石原 豊一 胡 青
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.30, no.3, pp.3_275-3_284, 2020 (Released:2020-07-24)

The Chinese Baseball Association (CBA) established the China National Baseball League (CNBL) as the new top league to replace the Chinese Baseball League (CBL) in 2019. At the opening game in August, a strategic partnership agreement was signed between the Major League Baseball (MLB) and the CNBL. In this new league, four of the six teams who were affiliated with the former league of CBL participated, each team had a regular season of 18 games, and the playoffs between the top two teams were held in a best-of-five series. The former league CBL was established in 2002 by selecting top teams from existing local teams with the aim of strengthening the national team for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The domestic league matches and the overseas expeditions by the national team selected from each team have boosted the competitiveness of top-level players, resulting in victories over Taiwan, one of Asia’s powerhouses, in the Beijing Olympics and next year’s World Baseball Classic. However, the CBL was forced to reduce its scale after the Beijing Olympics, as baseball was dropped from the Olympics. After several season cancellations, the CBL eventually folded after the 2018 season. A national team has not shown any outstanding performances on the international stage since the 2009 WBC. Under such circumstances, the launch of the new league, the CNBL, was suddenly announced in 2019. The CBA has announced that it is positioning this league as a professional league. In this paper, we review the history of baseball in China and its research history. Then we examine the influence of sports policy in China on the management of the former top league and illustrate the current condition of the newly launched league, the CNBL, in 2019. This will show the direction of the sustainability of the new professional baseball league in China.
石原 豊一
スポーツ社会学研究 (ISSN:09192751)
vol.18, no.1, pp.59-70, 2010-03-20 (Released:2016-10-05)

グローバル化に伴うスポーツの世界的拡大の中、野球も資本との関わりの中、北米トップ・プロリーグMLBを核とした広がりを見せている。本稿ではその拡大における周縁に位置するイスラエルに発足したプロリーグであるイスラエル野球リーグ(IBL)の観察から、スポーツのグローバル化をスポーツ労働移民という切り口から探った。 IBLの現実はプロ野球という言葉から一般に想像されるような華やいだ世界ではない。ここで展開されているのは、ひとびとが低賃金で過酷な労働を強いられている周辺の世界である。しかし、IBLの選手の姿は、搾取される低賃金労働者というイメージともすぐには結びつかない。それは、彼らが自ら望んでこの地でのプレーを選んだことに由来している。特に先進国からの選手の観察からは、本来労働であるはずのプロとしてのプレーが、一種のレジャーや社会からの逃避に変質を遂げている様さえ窺えた。 この新たなプロリーグに集った選手たちへのインタビューを通じた彼らのスポーツ労働移民としての特徴の分析は、スポーツのグローバル化が経済資本の単一的な広がりというよりは、選手個々の背景や動機が絡んだモザイク的な拡大と浸透の様相を呈している現状を示している。 従来の世界システム的観点から見たスポーツの地球的拡大の文脈においては、プロアスリートの国境を越えた移動もその要因を経済的なものに求めがちである。アスリートの移籍理由を経済的要因以外に求める研究もなされてはいるものの、本稿での事例分析の結果得られた「プロスペクト」型、「野球労働者」型、「バケーション」型、「自分探し」型というスポーツ移民の分類のうち、先進国からの「バケーション」型、「自分探し」型は従来の研究の枠組みには収まりきらないものである。このことはスポーツのグローバル化がもたらした人間の移動要因の変質という点において、今後のグローバリゼーション研究に新たな地平を開拓する可能性を持つ。
石原 豊一
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.18, no.2, pp.21-29, 2008-09-30 (Released:2010-07-27)

The Israel Baseball League (IBL) that started in the summer of 2007 is one example of the expanding of sports in recent years that has an increasing relation with capital. Most IBL players come from outside of Israel. Players from developed countries participate in the league by using the vacation for their self-actualization. On the contrary, players from developing nations come to obtain provisions of life. This means a "CenterPeripheral" relation is occurring, from the areas where professional baseball has been played to the baseball-barren "Deterritorialized" world of Israel. It is thought Jewish nationalism is a great factor supporting the professional league which suddenly started in Israel, where profits can't be expected from the baseball business. In fact, the IBL carries out the function of getting U.S. immigrants to imagine solidarity with the Jewish community in the native state. At present, professional baseball is in the process of developing a global aspect, supported by the MLB, and in North America a business model of "Independent Leagues" that supplements this flow has appeared. It can be said that the IBL is one of the "Independent Leagues" that is also expanding globally. Though sports have spread from "Central" to "Peripheral" nations as a cultural event before, the current expansion is being accomplished as one of the systems of production. We can see one aspect of how globalization has influenced of sports from this example of IBL.
石原 豊一
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.23, no.1, pp.1_107-1_118, 2013 (Released:2013-05-30)

In recent years professional baseball leagues have been started in some areas in which baseball has been considered to be unpopular.    Alan Klein, an authority on the study of the globalization of baseball, claims that baseball diffusion will be promoted in developing areas where it promotes escape from poverty, and that it is hard to envision baseball’ s diffusion and the development of professional baseball business in developed countries, especially in Europe, which is proud of the overwhelming popularity of football.    However, in practice, new professional baseball leagues have been started in some economically rich countries in the 2000s. This paper analyzes the Italian Baseball League (IBL) , which started its inaugural season in 2010, in order to investigate the background of the rise of new professional leagues in developed countries and the prospects for their future.    This paper claims the factors promoting the diffusion of baseball in Europe and the foundation of the professional league in Italy are; 1) Expansion of a network of scouting and marketing by the MLB, 2) Job shortages for younger people, accompanied by the rationalization of the selection of professional athletes as an unstable job with low wages. Considering these factors, we can envision the development of small-scale professional baseball business in areas where baseball has not traditionally been popular. Along with the expansion of the international flow of players in the baseball world, such as through the MLB in which players can expect high remuneration, the development of a semi-professional system in which players can get jobs during the baseball season is also suggested.
石原 豊一
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.20, no.1, pp.81-90, 2010

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The global expansion of sports has accomplished a transformation from a hegemonic spread, such as people in the colonies received from modern sports in the suzerainty of the colonial era to the diffusion of comodificated spectator sports after the World War II. The expansion of baseball after the 1990&prime;s can be regarded as a model for the construction of interdependent relations on an earth scale which is based on the existence of a professional league in Latin America and the east Asian nations under the MLB, and the expansion of the market and the network for player recruitment to the baseball barren areas such as Europe and Africa. This article discusses professional baseball in China that started in the 1990&prime;s when the globalization of professional baseball was advanced. First, a general view of the history of baseball in this country is related, based on previous work. Then it discusses whether CBL, a particular professional sports league with a certain meaning, which hasn&rsquo; t constructed its earning system get, will be able to get on the right track as a sports industry in the future and whether the Beijing Olympic Games can provide an opportunity to do so is argued according to the results obtained in 2008 by the questionnaire used at the Beijing Olympic Stadium.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is difficult to forecast the image of the future of CBL. Optimistic observation can be derived from the high percent of opinion that watching the Olympic baseball game is good chance of playing baseball and watching CBL games. But it is uncertain whether this result reflects the testee&prime;s continuous intention. On the other hand, pessimism is derived from the result that the interest in baseball doesn&prime;t directly connect with the popularity of a domestic league, according to the development of media.
石原 豊一
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.20, no.1, pp.81-90, 2010 (Released:2010-06-07)

The global expansion of sports has accomplished a transformation from a hegemonic spread, such as people in the colonies received from modern sports in the suzerainty of the colonial era to the diffusion of comodificated spectator sports after the World War II. The expansion of baseball after the 1990′s can be regarded as a model for the construction of interdependent relations on an earth scale which is based on the existence of a professional league in Latin America and the east Asian nations under the MLB, and the expansion of the market and the network for player recruitment to the baseball barren areas such as Europe and Africa. This article discusses professional baseball in China that started in the 1990′s when the globalization of professional baseball was advanced. First, a general view of the history of baseball in this country is related, based on previous work. Then it discusses whether CBL, a particular professional sports league with a certain meaning, which hasn’ t constructed its earning system get, will be able to get on the right track as a sports industry in the future and whether the Beijing Olympic Games can provide an opportunity to do so is argued according to the results obtained in 2008 by the questionnaire used at the Beijing Olympic Stadium.    It is difficult to forecast the image of the future of CBL. Optimistic observation can be derived from the high percent of opinion that watching the Olympic baseball game is good chance of playing baseball and watching CBL games. But it is uncertain whether this result reflects the testee′s continuous intention. On the other hand, pessimism is derived from the result that the interest in baseball doesn′t directly connect with the popularity of a domestic league, according to the development of media.
石原 豊一
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.21, no.1, pp.73-84, 2011 (Released:2011-05-21)

Independent baseball leagues were established in Japan after the decline of the industrial league because of the recession in the 1990′s and confusion about the reorganization of the Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) in 2004. Though four leagues have been inaugurated up to now, their management situation is not strong and several teams face a crisis situation.    This paper discusses a future view of community-based small sports businesses and a strategy for sustenance through comparison of minor league business in Japan and North America, based on fieldwork carried out in 2009 from a perspective that considered independent baseball leagues that have attracted attention in recent years and farm leagues of the Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) as “Minor Leagues” .    This paper introduces the marketing strategies of MLB utilizing farm teams, and the management of 3A class minor league baseball teams linked to the activation strategy of the franchise city and current states of minor league business differentiated from major league business as an amusement commodity. Furthermore, problems about independent leagues in Japan not yet established as sport businesses are presented.    For the development of minor league business in Japan in the future, it will be necessary to evaluate the commercial value of the NPB’ s farm team and improve cooperation with independent leagues as the talent reservoir.     Considering the decline of corporate sports, the reduction of participants due to falling birthrate, the decrease in popularity of baseball and the subsidy reduction to Olympic sports by journalizing of national projects, the environments surrounding sports in Japan at present are becoming more severe. Though it seems that the role of minor leagues as starting points for the local activation of sports and as receivers of athletes after graduation as well as player supply sources for the top leagues will grow in the future, in these situations a clear view of the future cannot be drawn yet.
石原 豊一
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.18, no.2, pp.21-29, 2008

The Israel Baseball League (IBL) that started in the summer of 2007 is one example of the expanding of sports in recent years that has an increasing relation with capital. Most IBL players come from outside of Israel. Players from developed countries participate in the league by using the vacation for their self-actualization. On the contrary, players from developing nations come to obtain provisions of life. This means a "CenterPeripheral" relation is occurring, from the areas where professional baseball has been played to the baseball-barren "Deterritorialized" world of Israel. It is thought Jewish nationalism is a great factor supporting the professional league which suddenly started in Israel, where profits can't be expected from the baseball business. In fact, the IBL carries out the function of getting U.S. immigrants to imagine solidarity with the Jewish community in the native state. At present, professional baseball is in the process of developing a global aspect, supported by the MLB, and in North America a business model of "Independent Leagues" that supplements this flow has appeared. It can be said that the IBL is one of the "Independent Leagues" that is also expanding globally. Though sports have spread from "Central" to "Peripheral" nations as a cultural event before, the current expansion is being accomplished as one of the systems of production. We can see one aspect of how globalization has influenced of sports from this example of IBL.
石原 豊一
スポーツ社会学研究 (ISSN:09192751)
vol.18, no.1, pp.59-70, 2010

<p> グローバル化に伴うスポーツの世界的拡大の中、野球も資本との関わりの中、北米トップ・プロリーグMLBを核とした広がりを見せている。本稿ではその拡大における周縁に位置するイスラエルに発足したプロリーグであるイスラエル野球リーグ(IBL)の観察から、スポーツのグローバル化をスポーツ労働移民という切り口から探った。<br> IBLの現実はプロ野球という言葉から一般に想像されるような華やいだ世界ではない。ここで展開されているのは、ひとびとが低賃金で過酷な労働を強いられている周辺の世界である。しかし、IBLの選手の姿は、搾取される低賃金労働者というイメージともすぐには結びつかない。それは、彼らが自ら望んでこの地でのプレーを選んだことに由来している。特に先進国からの選手の観察からは、本来労働であるはずのプロとしてのプレーが、一種のレジャーや社会からの逃避に変質を遂げている様さえ窺えた。<br> この新たなプロリーグに集った選手たちへのインタビューを通じた彼らのスポーツ労働移民としての特徴の分析は、スポーツのグローバル化が経済資本の単一的な広がりというよりは、選手個々の背景や動機が絡んだモザイク的な拡大と浸透の様相を呈している現状を示している。<br> 従来の世界システム的観点から見たスポーツの地球的拡大の文脈においては、プロアスリートの国境を越えた移動もその要因を経済的なものに求めがちである。アスリートの移籍理由を経済的要因以外に求める研究もなされてはいるものの、本稿での事例分析の結果得られた「プロスペクト」型、「野球労働者」型、「バケーション」型、「自分探し」型というスポーツ移民の分類のうち、先進国からの「バケーション」型、「自分探し」型は従来の研究の枠組みには収まりきらないものである。このことはスポーツのグローバル化がもたらした人間の移動要因の変質という点において、今後のグローバリゼーション研究に新たな地平を開拓する可能性を持つ。</p>
石原 豊一
スポーツ社会学研究 (ISSN:09192751)
vol.27, no.1, pp.75-89, 2019-03-30 (Released:2019-03-30)

新たな開発援助として「開発と平和のためのスポーツ(Sport for Development and Peace, SDP)」が注目され、先進国アクターによる途上国へのスポーツ普及策がなされるようになってきている。これについて、本稿では、日本のアクターによるアフリカにおける野球普及活動と、その結果生じたアスリートの国際移動の事例に着目し、スポーツという身体的文化活動が、途上国が抱える諸問題を解決することができるかという点について考察する。 本稿において取り上げるのは、日本のNGO による野球普及活動の結果生まれた、プロ予備門と言うべき独立プロ野球リーグと契約したアフリカ人プロ野球選手の事例である。最初のジンバブエ人選手の事例は、国内情勢の悪化から現地での普及活動が困難になったための苦肉の策として行われたものであったが、その結果、「開発援助発のプロ野球選手」が、ひとつのモデルケースとなり、開発援助よりもむしろ「プロ野球選手」送出が目的化したような事例も見られるようになってきている。現実には、独立プロ野球リーグでの報酬は非常に低く、ここへの選手送出が、スポーツ普及を通じた途上国社会の経済的自立の援助と捉えることは難しい。また、アフリカにおける野球普及活動が啓蒙活動などの一助となるというアクター側の自己の評価についても疑問が残る。 アフリカにおける野球普及は、あくまで娯楽の提供という援助の一手段であるに過ぎず、その限界を受け入れた上で、チームプレーを通しての教育的効果などの有効性を探っていくことが、今後のSDP の一環としての野球普及活動の方向性ではないだろうか。