田辺 直仁 豊嶋 英明 林 千治 和泉 徹 松本 一年 関 奈緒 渡部 裕 小玉 誠 相澤 義房
Japanese Heart Rhythm Society
心電図 (ISSN:02851660)
vol.26, no.2, pp.111-117, 2006-03-25 (Released:2010-09-09)

突然死を発症後24時間以内の急性死と定義した場合の発生率は, 年間人口10万対114 (愛知県, 全年齢) , 15歳以上の145 (新潟県, 15歳以上) との報告がある.また, これらを含む4調査では, 男性に多いこと, 年齢とともに発生頻度が高くなることなどの共通した特徴が認められる.40~59歳の発生率 (年間人口10万対) は男性が52~89, 女性17~29であり, 主要死因死亡率に比べても高く, この働き盛りの年代で年間約1.2~2万人が突然死していると推計される.新潟市・長岡市の調査では突然死の約20%に虚血性心疾患, 13%に他の心疾患の関与が疑われ, 死因が確定できない例も37%認められた.意識消失での発症が約40%あり, 自宅や職場など普段の生活の場での発症や, 安静時や睡眠時の発症が多かった.排尿・排便時の発症が約9%認められ, 排尿・排便が発症の誘因となった可能性がある.危険因子としては高血圧や高血圧性臓器障害, 喫煙が重要であり, 過去1週間のストレスや睡眠時間の減少も突然死と関連していた.平成16年の新潟県中越地震では被災後1週間に突然死が有意に増加しており, 強いストレスが突然死の誘因となることの有力な証拠と考えられる.
豊嶋 英明 林 千治 宮西 邦夫 若井 静子 榎 佐和子 熊谷 秀子 上村 桂
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.44, no.2, pp.659-666, 1989
1 5

Serum retinol and tocopherol concentrations in 419 males and 478 females, aged 10 to 49 years, were determined by an HPLC method. Then their relationships to serum lipid concentrations and smoking and drinking habits were examined. Retinol levels were higher in males than in females but tocopherol showed little difference by sex. The sex differences in age-related serum levels of retinol and triglyceride (TG) were similar to those of tocopherol and total cholesterol (TC), respectively.<BR>Retinol had a significant correlation with TC and TG, with coefficients of 0.20-0.29 (p<0.001). These were smaller than those of tocopherol (R=0.32-0.52, p<0.001) both in males and females, suggesting that it had a higher susceptibility to factors other than serum lipids than tocopherol did.<BR>Both the retinol and tocopherol levels were significantly higher in the groups with smoking and drinking habits than in the groups without them among the males aged 30 years and over. Furthermore, the retinol level was positively dependent on the daily consumption of both cigarettes and alcohol, whereas tocopherol was dependent on the consumption of alcohol. Multiple regression analysis showed that smoking and drinking habits had statistically significant effects on the serum retinol level independent of other factors and that their effects were greater than those of TC and TG. Tocopherol was affected most by TC and TG and then by drinking habit. Less significant but similar results were obtained for the females of the same age group.<BR>Since smoking and drinking habits, known to be carcinogenic, was related to increases in the serum levels of retinol and tocopherol, it would appear to be necessary to study the relationship of these serum levels with tissue levels of vitamins A and E to examine their protective effects against carcino- and atherogenesis.