鶴池 政明 上 勝也
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.32, pp.149-157, 2001-07-01

The structure of the human tendon and ligament is dense organized connective tissue, which includes two basic elements: fibroblast, a fixed cell of connective tissue, and extracellular matrices. The tendon, for instance, has been suggested to consist of 20% collagen, 78% water, and 2% glycosaminoglycans. The fibroblast synthesizes three polypeptide chains, which develop into a triple helix, called a procollagen molecule inside the cell. The procollagen molecules enzymatically secreted from intracellular to extracellular form a tropocollagen. The tropocollagen molecule consists of two amino acids: hydroxyproline and hydroxylysin. The hydroxylysin is the essential component of crosslinks. The cross-links form intra- and intermolecule bounding from one collagen filament to another in order to organize the tropocollogen molecules. They also play a critical role in the mechanical tensile strength within collagenous tissue and function as energy absorber. Therefore, whether the cross-links in collagen fibers are reorganized is an important factor to understand the healing process in the tendon or ligament damaged. The healing process first shows vascular, chemical and cellular reaction to injury. This reaction facilitates the fibroblast to synthesize fibrous protein and collagen. Developing the extracellular matrix, tissue regeneration or scar formation takes place in time. Since the tendon and ligament have relatively poor blood supply, their healing process is slow. Nevertheless, it can be the same as general tissue trauma, which is divided into three phases: 1) inflammatory, 2) proliferative, and 3) remodeling. The purpose of this paper is to review each phase of the healing process.
永田 順也 藤本 淳也 松岡 宏高
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.38, pp.44-51, 2007-03

石田 慎也 藤本 淳也 松岡 宏高
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.38, pp.52-60, 2007-03

神崎 浩 伊藤 章
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.36, pp.51-60, 2005-03-31

The basic Men strike in kendo is a fundamental technique that is enforced in big operation through by brandishing a bamboo sword. However, this stroke differs from the stroke executed in a battle. It has been maintained that one of the qualities possessed by a leader is the ability to qualitatively convert these two methods of strokes by shifting from a basic stage to the battle stage. This research aims to clarify the difference between these two strokes. Paying particular attention to the speed of the tip of a bamboo sword, it attempts to address the mechanism that generates speed. As a result, the following issues were resolved : In the basic Men strike, the bamboo sword was mainly swung up by crooking a shoulder joint and an elbow joint on either side, and swung down by extending of a shoulder joint, an elbow joint and a wrist joint on either side. However, in the battle Men strike, the shoulder joint on either side was always crooked from swinging up of a bamboo sword to swinging down. During swinging down a bamboo sword, there was little angle change of an elbow joint and a left wrist joint on either side, and the right wrist join was extending. Such an operation of a upper limbs mainly is by rotating a bamboo sword in the basic Men strike and by pushing a bamboo sword to the front in the battle Men strike. That is, the speed of the point of a sword was produced by the different bamboo sword operation at the basic Men strike and the battle Men strike. The view of this research clarifies the factor on instruction required in order to aim at qualitative conversion of Men strike technique from the basic strike to the battle strike, and it is thought that it is useful to future instruction.
鈴木 祐志 松永 敬子 長積 仁
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.38, pp.80-94, 2007-03

梅本 祥子 松岡 宏高 藤本 淳也
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.39, pp.169-175, 2008-03

The purpose of this study is to indicate career patterns and career orientations of youth players in J-league clubs. Questionnaires were distributed to 122 players over different four J-league clubs resulting in 100 (81.9%) usable data. In order to identify the usable participants, we used longitudinal method for the players' career patterns and comparison analysis of player's motives and career orientations for J-league youth clubs. The main results of our study were as follows: ●In the J-league youth clubs, 55.6% of players came from J-league junior youth clubs, whereas 31.3% of players came from other clubs, and 13.1% of players came from junior high school team. ●The comparison analysis of motives for J-league youth clubs showed no significant findings among three groups from junior high school, except for those that "used be a fan of the team." ●84.0% of the players of J-league youth clubs would like to play for a top team in the J-league in near the future and approximately 70% of players want to find a job related to soccer (e.g., coach, team staff, and so on).
藤本 淳也
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.37, pp.57-72, 2006-03

The purposes of this study were to identify the process of becoming a fan of a professional baseball team and to examine the transformation of fans' attitudes by using the longitudinal interview method. The interviews of five fans of the Osaka Kintetsu Buffaloes were conducted from August 27^<th> to September 5^<th>, 2005 (first interview)and from November 9^<th> to December 2^<nd>, 2005 (second interview). The results of the interviews indicated that the primary factors of becoming a fan of the team were location, game attendance experience, players interest, reference group and the allegiance of other family members. Furthermore, the results showed that the attitudes of fans toward the team wavered during, before, and after the bankruptcy of the Osaka Kintetsu Buffaloes.
真鍋 政義
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.37, 2006-03

本研究では、本国のバレーボールの公式戦としては最もレベルの高い男子Vリーグチームの試合を対象としてセッターに関する研究を行い様々な知見が得られた。対象者は、Vリーグチームに所属するセッター5人であった。Vリーグ所属チームから貸与された71試合を分析対象とした。本論文では、(1)ジャンプトスの頻度について(2)サーブレシーブからの攻撃の際に、どれくらい相手ブロックが参加しているか(3)サーブレシーブの返球状況ごとのトステンポについて(4)ブロック参加人数とトステンポについて勝敗とスパイク決定率についての4つの観点から分析をおこなった。ARの状況において、92.8〜98.3%の割合でJp.Tを行っていた。BRにおいても、57.4〜84.5%の割合でJp.Tを行っていた。ブロック参加人数とスパイク決定率の関係では、ARからのスパイク決定率は、ブロック参加人数が一人のときが1.5人と2人の時に比べ有意に高くなっている。ブロック参加人数は少ない方が決定率は上昇する傾向にあるが、必ずしもブロックの枚数だけがスパイク決定率の決定因子ではないと思われた。ARからの攻撃テンポに関しては、全てのセッターにおいてセカンドテンポが最も多く次ぎにファーストテンポであった。サードテンポは、この状況においての出現率は非常に低かった。BRの状況において、セカンドテンポはサードテンポに比べ有意に決定率が高いためセッターは定位置に返球できなかったレシーブに対しても早いトスで対応することの必要性が示唆されている。勝敗とブロック参加人数ごとのスパイク決定率の関係では、勝ち試合において1.5人参加した時に有意にAR, BRともにスパイク決定率が高くなっている。トステンポの違いによる決定率と勝敗の関係については、統計学的な有意差は認められなかった。しかし、勝ち試合においては負け試合の時に比べ、BRの時に高いスパイク決定率になっている。つまり、セッターは、定位置にサーブレシーブが返球されなかったときのスパイク決定率をあげることが必要であることが推察できる。これらの結果から以下の点を明らかにした。1)競技レベルの高いVリーグに所属するセッターは非常に高い頻度でJp.Tを使っていた。2)ブロック参加人数を減らすことでスパイク決定率が向上することが確認できた。しかし、ブロック参加人数以外の要因もスパイク決定率に関係していることが示唆された。3)全ての選手は可能な限りファーストテンポとセカンドテンポで攻撃を試みており、数値的なデータからも明らかにされた。4)返球状況に関わらず勝ち試合の方は決定率が高くなっている。特に、BRの時に高い決定率になっていることを確認した。
豊岡 示朗 荒松 馨 松生 香里
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.35, pp.39-50, 2004-03-31

The exercise intensity at which lipid metabolism is enhanced most and changes in lipid metabolism with time were studied during 2-hours treadmill exercise at intensities of 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70% VO2max. The subjects were 6 healthy adult males (aged 20-28 years) who exercised regularly 2-5 days a week. The exercise session was held after the subjects ingested the same lunch (a bowl of rice with meat and vegetables cooked in the Chinese style with salad; about 950 kcal) and rested for 2 hours and 30 minutes. Characteristics of lipid metabolism were examined on the basis of the plasma substrate and hormone levels, and metabolic responses. RER remained low at 30% and 40% VO2max from the beginning (0.91-0.93) to the end (0.87-0.88) of the exercise compared with the exercise intensity above 50% VO2max. The energy produced by combustion of fat, measured every 30 minutes during the exercise, increased with time at all exercise intensities, but the increases between 90 and 120 minutes were particularly notable (except at 30% VO2max). In addition, the energy derived from fat was the largest at 70% VO2max among the 5 exercise intensities 60 and 120 minutes after the beginning of the exercise with significant differences (p<0.05) compared with the other intensities. Concerning the blood substrate, glycerol mobilization and glucagon secretion increased, but the glucose level decreased characteristically, with increasing exercise were small in all parameters measured (glycerol, FFA, ketone bodies, glucose, glucagon) at all intensities, and no significant difference was observed among the intensities. However, the values of all parameters increased rapidly during the latter 60 minutes, and the increases were the largest at 70% VO2max. Also, noradrenaline was nearly doubled at 70% VO2max compared with the other intensities 60 and 120 minutes after the beginning of the exercise. From the above results, it was concluded that the energy produced by fat combustion was enhanced most at 70% VO2max. Also, it was shown to be accelerated further when exercise at 40% VO2max or above is continued for 90 minutes or longer.
河村 直樹
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.37, 2006-03

本研究は、サッカーの戦術や攻撃展開の組み立てにおいて重要視されているダイレクトプレーの実践に焦点をあて、くさびのパス、DF裏のパス、パワープレーの3系統のパスをどのように用いると有効であるのかを検討し、指導現場における基礎的資料を得ることを目的とした。分析対象は2004年度関西学生サッカー1部リーグに所属した10チームで、試合数は86試合である。分析項目は3系統のパス成功率およびシュート出現率の比較、3系統のパスそれぞれについてのパスを出したエリア、受けたエリアのエリア別パス成功率およびエリア別シュート出現率の比較である。分析の結果以下のことが明らかとなった。(1)くさびのパスは3系統のパスの中で最も成功率は高いが、シュート出現率は最も低い。また、パスを出すエリアや、受けるエリアによって成功率に差はない(50%以上)。(2)DF裏のパスは、成功率が低いが、シュート出現率は最も高い。パスを出すエリア、受けるエリアで成功率やシュート出現率に差があり、特にAttacking Thirdでの成功率、シュート出現率が高い。(3)パワープレーは成功率、シュート出現率ともに低い。また、パスを出すエリア、受けるエリアによって成功率やシュート出現率に差はない(約30%)。以上のことから、ダイレクトプレーを実践するためには、まずDF裏のパスを狙うべきであると考える。それが出来ない場合、くさびのパスを用いてゴールに近づきながら、再びDF裏のパスを狙うことが重要となる。特にAttacking Thirdでは積極的にチャレンジすべきである。
林 直也 原田 宗彦 Jo Lee Tea Chon Tae Jun Won Lee Chul
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.35, pp.1-13, 2004-03-31

長尾 佳代子
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.39, pp.265-275, 2008-03

This paper deals with Paul Carus as involved in Japanese cultural trends in the Meiji era. It shows that he left not so few tracks on the history of Japanese modernization. In addition to a few academic researches and his own works, I use here materials available at Morris Library of Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
大西 仁久 田原 宏晃 椋本 政信
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.39, pp.101-119, 2008-03

Keiko Mukumoto, a 4th grade student at Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences, participated in the 40th Artistic Gymnastics World Championship in Stuttgart. Here are some observations about the age of the top female gymnasts active now in Japan. Also, from the viewpoint of Mukumoto's development process, and as a coach, we describe some challenges concerning coaching gymnasts.
宮本 宏史
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.33, pp.100-102, 2002-07-01

The purpose of this study is to analyze the validity of a segment variable of watching-a-game experience that crosses to now from the past called the "existing spectator", the "returned spectator", and the "new spectator" paying attention to marketing segmentation theory and the marketing strategy to each segment. In order to clarify the characteristic of each segment, the investigation in questionnaire for the fans of Vissel Kobe which belongs to J-1 League was conducted in the Univer-Memorial Stadium, and a large difference among the segments was looked at demographics, Psychological Commitment to Team (Mahony et al, 2000), Re-watching-a-game intention (Wakefield and Sloan, 1996), the Social Psychological Factor (Nakazawa et al, 2001) as a result of investigation. For example "existing spectator" showed higher score in the Psychological Commitment to Team and Re-watching-a-game intention than other segments. And "existing spectator" showed high score in "Team Preference" of the Social Psychological Factor, and other segments showed high score in "Player Preference". "existing spectator" is interested in things about Team, and other segments are interested in things about Player. From these results, the validity as a segment variable of watching-a-game and the necessity of taking a suitable marketing strategy for every segment was suggested.
長尾 佳代子
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.37, pp.17-32, 2006-03

The Spider-web, the 4th story of Paul Carus' Karma, is the work that Ryunosuke Akutagawa (芥川龍之介) adapted for his Kumonoito (蜘蛛の糸). The idea of "Salvation In The Hell" as described in the 47^<th> chapter of Zeng-Yi-A-Han-Jing (増-阿含経) is not implemented there, which makes it most improbable that this famous children tale is based on the ancient Buddhist narrative pattern. Publishing Karma in Japan was accompanied by using crepe papers and adding numerous illustrations, couple of which, Carus used again in his another work. Those two illustrations made by a Japanese painter Kason Suzuki (鈴木華邨) according to Carus' requests well reveal his perception of Buddhism. In relation to the Tokyo edition of Karma, I argue about illustrations derived from typical Japanese Buddhist paintings and refer to recent research on crepe-paper books (ちりめん本). My work on these points has brought us better understanding on Carus' inside. On one hand Paul Carus expressed sympathy for Japanese culture, but at the same time he was an unbiased observer. Although he was interested in Japanese Buddhism, it didn't change his point of view that led him to create a unique book--Karma.