澤田 愛子
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.8, pp.35-51, 1990

Today's marvellous medical advances confront us with a verysevere problem, namely the criteria for establishing death, such as brain death. Technical advances in medicine now permit maintenance of cardiac and respiratory functions in human beings for a few days after massive or total destruction of the brain. This fact has presented us with delicate and difficult problems, especially in relation to organ transplantation. Namely, when a human being's brain functions are lost irreversibly and yet his cardiac and respiratory functions are maintained by an artificial life-support system, does he live or not? Up to now the signs of life have been seen as vital signs (body temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure etc.). But if these signs are maintained by artificial methods, are they truly vital signs? Physicians say that even if a life-support system works, cardiac function will stop in a few days or a few weeks. But this short term is quite important for organ transplantation. At that time each organ except the brain is maintained through artificial circulation of blood. Therefore physicians who agree to organ transplantation stress that brain death is the true death of human beings, for the purpose of legal removal of organs. But many ordinary people have complex feelings about it. They don't easily admit a family member's brain death because of their warm pink bodies. Here we have a severe problem. In this article I have focussed on these problems and have tried to think of the redefinition of death in modern society from different perspectives, that is, philosophically, psychologically, medically, culturally and legally. And finally in conclusion my thoughts are presented.
澤田 愛子
宗教研究 (ISSN:03873293)
vol.80, no.2, pp.355-380, 2006

澤田 愛子
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.13, pp.105-114, 1995-10-01 (Released:2018-02-01)

When we consider the ethical and social responsibility of nursing, we should note the concept of nursing advocacy, which is often used as a key word in nursing ethics in U. S. Nursing advocacy holds the view that nurses are responsible for advocacy of patients rights and interests. We can find out different model theories on nursing advocacy in many literature on bioetics and nursing ethics. For example, there is the legal rights model of G. J. Annas, the values-based model of Kohnke, the respect forpersons model by C. P. Murphy and the social advocacy model of Freeman. However, we do not have yet have a conclusive theory on it. We can draw some points on nurses' roles in informed consent between physicians and patients by using the concept of nursing advocacy, For example, nurses can give more explanations to patients to make up for a lack of medical informations by doctors. Moreover, they can help patients to understand information better by asking doctors in place of the patients, In this way, nurses can help patients to make decisions according to their own values. Nurses should do their best to keep best interests of patients, However, to enable nursing advocacy, nurses' rights as patients' advocates should be respected by physicians and other health care personnel.
澤田 愛子
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.11, pp.48-60, 1993-10-01 (Released:2018-02-01)

Many people now pay attention to the concepts of IC and autonomy of patients in health care. Nurses also begin to notice that it is necessary to change the traditional way of decision making in nursing care. Especially many American nurses believe that ethical decision making for nursing care must be led by patients' autonomy, because patient autonomy is the most important principle in bioethics. It is also related to human dignity. The concrete way of ethical decision making in nursing care is presented by the book; <Bioethical Decision Making for Nurses> by Thompson, J. E. and H. O.. They present the 10 steps to bioethical decisions. Step One : Review the situation Step Two : Gather additional information Step Three : Identify the ethical issues Step Four : Identify personal and professional values Step Five : Identify the values of key individuals Step Six : Identify the value conflicts, if any Step Seven : Determine who should decide Step Eight : Identify the range of actions and anticipated outcomes Step Nine : Decide on a course of action and carry it out Step Ten : Evaluate the results In this paper I explain this model theory concretely through some Japanese clinical cases. I believe that we can make an ideal method of carrying out bioethical nursing care by reviewing today's problem of decision-making in nursing care.
澤田 愛子
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.10, pp.57-70, 1992-10-23 (Released:2018-02-01)

At first in this article I consider the ethical aspects of the mutilation of a living donor's healthy body for renal and liver transplantation. Transplantation can be permitted ethically with two catholic ethical principles, that is, the principle of totality and the principle of double effect. However, to perform transplans a balance between donors' risks and recipients' merits is necessary. For this reason, the following requirements should be satisfied. 1) These transplantations should be permitted only in cases where you have no alternative method for therapy. 2) These transplantations should be permitted only in cases where you have a therapeutic possibility of success. For this reason, ・ It is necessaly to limit them to appropriate medical centers. ・ It is necessary to select donors and recipients strictly. 3) It is necessary to reduce the risks of death for donors to a minimum. 4) It is necessary to make sure no pressore is applied on the prospective donor's during the decision-making process. 5) It is necessary to get clear informed consent from both donors and recipients. Especially in cases of liver transplantation, you should open the process of informed consent in principle. 6) It is necessary to prohibit the buying and selling of organs. 7) It is necessary to resolve cost problems, especially for liver transplantation. 8) It is necessary to require strict morals among medical staffs.
澤田 愛子
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.8, pp.35-51, 1990-07-31 (Released:2018-02-01)

Today's marvellous medical advances confront us with a verysevere problem, namely the criteria for establishing death, such as brain death. Technical advances in medicine now permit maintenance of cardiac and respiratory functions in human beings for a few days after massive or total destruction of the brain. This fact has presented us with delicate and difficult problems, especially in relation to organ transplantation. Namely, when a human being's brain functions are lost irreversibly and yet his cardiac and respiratory functions are maintained by an artificial life-support system, does he live or not? Up to now the signs of life have been seen as vital signs (body temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure etc.). But if these signs are maintained by artificial methods, are they truly vital signs? Physicians say that even if a life-support system works, cardiac function will stop in a few days or a few weeks. But this short term is quite important for organ transplantation. At that time each organ except the brain is maintained through artificial circulation of blood. Therefore physicians who agree to organ transplantation stress that brain death is the true death of human beings, for the purpose of legal removal of organs. But many ordinary people have complex feelings about it. They don't easily admit a family member's brain death because of their warm pink bodies. Here we have a severe problem. In this article I have focussed on these problems and have tried to think of the redefinition of death in modern society from different perspectives, that is, philosophically, psychologically, medically, culturally and legally. And finally in conclusion my thoughts are presented.
長瀬 睦美 澤田 愛子
一般社団法人 日本看護研究学会
日本看護研究学会雑誌 (ISSN:21883599)
vol.32, no.4, pp.4_17-4_28, 2009

酒井 真由美 澤田 愛子 広瀬 幸美
富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌 (ISSN:13441434)
vol.5, no.1, pp.49-59, 2003-11

青年期に発症した1型糖尿病患者が抱く「希望」の構成要素を明らかにし,その結果から,育年期発症1型糖尿病患者への看護的支援を考察した.その結果,患者が抱く「希望」の構成要素として,『自己に対する希望』と『社会に対する希望』に分類された.『自己に対する希望』では,【自己変容】,【生活の変化】,【血糖コントロール】,【合併症の予防】,【将来】,【神仏への祈り】の6カテゴリーが抽出され,『社会に対する希望』では,【1型糖尿病に対する社会認識】,【社会環境】,【同病者の存在】,【医学の進歩に対する期待】の4カテゴリーが抽出された.『自己に対する希望』では, 1型糖尿病患者である自己を肯定的に捉え,積極的な未来志向が希望を推し進める第一のものであった.その時,青年期の心理的問題も同時に考慮していく必要がある.一方,『社会に対する希望』では,あらゆる場面及び人間関係において,1型糖尿病に対する誤解や偏見,差別がなくなることを強く望んでいた.看護的支援においては,「患者自身への支援」と「社会への啓蒙活動」の2つの側面から関わっていくことが重要であるといえる.
松村 理恵子 岩田 美千代 澤田 愛子
富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌 (ISSN:13441434)
vol.4, no.1, pp.77-84, 2001-08

本研究では, 看護婦と末期患者のコミュニケーションの課題を考察するために, 末期患者とのコミュニケーション場面における看護婦の感情を明らかにすることを目的とした.その結果, 看護婦の感情は《事実を知っている緊張感》, 《患者の人生に影響を与える責任の重み》, 《思いを共有できないつらさ》, 《何もできない申し訳なさ》, 《看護の手ごたえのなさ》, 《余裕のなさ》, 《責められることへのやるせなさ》, 《患者の心の中に入る怖さ》の8つに分類された.さらにターミナルケアに関わる看護婦は, 末期医療の特殊性から, 患者と同じ目標をもつことが難しいことを悩んでおり, また, 看護婦の無力感, 自信のなさなどから, ひとりの人間として患者と関わることが困難であることがわかった.これらのことから, 末期患者とのコミュニケーションの課題として, 末期医療の厳しい現実を正しく見つめた上で, まず自分のいかなる感情も自分のものとして受け入れ, さらに自分を価値ある人間として認めることが重要であると考えられた.
澤田 愛子 塚本 尚子 中林 美奈子 松田 美千代
富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌 (ISSN:13441434)
vol.1, pp.9-21, 1998-03

配偶者との死別は人生の中で最も厳しい試練であると言われている。しかしこの種のテーマを扱った実証的研究は乏しく, とりわけ, 高齢者のそれは皆無に近い。そこで著者は94年10月から95年9月まで, 配偶者と死別した65才以上の高齢者に聞き取り調査を実施した。調査地域は富山県の農村部で, 配偶者と死別後7-8ヵ月が経過した頃に訪問を実施した。調査結果から得られた所見は次の通りであった。1.高齢者の死別後の悲嘆過程は一般的に若年者のそれよりもマイルドである。2.しかし次のようなケースでは社会的サポートを必要とする。即ち, 1)死別後独居となって, 家族や友人からの支援がほとんど無い場合。2)配偶者が急死したために心の準備ができなかった場合。3)日常生活に多大な困難がある場合。4)死別者自身に深刻な健康問題があったり, 経済的に不安のある場合。5)配偶者への治療に不満を持ち, 医師に怒りを感じている場合。6)性格的な問題があったり, 家族と同居していても, 関係が良好ではない場合。3.これらの高齢者の支援のためには, 現存の訪問看護システムに死別カウンセリングを導入したり, 高齢死別者自身の自助グループの結成援助等さまざまな取り組みが必要とされよう。