柳井 晴夫 柏木 繁男 国生 理枝子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.58, no.3, pp.158-165, 1987-08-31 (Released:2010-07-16)
12 11

The purpose of the paper is to construct a personality inventory which measures broader dimensions regarding multiple traits of personality common to normal people by means of extensive use of factor analysis. For the purpose, we prepared 300 items which are supposed to reflect the hypothetical 20 personality traits. Out of the 300 items, 240 items were selected on the basis of means and standard deviations of the items. We applied the oblique Promax rotation method in factor analysis and repeated it several times by changing the number of items and the number of factors. Finally, 12 factors were extracted from the 120 items, in each of which the 10 items having more than 0.4 factor loadings. Basing upon the result, we constructed a new personality inventory consisting of 13 scales (including a lie scale). The constructed scales demonstrated high testmretest reliabilities ranging from 0.880 to 0.950.
柏木 繁男
The Japanese Psychological Association
Japanese Psychological Research (ISSN:00215368)
vol.23, no.4, pp.203-212, 1982-03-20 (Released:2009-02-24)

A new criterion to estimate the number of factors in multiple factor analysis was proposed, based on the mathematical relationships between the principle of the linear regression analysis passing through the origin and that of the minres factor analysis by Harman (1976). The criterion is the beta coefficient for the linear regression line defined by the elements in each of the original and the reproduced correlation matrices, and it is obtained with the increase of the number of factors. Numerical examples are presented and some supplemental issues are discussed.
柏木 繁男
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.16, no.4, pp.13-25, 1968-12

One of the purposes of this paper is to apply the theory of the failure distribution of system reliability (e. g., cf. Barlow et al ; 1967) to the analysis of the frequency distribution of tes scores. Assuming that test scores, x s, correlate positively with a underlying ability, we define as follows : R(x)=1-F(x) and R(0)=1, (1) where F(x)=・^x_0 f(t)dt. And further we define λ(x)=F'(x)/(1-F(X))=f(x)/(1-F(x))=-R'(x)/R(x), (2) which is called the ratio of success. From (2) we get R(x)=exp{-・^x_0λ(t)dt} F(x)=1-exp{-・^x_0λ(t)dt} (3) (Davis ; 1952, McGill et al ; 1965). Another one of the purposes is to recommend for the use of "Weibull" (1952) distribution in order to analyze the frequency distribution of test scores. The distribution has often been used in the studies of system reliability because of its wide applicability. We define the ration of success of this distribution as follows : λ(x)=m/α(x-γ)^<m-1>, x&ge;γ ; 0, x&le;γ. (12) Then, R(x)=exp{-(x-γ)^m/α} {F(x)=1-exp{-(x-γ)^m/α} (10) are obtained. Here, m, α, and γ are shape, scale, and location parameters. Tha shape parameter m of weibull distribution plays an important role in discriminating the degree of the difficulties and validities of psychological tests. We investigate several data by Lord (1952) and it is shown that the shape parameter m is a suprisingly useful and powerful measure inpsychological testing (cf. Fig. 1). Finally, it should be noted the follwoing. That is, our proposal which is based upon a differential equation model is comparable to Lord's (1952) integral equation model in that the former aims to analyze directly the frequency distribution of test scores and the latter to estimate true-score or latent trait distribution.
鈴木 征男 崎原 盛造 秋坂 真史 柏木 繁男 芳賀 博 兪 今 當銘 貴世美 林 聡子
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.40, no.7, pp.525-532, 2000-10-01

長寿県である沖縄の高齢者の心理的特性を把握するために, 性格5因子モデル(FFM:Five Factor Model)に基づく形容詞評定尺度を作成し, 全国の65歳以上の高齢者609名と沖縄の高齢者を比較検討した.その結果, 沖縄県高齢者の心理的特性として, OpennessとExtraversionで対照群より低く, Agreeablenessで高い結果が得られた.Agreeablenessが高いことは, 沖縄の高齢者が地域社会と強い結びつきを表していることと一致している.また, Conscientiousnessに関しては沖縄の得点は対照群よりも低かったが, これはおうようで, のんびりしているといわれている沖縄人の性格と一致している.なお, NeuroticismおよびOpennessに関しては, 両群に有意な差はみられなかった.