馬場 駿吉 高坂 知節 稲村 直樹 佐藤 三吉 鈴木 茂 遠藤 里見 石戸谷 雅子 小野寺 亮 山田 公彦 大久 俊和 荒井 英爾 鈴木 雅明 大山 健二 粟田口 敏一 戸川 清 岡本 美孝 松崎 全成 寺田 修久 喜多村 健 石田 孝 馬場 廣太郎 島田 均 森 朗子 池田 聖 金子 敏郎 今野 昭義 山越 隆行 石井 哲夫 窪田 市世 鍋島 みどり 田口 喜一郎 石山 哲也 中野 雄一 中村 英生 五十嵐 文雄 古川 仭 作本 真 山下 公一 久保田 修 宇佐神 篤 伊藤 博隆 鈴木 元彦 間宮 紳一郎 横田 明 加藤 薫 大屋 靖彦 河合 〓 岩田 重信 横山 尚樹 井畑 克朗 瀧本 勲 稲福 繁 坂倉 康夫 鵜飼 幸太郎 雨皿 亮 山田 弘之 坂倉 健二 平田 圭甫 伊藤 由紀子 村上 泰 竹中 洋 山下 敏夫 久保 伸夫 中井 義明 大橋 淑宏 阪本 浩一 村田 清高 平沢 昌子 原田 康夫 森 直樹 白根 誠 多田 渉 小林 優子 竹林 脩文 河野 嘉彦 夜陣 紘治 平田 思 宮脇 修二 津田 哲也 山下 隆司 二階堂 真史 柿 音高 永澤 容 増田 游 後藤 昭一 西岡 慶子 折田 洋造 東川 康彦 武 浩太郎 進 武幹 前山 忠嗣 百田 統洋 堤 昭一郎 茂木 五郎 川内 秀之 松下 太 吉村 弘之 高田 順子 石川 哮 定永 恭明 大山 勝 松崎 勉 坂本 邦彦 廣田 常治 内薗 明裕 鯵坂 孝二 中島 光好
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.88, no.3, pp.389-405, 1995-03-01
13 16

The efficacy and safety of Kampo preparation Sho-seiryu-to were studied in a joint double-blind trial in comparison with a placebo. The study was carried out on 220 patients with perennial nasal allergy at 61 hospitals. Granules in a dose of 3 g were administered 3 times daily for 2 weeks. Moderate to high improvement was recorded in 44.6% of the treated patients and in 18.1% of those receiving placebo. The difference is significant (p <0.001). Side effects were noted in 6.5% of the treated patients and in 6.4% of the controls (not a significant deference). The side effects were mild and had no influence on the daily life of the patients.
末武 光子 入間田 美保子 高橋 辰 沖津 尚弘 大山 健二
Japan Otological Society
Otology Japan (ISSN:09172025)
vol.10, no.2, pp.89-94, 2000-05-25 (Released:2011-06-17)

Mucoud otitis is known to be caused by mucoid typeStreptococcus pneumoniae, and the most of them are serotype 3. As the result of the development of antibiotics this bacteria has once been regarded as an unimportant pathogen. However recently, there are found severe cases in which this pathogen is responsible.During the period from January 1998 to July 1999, we have treated 25 cases in which the mucoid typeStreptococcus pneumoniaewas isolated.Based on these experiences, we summarized the current status of the mucoid otitis media as follows.1. The distribution of patients suffering from mucoid otitis medid ranged infants to elderly people. 2. The patients presented with symptomes, such as severe earache, headache, high fever, profuse otorrhea, aggravation of sensorineural hearing. 3. The relief of the symptomes is usually better and earlier when penicillin was selected as a first choice, while when cephem antibiotics were selected, healing of the otitis media tend to be delayed. 4. As 13 out of 14 strains isolated in 1999 were found to be penicillin-insensitiveStreptococcus pneumoniae (PISP) withpbp2xgene, it is conceivable that the resistance of this pathogen against cephem is under a rapid progress, probably due to abuse cephem in the past in this country. 5. The antibiotics of the first choice against mucoid otitis media is penicillin. If the pathogen would acquire penicillin resistance, treatment of mucoid otitis media may become as difficult as it used be in old days of preantibiotics. We should pay enough attention to this disease as an important reemerging infectious disease in the otolaryngologic field.
大山 健二 和田 仁 高坂 知節
Japan Audiological Society
vol.35, no.1, pp.46-55, 1992-02-29 (Released:2010-04-30)

Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) の計測による蝸牛機能の評価の臨床的な有用性について検討を行った。 正常の聴力を有し中耳機能に問題がないと考えられた例では, f2/f1=1.2とした場合, 10kHzから500Hzまでのf2に対して2f1-f2の周波数において雑音レベル上10-35dBの安定したDPOAEが検出された。 感音性難聴耳では, その聴力に応じてDPOAEレベルの正常値からの偏倚が認められた。 DPOAEは誘発耳音響放射と比較すると, 反応の蝸牛内の場所への特異性がはるかに高いと考えられ, その測定値をDP audiogramとして記録すると聴力図と極めて良く一致するものが得られた。 いくつかの問題もあるが, 本法が今後外有毛細胞機能低下の蝸牛内分布に関する客観的な情報を得るための臨床的検査法として, 盛んに利用されていくことが予想される。
大山 健二 富岡 幸子 高坂 知節 河本 和友 郭 安雄 沖津 卓二
Japan Audiological Society
vol.26, no.2, pp.129-132, 1983 (Released:2010-04-30)

A hundred and three ears with tinnitus were examined neurotologically and tinnitus matching tests were carefully carried out using tinnitus sythesizer (Norwest Acoustics SG-1). Then the residual inhibition (RI) was checked with one minute masking test of Vernon.RI was detected in 67% of the ears with tinnitus, and their durations were widely distributed from 3 seconds to over 2 hours, although 78% of them were within 1 minute.No correlation was observed between the “loudness of tinnitus” and the RI duration, nor between the hearing level at the tinnitus frequency and the RI duration.Mean age of the RI positive patients was 54.0 years, which was considerably higher than that of RI negative patients (47.2 years).The great majority of the RI positive patients had high frequency (>2kHz) tonal tinnitus.Further additional work seemed to be necessary to make the RI test one of the standard tests of tinnitus.
大山 健二 佐々木 邦子
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.48, no.4Supplement2, pp.S132-S136, 2002-07-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

綿貫 幸三 高坂 知節 草刈 潤 古和 田勲 西条 茂 小林 俊光 新川 秀一 飯野 ゆき子 六郷 正暁 柴原 義博 富岡 幸子 佐久間 眞弓 粟田口 敏一 三好 彰 荒川 栄一 橋本 省 大山 健二 原 晃 沖津 卓二 郭安 雄
The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc.
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.85, no.7, pp.766-776, 1982

The laryngeal cysts were treated in 14 cases in our in-patient clinic during the last 9 years and 8 months between the April 1972 and the December 1981. The laryngeal cysts at the vocal cord were excluded in this study. The clinical, histological and some other findings of these cysts were briefly described. After some considerations regarding the origin and the developing mechanism of the cysts, a new classification of the laryngeal cysts was proposed as follows. <br>Laryngeal cysts. <br>1) Retention cysts: The cysts due to stenosis of the glands, their ducts, lymph vessels or other similar structures. <br>2) Epidermoid or dermoid cysts: The cysts due to stray germs, implantation or the result of down growth with separation and eventual isolation of a fragment of epidermis or dermis. They may also due to dysontogenesis of a foetal epithelial tissue. Dermoid cysts are extremely rare. <br>3) Cysts of a special origin: Branchiogenic cysts, thyroglossal duct cysts, and cysts of laryngocele origin.
浅野 太 鈴木 陽一 曽根 敏夫 林 哲也 佐竹 充章 大山 健二 小林 俊光 高坂 知節
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.47, no.6, pp.373-379, 1991-06-01
