三好 彰 草刈 潤 武山 実
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.32, no.6, pp.973-975, 1986-11-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

A case in which vestibular dysfunction as well as hearing loss was caused by acoustic trauma was reported. The patient was a 22 year old woman that developed hearing loss and dysequilibrium at a rock concert after 20 minutes exposure. She was a college student and in order to prepare the term examination, she did not sleep or take any food for 24 hours prior to the onset of these symptoms. This extreme fatigue condition seemed to be closely related to the appearance of the vestibular symptoms in addition to the hearing loss. The generation mechanism of the acoustic trauma was discussed in the light of the available literature and the importance of good physical condition was stressed.
草刈 潤
Japan Audiological Society
vol.49, no.4, pp.322-338, 2006-08-31 (Released:2010-08-05)
2 3

聴性脳幹反応 (ABR) は蝸牛から下丘に至る聴覚路で誘発された反応で, 振幅は小さいが再現性が良好で睡眠の深度や意識レベルの影響なども認められないことから臨床検査として広く用いられている。本稿ではABRの測定法, 発生機序, 臨床応用などについて概説した。その要旨は次の如くである。(1) ABR各波の発生部位に関しては一部意見の不一致がある, (2) 有用な他覚的聴力検査法であるが, クリック誘発の反応は主として2~4kHzの聴力のみを反映している, (3) トーン・ピップによる誘発反応の有用性に関しては賛否両論がある, (4) 聴神経腫瘍が内耳道内に限局している場合には偽陰性もかなりあるが, それよりも大きな腫瘍では感受性は非常に高い, (5) 本態性後迷路障害, 多発性硬化症, 脳幹循環障害や橋髄内腫瘍, 意識障害, 脳死などの診断・評価や術中モニターとして極めて有用である。
沖津 卓二 草刈 潤 富岡 幸子 伊藤 和也
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.72, no.12, pp.1591-1597, 1979

Auditory brainstem electric response (ABR) is generally recorded as the potential difference between the electrode on the ear lobe and on the vertex [Lobe-Vertex recording]. Among the five waves recorded the latency and the presence or absence or Wave I and V are particularly important factors.<br>The purpose of the present study was to obtain a clear appearance of Waves I and V even at the low intensity of sound by simultaneous performance of Lobe-Vertex and Membrane-Vertex recordings. As the tone stimulus is decreased toward the subjective threshold in Lobe-Vertex recording, each wave becomes smaller, and the waves, except for Wave V are frequently undetectable near the threshold.<br>On the other hand, in the recording of the potential difference between the electrodes on the posterior marginal portion of the tympanic membrane and on the vertex [Membrane-Vertex recording], Wave I is larger and Wave V smaller than that of Lobe-Vertex recording, and the clearly detectable Wave I can be obtained by the tone stimulus near the subjective threshold. Namely, the detectability of Wave I and V depends on the site of the recording electrode and there is no statistical difference between the two recording methods regarding latencies of the two waves.<br>Typical wave patterns recorded from three patients were demonstrated: two of acoustic tumor and the other of a C-P angle tumor.<br>In one patient with an acoustic tumor and the one with an C-P angle tumor, although no waves were detected in Lobe-Vertex recording, Wave I was clearly detected in Membrane-Vertex recording.<br>In the other patient with an acoustic tumor, Waves I and V were not so clearly detected in Love-Vertex recording, but in Membrane-Vertex recording, Waves I and V were clearly detected and the prolongation of the latency interval between Waves I and V could be measured.<br>From these results, it is suggested that the simultaneous Lobe-Vertex and Membrane-Vertex recording technique in ABR is most useful for the detection of cochlear nerve and the brainstem disorders.
綿貫 幸三 高坂 知節 草刈 潤 古和 田勲 西条 茂 小林 俊光 新川 秀一 飯野 ゆき子 六郷 正暁 柴原 義博 富岡 幸子 佐久間 眞弓 粟田口 敏一 三好 彰 荒川 栄一 橋本 省 大山 健二 原 晃 沖津 卓二 郭安 雄
The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc.
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.85, no.7, pp.766-776, 1982

The laryngeal cysts were treated in 14 cases in our in-patient clinic during the last 9 years and 8 months between the April 1972 and the December 1981. The laryngeal cysts at the vocal cord were excluded in this study. The clinical, histological and some other findings of these cysts were briefly described. After some considerations regarding the origin and the developing mechanism of the cysts, a new classification of the laryngeal cysts was proposed as follows. <br>Laryngeal cysts. <br>1) Retention cysts: The cysts due to stenosis of the glands, their ducts, lymph vessels or other similar structures. <br>2) Epidermoid or dermoid cysts: The cysts due to stray germs, implantation or the result of down growth with separation and eventual isolation of a fragment of epidermis or dermis. They may also due to dysontogenesis of a foetal epithelial tissue. Dermoid cysts are extremely rare. <br>3) Cysts of a special origin: Branchiogenic cysts, thyroglossal duct cysts, and cysts of laryngocele origin.