片山 歳也 松田 浩明
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.141, no.11, pp.1261-1265, 2021-11-01 (Released:2021-11-01)

At small or mid-sized medical institutions, such as Japanese community hospitals, adequate infectious disease physicians (IDP) are lacking, mainly due to shortages of full-time pharmacists and IDPs who support antimicrobial stewardship team (AST) activities. With our hospital AST, we developed a multidisciplinary approach based on the interim reports of culture results or detected resistant bacteria for physicians, which are written by pharmacists and clinical laboratory technicians. At the AST conference, a pharmacist works as a chairman and reviews abstracts of cases which need to be discussed. We performed a retrospective analysis of the process and outcome of AST implementation, and introduced the use of reduction data for our hospital, obtained from Japan Surveillance for Infection Prevention and Healthcare Epidemiology (J-SIPHE). This program is important for pharmacists to promote the diagnostic process and comprehensive judgment necessary for bedside practice with infectious disease cases. We offer opportunities for pharmacy students to participate in the AST conference to learn how pharmacists consult with doctors about diagnosis and treatment. At present, the cooperation between AS and diagnostic stewardship (DS) has been emphasized, and improvements in a pharmacist's overall judgment regarding infectious disease cases are required to appropriate antimicrobial use. In addition, improving communication skills is essential for building a multidisciplinary approach. Regardless of the size of the facility, the role of pharmacists in AST should be implemented for the guidance of pharmacy students, which will help develop and secure future human resources at the facility.
松川 啓義 八木 孝仁 貞森 裕 松田 浩明 篠浦 先 楳田 祐三 成島 道樹 岩本 高行 佐藤 太祐 田中 紀章
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.40, no.12, pp.1915-1920, 2007 (Released:2011-06-08)
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内臓逆位症は合併奇形が多く, かつ内臓逆位による診断治療の困難性が診療上問題である.完全内臓逆位症, Kartagener症候群に合併した肝腫瘍に肝拡大後区域切除を安全に施行した1例を経験した. 症例はKartagener症候群 (気管支拡張症, 副鼻腔炎, 右胸心) の55歳の女性で, 腹部臓器も逆位の完全内臓逆位症で, 肝後区域中心に13cm径の血管性腫瘍を認めた. 内臓奇形・変異としては肝部下大静脈欠損・奇静脈連結・上大静脈還流, 肝静脈右房還流, 右腎静脈半奇静脈還流, 多脾, 膵体尾部欠損, 腸回転異常がみられた. 術中所見では肝部下大静脈欠損により解剖学的肝右葉は後腹膜に固定されず, 解剖学的右三角間膜から後腹膜無漿膜野はほとんどみられなかった. 完全内臓逆位症に対する肝切除も, 左右鏡像関係, 腹部臓器・脈管の変異を念頭におき, 解剖学的構造を同定認識し手術操作を行うことで通常の肝切除例と同等な切除手術が可能であった.