橋本 省三
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.30, no.6, pp.357-369, 1981-02-10 (Released:2010-11-22)

As a method to make clear the reason why congenital dislocation of the hip is found more frequently in females than males, the differeences of the shapes of the pelves between male and female infants were investigated roentgenographically.Following measurements were taken upon the correctly taken X-ray photographs of the pelves of 287 normal male and female infants who were 0 month to 3 years of age, and of 57 dislocated infants of the same ages.a : The distance between the most outside points of the bilateral ilia.b : The distance between the most inside points of the bilateral ilia at the Y cartilages.c : The distance between the most inferior points of the bilateral ilia.d : The distance between the most outside points of the bilateral ischia.e : The distance between the most inferior points of the bilateral ilia at the sacro-iliac joints.f : The distance between the most inferior point of the bilateral ischia.θ : Acetabular angle (described only in normal infants) And the ratios : b/a, c/a, d/a, e/a, f /a, f /d, were calculated in each pelvis, and examined the change of the shapes of the pelves during their growth, and also examined the differences between males and females, normal and dislocated infants.The results obtained were as follows : 1) The sexual differences were found already in the neonatal pelves.2) Observing a pelvis as a whole, the constriction which occurs around the bilateral hip joints during the growth seems to correspond with the decrease of its acetabular angle.3) The constriction around the bilateral hip joints, and the rate of the growth between the major and the minor pelvis were distinct sexual differences of the pelvis.4) In the case of congenital dislocation of the hip, it should seem that even on the male the pelvis showed the similar shape and the process of growth to the female.
綿貫 幸三 高坂 知節 草刈 潤 古和 田勲 西条 茂 小林 俊光 新川 秀一 飯野 ゆき子 六郷 正暁 柴原 義博 富岡 幸子 佐久間 眞弓 粟田口 敏一 三好 彰 荒川 栄一 橋本 省 大山 健二 原 晃 沖津 卓二 郭安 雄
The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc.
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.85, no.7, pp.766-776, 1982

The laryngeal cysts were treated in 14 cases in our in-patient clinic during the last 9 years and 8 months between the April 1972 and the December 1981. The laryngeal cysts at the vocal cord were excluded in this study. The clinical, histological and some other findings of these cysts were briefly described. After some considerations regarding the origin and the developing mechanism of the cysts, a new classification of the laryngeal cysts was proposed as follows. <br>Laryngeal cysts. <br>1) Retention cysts: The cysts due to stenosis of the glands, their ducts, lymph vessels or other similar structures. <br>2) Epidermoid or dermoid cysts: The cysts due to stray germs, implantation or the result of down growth with separation and eventual isolation of a fragment of epidermis or dermis. They may also due to dysontogenesis of a foetal epithelial tissue. Dermoid cysts are extremely rare. <br>3) Cysts of a special origin: Branchiogenic cysts, thyroglossal duct cysts, and cysts of laryngocele origin.