits for a while when waiting times of all attractions are too long for them. We showed that this model can reproduce characteristics of waiting time using multiagent simulator (MAS). We also developed a method to estimate the parameters of the proposed model from the aggregated data of the output of MAS. As a result of numerical experiments, it was confirmed that the performance of the parameter estimation was good. The proposed model and method for parameter estimation can be applied not only to the theme park problem but also to various problems related to human behavior of selection.
幸島 匡宏 松林 達史 澤田 宏
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.6, pp.745-754, 2015-11-01 (Released:2015-10-27)

In this paper, we propose a new Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) method for consumer behavior pattern extraction. NMF is one of the pattern extraction method and is formulated to factorize a non-negative matrix into the product of two factor matrices. Since various types of datasets are represented by non-negative matrices, NMF could be applied in wide range of research fields including marketing science, natural language processing and brain signal processing. However, more effective extension method is required in a purchase log analysis in marketing operation since marketer needs to extract interpretable patterns from sparse matrix in which most of the elements are zero. Therefore, we propose Non-negative Micro Macro Mixed Matrix Factorization (NM4F) which uses attribution information of both users and items to improve interpretability and capability to deal with sparsity. NM4F is formulated as a method which could simultaneously factorize multiple matrices using shared factor matrices and linear constraint between factor matrices. This formulation enables to increase an amount of available information and to extract consistent patterns with several different aspect. We derive the parameter estimation algorithm by multiplicative update rules. We confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of both quality and quantity by using real consumer panel dataset. In addition, we discuss a relation between extracted patterns by the visualization results using graph drawing.
松林 達史 清武 寛 幸島 匡宏 戸田 浩之 田中 悠介 六藤 雄一 塩原 寿子 宮本 勝 清水 仁 大塚 琢馬 岩田 具治 澤田 宏 納谷 太 上田 修功
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.34, no.5, pp.wd-F_1-11, 2019-09-01 (Released:2019-09-01)

Forming security plans for crowd navigation is essential to ensure safety management at large-scale events. The Multi Agent Simulator (MAS) is widely used for preparing security plans that will guide responses to sudden and unexpected accidents at large events. For forming security plans, it is necessary that we simulate crowd behaviors which reflects the real world situations. However, the crowd behavior situations require the OD information (departure time, place of Origin, and Destination) of each agent. Moreover, from the viewpoint of protection of personal information, it is difficult to observe the whole trajectories of all pedestrians around the event area. Therefore, the OD information should be estimated from the several observed data which is counted the number of passed people at the fixed points.In this paper, we propose a new method for estimating the OD information which has following two features. Firstly, by using Bayesian optimization (BO) which is widely used to find optimal hyper parameters in the machine learning fields, the OD information are estimated efficiently. Secondly, by dividing the time window and considering the time delay due to observation points that are separated, we propose a more accurate objective function.We experiment the proposed method to the projection-mapping event (YOYOGI CANDLE 2020), and evaluate the reproduction of the people flow on MAS. We also show an example of the processing for making a guidance plan to reduce crowd congestion by using MAS.
山本 修平 倉島 健 松林 達史 戸田 浩之
vol.2019, pp.1472-1479, 2019-06-26

ドライブレコーダで記録された交通事故やそれに近い危険な運転状況に関する映像やセンサデータは,ドライバーの安全運転教育や法人車両の運行管理サービスに利用される有益な情報である.このようなドライブレコーダのデータは,車に急な挙動の変化があったことがトリガーとなり記録されるが,段差を乗り越えた際の衝撃等で危険運転ではないデータも数多く記録され混在している.また危険運転を含むとしても,多様なデータが存在するため,内容に応じて類型化されることが望ましい.本論文では,ドライブレコーダデータに対して,危険運転の発生対象ラベルの自動推定のタスクに取り組む.著者らはこれまでも同様のタスクに取り組んできたが,本論文では特に,異なる環境で記録されるデータに対しても頑健な推定を実現するため,前方映像に対して物体検出技術を適用して得られる物体検出結果に着目する.深層学習に基づく既存手法によって物体検出結果を特徴ベクトルに変換するにあたり,本論文では 2 つの拡張点を提案する.1 つ目は物体検出結果から得られる境界領域をもとに,物体の重要度を考慮できる特徴量を算出する.2 つ目はその特徴量に基づいて重要物体を優先的に選出し,危険度の高い物体の取りこぼしの可能性を低くする.実際のドライブレコーダデータを用いた評価実験の結果,2 つの拡張点を用いた提案手法が,既存手法に比べて高い推定性能を示すことを明らかにした.
佐藤 大祐 松林 達史 足立 貴行 大井 伸哉 田中 悠介 長野 翔一 六藤 雄一 塩原 寿子 宮本 勝 戸田 浩之
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.35, no.2, pp.D-wd05_1-10, 2020-03-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

In places where many people gather, such as large-scale event venues, it is important to prevent crowd accidentsfrom occurring. To that end, we must predict the flows of people and develop remedies before congestioncreates a problem. Predicting the movement of a crowd is possible by using a multi-agent simulator, and highly accurateprediction can be achieved by reusing past event information to accurately estimate the simulation parameters.However, no such information is available for newly constructed event venues. Therefore, we propose here a methodthat improves estimation accuracy by utilizing the data measured on the current day. We introduce a people-flowprediction system that incorporates the proposed method. In this paper, we introduce results of an experiment on thedeveloped system that used people flow data measured at an actual concert event.
幸島 匡宏 松林 達史 澤田 宏
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J100-D, no.4, pp.520-529, 2017-04-01

清水 仁 松林 達史 納谷 太
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
vol.32, no.5, pp.AG16-F_1-8, 2017

<p>In this research, we show a paradox of the "theme park" problem. In the crowded amusement park, it is generally believed that the equalization of queue lines of people can decrease the waiting time for riding on attraction. However, the equalization of queue lines occasionally increases the waiting time in the case where congestion degree is over the limit of capacity. This paradox makes it difficult to reduce congestion. In this paper, we propose a method to reduce the waiting time even in the "theme park paradox" situation, and evaluate effectiveness of our method by multiagent simulation.</p>
清武 寛 幸島 匡宏 松林 達史 戸田 浩之
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.31, 2017

一般道での交通渋滞やテーマパークにおける長い待ち時間など,いわゆる混雑が問題視されている. それ故,交通円滑化や待ち時間削減のために,信号制御や入場制限などの制御による対策が行われている. 一般的に,制御策の検討にはマルチエージェントシミュレータ(MAS)が用いられるが,主に経験則に基づいた制御策による試行が行われている. 本論文では,自動的に最適な制御策を探索する手法を提案する.
唐 恒進 松林 達史 澤田 宏
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.29, 2015

松林 達史 山田 武士
情報処理学会論文誌数理モデル化と応用(TOM) (ISSN:18827780)
vol.48, no.SIG15(TOM18), pp.126-136, 2007-10-15

本研究では,大規模なネットワークデータのための高速かつ効率的な可視化座標計算の手法を提案する.従来のネットワーク可視化手法の1つとして Fruchterman らによる力学モデルを用いる手法がよく知られている.彼らの手法はノード間やエッジに対し力学関数を与えることにより,系全体のエネルギーを定義し,加速度方向に各ノードの座標を更新することによって,系のエネルギーの極小状態を求める.この手法では座標の更新頻度は一様で,すべてのノードを毎回更新していたが,提案手法では階層的独立固有時間刻み法を用いて個々のノードに独立な更新時間を設定し,局所的に更新頻度を変えることにより計算の高速化を可能にした.この手法は,天体力学において用いられている局所的に密集した領域を精度良く計算する手法を,グラフ可視化手法に拡張したものである.また,提案手法は並列処理に適しており,粒子間相互作用専用並列計算機 MDGRAPE-3 PCI-X に実装することによって,計算速度の数百倍高速化が可能であることを示した.さらに,LGL(Large Graph Layout)法を用いた Opte Project の可視化結果との比較を行い,提案手法により高精度な可視化が可能であることを示した.
松林 達史 山田 武士 藤村 滋 藤村 考
情報処理学会論文誌数理モデル化と応用(TOM) (ISSN:18827780)
vol.1, no.1, pp.88-101, 2008-09-26

本研究では,ラベル付きグラフ可視化のための,ラベルどうしが重ならない効率的な可視化座標計算の手法を提案する.従来のラベル付きグラフ可視化の座標計算アルゴリズムはForce-directed法やバネモデルといった,ノードを"点"として扱う座標計算を行うために,文字列や,異なるサイズのラベルを扱う場合,ラベルどうしが重なってしまうという問題が生じる.ラベルの重なりを回避する手法はいくつか提案されているが,いずれの手法も可視化計算を行った後に,再び座標計算処理を必要とする.これ等の手法では大規模なグラフ可視化では計算量が莫大となり,さらに元の可視化結果を破壊してしまうという問題が生じる.そこで,各ノードの斥力項として,ラベルサイズに依存した固有楕円ポテンシャルを与え,さらに,点対称ポテンシャルと固有楕円ポテンシャルの関数の重ね合わせる手法を提案する.提案法により,メンタルマップを保ちつつ,かつ,局所的なラベルの重なりを回避できることを示した.We present a new graph layout algorithm for a graph with node labels. The proposed algorithm can generate a graph layout efficiently avoiding overlapping of node labels. Most of the conventional algorithms such as force-directed and spring methods compute node positions by treating nodes as "points", and thus may cause node overlapping when strings or labels with various sizes are added to the nodes. Most of the conventional approaches to solve this problem require an initial graph layout creation phase without considering label sizes and a separate layout adjustment phase for overlap removal as its post processing. These methods are not suitable for a large-scale graph layout, because their computational costs are high and they may even destroy the initial graph layout. The proposed algorithm gives an individually different ellipsoidal potential to each node depending on its label size as well as a common point-symmetric potential, and the combination of these two potentials defines the repulsion force. This enables an efficient graph layout that can avoid local node overlaps while maintaining the mental map.