鈴木 祐志 松永 敬子 長積 仁
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.38, pp.80-94, 2007-03

江原 謙介 藤本 淳也 福田 一儀 松永 敬子 鳥山 稔 河野 真輝
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.31, no.2, pp.2_183-2_196, 2021-04-01 (Released:2021-04-26)

This research compared university student-athletes and other university students to analyze differences in attitudes towards COVID-19. The objective was to examine the impact of student-athletes′ attitudes on their future athletic activities and perform verification that will contribute to the deliberation and creation of university support measures for student-athletes. Google Forms were used to administer an online questionnaire to university students nationwide. The responses to questions on the questionnaire were recorded on either 5 or 8 point scales, as well as open-ended questions without word limitations at the end of the questionnaire. The results were analyzed by separating results into two cohorts; student-athletes and other university students, and then categorizing responses to each question as positive or negative. Cross-tabulation was used and then Fischer′s exact test was performed. To analyze the open-ended questions, KH-Coder3 software, which excels at Japanese analysis and is used in a great deal of research, was used. The analysis found a significant difference for some questions. In particular, a greater percentage of student-athletes than other university students felt unease regarding infection at university facilities, the impact of infection on university life, and the impact on activities from April 2020 onwards. Some of the reasons for the higher percentage of responses indicating unease were the lack of transparency in student life, with universities not defining clear approaches.
井澤 悠樹 松永 敬子 永吉 宏英 長積 仁
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.37, pp.73-83, 2006-03

The purpose of this study was to gather fundamental data for future club and soccer school project development. Therefore, we evaluated a soccer school program, which is one hometown team promotion project. We investigated the degree of guardian satisfaction in the soccer school and analyzed our findings. We conducted a paper questionnaire of the guardians of Vissel Kobe Soccer School students, distributing 720 questionnaires and receiving 496 responses (68.9%). During analysis, we divided the responses into low, middle and high satisfaction groups. As a result, 21.2%, 41.0% and 37.3% fell into the low, middle and high satisfaction groups, respectively. As a result, compared to guardians with low satisfaction levels, those who had high satisfaction with the soccer school felt changes in their children, had continue intention of the soccer school, and also tended to be committed to the Vissel Kobe team. This type of program evaluation can identify both points where participants are satisfied and where they have additional demands and improvements are needed. In addition, evaluations can contribute to higher quality coaching and service by providing data to the club and soccer school. Furthermore, participant satisfaction with the soccer school program promotes attachment to Vissel Kobe and builds fans for the club. In summary, program evaluations like this time are integral parts of management.
松永 敬子 井澤 悠樹 永吉 宏英 長積 仁
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.37, pp.84-95, 2006-03

The purpose of this study was to gather fundamental data for future club and soccer school project development. Therefore, I conducted an evaluation of the Vissel Kobe Soccer School program, one hometown promotion project, focusing on the degree of satisfaction that students had in the soccer school and analyzed the results. This study was conducted by a questionnaire of participants in the Vissel Kobe Soccer School. I distributed 720 questionnaires and 500 were returned (69.4%). As a result, I found that 56.1% were new students and 43.9% were continuing students. The main results of the survey include finding that about half of the enrollees were third year elementary students, the youngest possible age, with the rest of the students evenly distributed among school years, and that about 40% also take part in sports other than soccer. No significant differences regarding enrolment motivations and the effectiveness of participation were found between new enrollees and continuing students, but new students had higher expectations for all aspects of the program, including their desire to continue participation. In order to attract new students and raise the level or reenrollment in the future, responding to participant desires related to practice and programs for interaction with players is a crucial task.
井澤 悠樹 永吉 宏英 松永 敬子
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.39, pp.15-25, 2008-03
