佐藤 大祐
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.76, no.8, pp.599-615, 2003-07-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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本稿は明治・大正期の日本において,ヨットというスポーツがいかに伝播したのかを,ヨットクラブの結成とクラブ会員の社会属性,および当時の社会的背景に注目して明らかにした.その結果,ヨットは居留地外国人・駐日外交官から日本人華族・財界人へと受容基盤を変化させるとともに,外国人居留地から高原避暑地,海浜別荘地へと伝播し,定着したことがわかった. まず,ヨットは欧米列強の植民地貿易の前進基地である外国人居留地に導入された.横浜では,居留地貿易を主導した商館経営者や銀行・商社駐在員,外交官などの外国人によって,ヨットクラブが1886年に結成され,彼らの社交場として機能した.その後,ヨットは1890年代に形成された中禅寺湖畔の高原避暑地.に伝播し,ヨットクラブが1906年に結成された.この担い手はイギリスやベルギーなどの駐日公使をはじめとする欧米外交官であった.中禅寺湖畔では,東京における欧米外交官と日本人華族の国際交流が夏季に繰り広げられた.そして,ヨットは海浜別荘地である湘南海岸において,華族を中心とする上流日本人の間へ1920年代から普及していった.
佐藤 大祐
地理学評論. Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.74, no.8, pp.452-469, 2001-08-01

佐藤 大祐 松林 達史 足立 貴行 大井 伸哉 田中 悠介 長野 翔一 六藤 雄一 塩原 寿子 宮本 勝 戸田 浩之
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.35, no.2, pp.D-wd05_1-10, 2020-03-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

In places where many people gather, such as large-scale event venues, it is important to prevent crowd accidentsfrom occurring. To that end, we must predict the flows of people and develop remedies before congestioncreates a problem. Predicting the movement of a crowd is possible by using a multi-agent simulator, and highly accurateprediction can be achieved by reusing past event information to accurately estimate the simulation parameters.However, no such information is available for newly constructed event venues. Therefore, we propose here a methodthat improves estimation accuracy by utilizing the data measured on the current day. We introduce a people-flowprediction system that incorporates the proposed method. In this paper, we introduce results of an experiment on thedeveloped system that used people flow data measured at an actual concert event.
佐藤 大祐
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.74, no.8, pp.452-469, 2001-08-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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佐藤 大祐 澁谷 和樹
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.124, no.6, pp.965-977, 2015-12-25 (Released:2016-01-27)
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The development process and usage patterns of second-home areas at the foot of Mt. Fuji are clarified by analyzing their expansion process, capital, and owner behavior. After World War I, in 1929, Fuji Kyuko Company, profiting from a business boom, started to develop a second-home area south of Lake Yamanaka [Yamanaka Kohan Bessochi]. This approach, by which a private company borrowed a section of Imperial Gift Land from Yamanashi Prefecture and established a second-home area, served as a model for developments at the northern foot of Mt. Fuji. In the early 1960s, second-home areas were developed north of Lake Yamanaka and at Fujizakura Highland south of Lake Kawaguchi. With the opening of the Chuo and Tomei Expressways in 1969, there were large capital flows into the creation of up-scale second-home areas at Juriki Highland, Fujigamine Highland, and Asagiri Highland, as well as around Lake Kawaguchi from the late 1960s until the mid-1970s. Large railway, trading, and paper manufacturing companies, as well as local developers, started to create second-home areas throughout the high-growth period. These investors, therefore, competed for land at the foot of Mt. Fuji. As a result, speculative capital flowed into development projects in second-home areas. This speculation created the potential for massive environmental destruction. Consequently, local governments concluded agreements with second-home owners' associations to clarify management responsibilities. Owners are most frequently at their second homes on weekends and during summer vacations in the hot months from mid-July to mid-September when temperatures at the foot of Mt. Fuji are below 30°C. Owners also visit frequently at weekends and holidays in the spring and autumn. The second-home areas around Mt. Fuji, therefore, are both summer and weekend resorts, because they are located within a two-hour commute from Tokyo by car. The second-home areas, moreover, receive many migrants from urban areas, including aged persons, who seek an attractive natural environment at a relatively low price.
佐藤 大祐 美原 義行 佐藤 吉秀 田中 悠介 宮本 勝 佐久間 聡
vol.8, no.1, pp.1-10, 2018-01-30

本研究では,イベント会場における混雑度を即時的に把握・可視化することで,イベント運営者に混雑リスクの注意喚起をすることを目指す.イベント会場内の混雑度の取得のため,会場内にBLE(Bluetooth Low Energy)ビーコンを多数設置し,来場ユーザのスマートフォンアプリ(以下,アプリ)で取得したBLEビーコン電波情報をサーバで収集することで会場内の群集密度を計測する.1つのBLEビーコンがカバーする範囲内の人数として,そのBLEビーコンの電波を最も強く受信したユーザの数を数えることで求め,この人数をカバー範囲の面積で割ることで群集密度を求める.BLEビーコンを設置できない箇所も存在するため,空間内挿によりBLEビーコン地点間の混雑度を求める.本システムを,2日間で約5万人が来場する大規模なイベントに対して適用した.表示デザインの視認性の観点から判断し,10m程度の間隔でビーコンを設置し,ビーコンの出力電波強度を最大の+4dBmに設定した.イベント期間中の混雑時間帯において,会場で電波受信環境を調査したところ,圏外となった地点が存在しなかったことを確認した.そして,イベント期間中,本システムはアプリからの全120万件のビーコン電波受信ログのアップロードに対して,エラー率0で処理を完了させた.最終的な群集密度表示については,イベント運営者に実態と混雑度マップを比較いただき,実態と差異がなかったという評価をいただくことができた.In this research, we aim to alert the congestion risk to event operators by instantly grasping and visualizing the congestion degree at the event site. In order to acquire the congestion degree in the event site, we installed a lot of BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) beacons and collected the BLE beacon information acquired by the visitor's smartphone application by the server. The server measures the congestion degree in the hall. Place the BLE beacon in the venue so that radio waves from at least one BLE beacon can be received at any point. There are no omissions in the number of installed users. In this research, the crowd density to be used as an indicator of congestion degree is obtained for correspondence of congestion risk. The number of people within the range covered by the BLE beacon is obtained by counting the number of users who received the radio waves of the BLE beacon most strongly and the crowd density is obtained by dividing this number by the area of a coverage area. Since there are places where BLE beacons can not be installed, the degree of congestion between BLE beacon points is obtained by spatial interpolation. In order to improve scalability, processing for finding the BLE beacon that received the strongest radio waves was cut out to the application side. In 2 days visitors offered this service with a large scale event of about 50,000 people. Regarding crowd density indication, we asked event operators to compare actual conditions and congestion degree maps, and received an evaluation that there was no difference with the actual situation. For the architecture that shared functions on the application side and the server side, processing was completed with an error rate of 0 with respect to the upload of all 1,200,000 beacon radio reception logs from the application. Furthermore, the effectiveness of being able to grasp the congestion degree in a bird's eye view from the operator was evaluated.