長野 正幸 照山 絢子 福元 美紀 渡邊 友美 中村 美佳子 百崎 良
The University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan
Journal of UOEH (ISSN:0387821X)
vol.40, no.4, pp.299-305, 2018-12-01 (Released:2018-12-19)

脳外傷はしばしば,行動障害や復学困難を引き起こす.しかし,脳外傷後の復学困難を誘起する因子についてはいまだ明らかにされていない.本研究の目的は若年脳外傷患者における1年以内の復学困難に関連する因子について探索的に検討することである.本研究は既存データセットの二次解析である.米国のTraumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Databaseに登録された脳外傷患者(受傷時16歳)のデータを用いた.1年以内に復学できた者とできなかった者とで2群間比較をし,脳外傷重症度に着目したサブグループ解析を追加した.教育歴が10年未満の者を除外し,合計309人の脳外傷患者が抽出された.そのうち246人(80%)の患者は1年以内の復学が困難であった.復学した患者群では復学できなかった患者群に比べ重症脳外傷例が少なかった(29% vs 44%,P = 0.03).また,復学した患者群では復学できなかった患者群に比べリハビリテーション期間が長く(平均日数: 40 vs 29; P = 0.001),脳外傷重症度によるサブグループ解析でも重症脳外傷者群(平均日数:46 vs 29,P = 0.02),非重症脳外傷者群(平均日数: 37 vs 26,P = 0.02)ともに同様の結果であった.脳外傷重症度に関わらず,リハビリテーションの不足が脳外傷後の復学困難に関連していた.
古橋 忠晃 津田 均 小川 豊昭 鈴木 國文 清水 美佐子 北中 淳子 照山 絢子 堀口 佐知子 清水 克修 後岡 亜由子 Figueiredo Cristina Pionné-Dax Nancy Tajan Nicolas Vellut Natacha Singly François de Pierrot Alain Castel Pierre-Henri Furuhashi Tadaaki Tsuda Hitoshi Ogawa Toyoaki Suzuki Kunifumi Shimizu Misako Kitanaka Junko Teruyama Junko Horiguchi Sachiko Shimizu Katsunobu Sedooka Ayuko
総合保健体育科学 (ISSN:02895412)
vol.34, no.1, pp.29-33, 2011-03-31 (Released:2014-06-11)

In recent years the hikikomori (social withdrawal) phenomenon described in Japan has also come to be seen in Europe, particularly France. Despite the high level of interest in hikikomori in France, it has not been clearly defined and there is no clear overall understanding of the phenomenon. Our Japanese-French research team, supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (overseas surveys), compared hikikomori youths in France and Japan from the perspectives of researchers in various fields. The aim of this study was to investigate the kinds of people to whom the concept of hikikomori is applied in France and Japan. A clinical conference was held in Paris in September 2010 to discuss cases considered to be hikikomori in the two countries. This article is an interim report from research in the first year of a series of international joint studies, and describes the commonalities and differences in the state of hikikomori in Japan and France.
菅原 早紀 照山 絢子
異文化間教育 (ISSN:09146970)
vol.48, pp.116-130, 2018-08-31 (Released:2022-08-31)

The Human Library is an event where people are rented as “books” to be “read” by others. People who are considered to be social minorities are to perform as “books”, which is designed to help reduce discrimination and prejudice in the society by talking with the readers. The purpose of this event is to nurture a tolerant attitude towards different people. In this study, we focus on “the books” who are the narrators and study the effect that narrating their stories have on their self-understanding. We participated in Human Libraries performed throughout Japan and conducted semi-structured interviews of 23 “books”.We found that “books” who participated in Human Libraries had a strong tendency to participate repeatedly, and the reasons for this included an actual feeling of growth gained through self-reflection, the pleasure of the talk, and the interchange with others. However, at times they also experienced feelings of uneasiness or recalled a traumatic event, which they struggled to overcome.Thus, it may be said that the narrative and dialogue in the Human Library promotes new discovery and self-understanding for “books” who are struggling to come to terms with their attributes and minority status. In addition, it was suggested that they are effective in educating the general public about the perception of different cultures.