渡辺 剛 藤井 義明 児玉 淳一 福田 大祐
vol.8, no.1, pp.3, 2021-03-10

日本は、国土面積が世界の0.25%であるが、自然災害被害額が世界の17%を占めているように、自然災害の被害を受けやすい。世界的に見ても、世界の自然災害の被害額ランキングの上位3つを、四川大地震・阪神淡路大震災・東日本大震災が独占しているように地震の被害は甚大である。 巨大地震の対策として予知が研究されているが、予知技術は確立されておらず未だ予知に成功した事例はない。仮に予知技術が確立されて人的被害を抑えることができても、インフラの被害を防ぐことはできない。一方、巨大地震を予防することができれば、これらの被害をゼロにすることができる。たとえば地下核実験により巨大地震の発生を予防できるのではないかという報告がある。そこで本研究では地下核実験による巨大地震の抑制効果について検討し、核実験場から様々な距離の地域における地震の発生状況やb値の推移について調べた。すると最寄りの核実験場から2100 km以内では、地下核実験後、巨大地震の発生頻度が減少し、b値は増加していた。核実験による地震動が臨界状態にない断層を刺激し、小さい地震が発生してひずみエネルギーが解放された可能性がある。
藤井 義明 児玉 淳一 福田 大祐
vol.2018, no.73, pp.285-286, 2018-08-31

坂本 浩幸 赤木 洋介 山田 一夫 舘 幸男 福田 大祐 石松 宏一 松田 樹也 齋藤 希 上村 実也 浪平 隆男 重石 光弘
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.17, no.2, pp.57-66, 2018 (Released:2018-05-15)

Concrete debris contaminated with radioactive cesium and other nuclides has been generated by the accident in the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. Moreover, there is concern that a large amount of radioactive concrete waste will be generated by the decommissioning of nuclear power plants in the future. Although conventional techniques are effective in decontaminating concrete with flat surfaces such as floors and walls, it is not clear what techniques to apply for decontaminating radioactive concrete debris. In this study, focusing on a pulsed power discharge technique, fundamental experimental work was carried out and the applicability of the technique to decontaminating radioactive concrete debris associated with the accident in the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant was evaluated. The decontamination of concrete by applying the aggregate recycling technique using the pulsed power discharge technique was evaluated by measuring the radioactivity concentration of the divided aggregate and sludge from the contaminated concrete using a Ge-semiconductor detector. It indicated a reduction of the radioactivity concentration in the recovered aggregate and an increase in the radioactivity concentration in the sludge. These findings suggest that the division of the contaminated concrete debris into aggregate and sludge could result in the decontamination and reuse of the aggregate, which would reduce the amount of contaminated concrete debris.
児玉 淳一 立川 多久登 中 良介 濱中 晃弘 板倉 賢一 出口 剛太 福田 大祐 藤井 義明
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.134, no.7, pp.91-98, 2018-07-31 (Released:2018-07-31)

Small-scale underground coal gasification (UCG) model tests with a linking hole were carried out using two types of specimens made of either block coal or crushed coal to clarify their characteristics of combustion and gasification. Many similar characteristics were found between both specimens in terms of temperature change and its spatial distribution as well as concentration and heating value of each gas product as long as the crushed coal specimen was sufficiently consolidated. The shape and dimension of the cavity formed in the both specimens were also similar. Texture of the both specimens was changed after the combustion and gasification. Initiation of radial cracks from the linking hole was found in the both specimens. Within the zone with the radial cracks initiation, grains in the crushed coal were bonded whereas cleats in the block coal were healed. The grain bonding and the cleavage healing can be explained by melting and expansion of coal due to temperature increase. The radial cracks are likely initiated after the grain bonding or the cleavage healing due to tensile thermal stress induced by temperature gradient in the coal specimens. It can be concluded that the characteristics of combustion and gasification of the crushed coal and the block coal are similar because both types of coals become similar in texture through combustion and gasification. These results indicate that characteristics of combustion and gasification of coal seam can be mostly estimated from a model test with artificial coal seam made of crushed coal.