宮前 雅一 岸野 泰恵 寺田 努 塚本 昌彦 平岡 圭介 福田 登仁 西尾 章治郎
情報処理学会研究報告. MBL, [モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信研究会研究報告] (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2004, no.95, pp.1-8, 2004-09-17

中村 真里 中村 康雄 林 豊彦 福田 登 駒井 正彦 橋本 淳 信原 克哉 Chao Edmund Y.
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
no.16, pp.13-25, 2002-06-25
9 4

Baseball pitching involves a complicated and rapid movement that has been investigated to prevent injuries and to improve the pitching performance. It is difficult to assess the pitching motion with high accuracy and a high sampling rate, due to the limitations of preexistent camera systems. The current camera system, however, has enough capacity to measure pitching motions with high accuracy and a high sampling rate. We have been diagnosing shoulder joint injuries caused by pitching. The patients (N=939) felt pain during the pitching sequence as follows: top position (32.5%), maximum external rotation (27.2%), and ball release (14.5%). Hence the top position is one of the most important postures to investigate the mechanisms of shoulder joint injury in pitchers. There have been no studies that focused on the top position, however. The main purpose of this study was to develop a system to assess the pitching motion accurately. Another purpose was to estimate the instant of the top position and evaluate the kinematics of the shoulder and elbow joints. Pitching movement was assessed using a motion capture system (ProReflex MCU500, Qualisys Inc., Sweden) in a studio that has an official pitcher's mound and home base. This system can record the positions of reflective markers at 500 Hz using seven CCD cameras. Thirty-two markers were mounted on the joints and body landmarks of each subject. Two markers were mounted on the ball. The pitching motions of eleven subjects were assessed, after a period for warm up. Kinematics parameters were calculated using three-axis gyroscopic Euler angle. The instant of the top position was observed for all subjects before the lead foot touched the ground. The interval from the top position to ball release was 0.242±0.0438 [s] (n=11). The subjects were divided into two groups by the type of posture at the instant of the top position, as follows: internal rotation group (n=5), 11.8±6.08 degrees, and external rotation group (n=6), 38.1±19.97. Other kinematics parameters at the top position were adduction of the shoulder at 74.2±19.84 degrees, horizontal adduction of the shoulder at 37.3±14.10 degrees, and extension of the elbow at 92.1±21.63 degrees. The timing and posture of the estimated top position were almost the same as those of the conventional top position. From the top position to lead foot contact on the pitching sequence, there were three patterns of elbow leading. The three patterns did not depend upon experience. We interpreted them as individual variations.
宮前 雅一 寺田 努 塚本 昌彦 平岡 圭介 福田 登仁 西尾 章治郎
情報処理学会研究報告モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信(MBL) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2004, no.44, pp.53-58, 2004-05-13

バイクレースに勝つためには,前を走るバイクからの遅延時間など最新の情報を基に,臨機応変に戦略を変化させることが重要である.しかし,チーム監督やピットクルーはそれぞれ割り当てられた仕事をしているため,情報収集および戦略の立案が困難である.一方,近年常に計算機を身につけて持ち運ぶウェアラブルコンピューティングに対する注目が集まっている.ウェアラブルコンピューティング環境では,ユーザは装着型ディスプレイを用いてハンズフリーで情報を閲覧できるため,他の作業をしながら情報の取得・閲覧が可能である.そこで,本研究ではウェアラブルコンピュータを用いたイベント駆動型バイクレース支援システムを提案する.提案システムを用いることで,ピットクルーは動的に変化するさまざまなレース情報を閲覧でき,最新情報に基づく戦略の立案が可能になる.The exploitation of latest information are very important to win a motorbike race. However, it is difficult for pit crews to acquire the latest information on their working. Meanwhile, the downsizing of portable computers has attracted a lot of attention to the field of wearable computing. In wearable computing environments, users can browse information without hands because they wear the computer. Therefore, we propose a wearable system for supporting motorbike race. This system enables pit crews to browse various race information dynamically.