中村 節子 橋本 淳 川面 なほ 山下 満智子 東 あかね
日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集 平成28年度大会(一社)日本調理科学会
pp.171, 2016 (Released:2016-08-28)

【目的】京都府立宇治支援学校の学校給食は年間テーマを設定し、それに基づく給食の提供と掲示等による食教育を実施してきた。平成27年度のテーマは、和食への関心を高めるために「お精進」とし、動物性食品を使用しない給食を導入することを目的とした。【方法】平成27年4月から1年間、毎月19日(「食育の日」)と1月~2月の給食月間に4回、計15回を「お精進の日」とし、動物性食品を使わない精進献立を、1回につき基本食約420食、嚥下困難等への対応のための工夫食19食を提供した。但し、出汁に鰹節は使用し、飲用牛乳は提供した。基本食と工夫食の食材は一部を除き共通とした。児童生徒、保護者、教職員への啓発のために、食育の日には玄関に献立に関する情報を、給食室前には料理や使用食材の説明等を掲示し、食品・栄養学的、文化的背景を学ぶことができるよう工夫した。また「お精進の日」の献立15食の栄養学的評価を行った。高等部においては、生徒が生活単元学習で精進料理の調理実習をし、会食した。【結果】動物性食品を使わず、野菜、豆、イモ、海藻類等の植物性食品のみによる学校給食献立を15種類作成し、提供することができた。児童・生徒、教職員の喫食状況は一般食と変わりなかった。また15食の献立の栄養価計算を行い、平均値を学校給食実施基準と比較した結果、精進料理給食(学校給食実施基準)はマグネシウム107(80)mg、カルシウム392(350)mg、食物繊維5.8(5.0)gと学校給食実施基準を上回った。一方、食塩2.7(2.5)gが多く、ビタミンB1 0.29(0.4)mgが少なかったことは今後の課題である。本研究は京都府立大学地域貢献型特別研究の一環として実施。
礒田 健太郎 辻 成佳 原田 芳徳 吉田 祐志 吉村 麻衣子 松岡 秀俊 沖田 康孝 村上 輝明 橋本 淳 大島 至郎 佐伯 行彦
一般社団法人 日本臨床リウマチ学会
臨床リウマチ (ISSN:09148760)
vol.33, no.2, pp.121-131, 2021 (Released:2021-07-16)

目的:関節リウマチ(RA)患者において,栄養状態が感染症の発生に与える影響を調査した.対象・方法:入院を要する重症感染症を合併したRA患者(入院患者群)と,感染症入院のない患者(非入院患者群)との患者背景,臨床所見,治療内容,栄養状態を比較した.栄養状態の指標には予後栄養指標prognostic nutritional index(PNI)とcontrolling nutritional status(CONUT)を用いた.結果:PNIとCONUTによる栄養状態は,入院患者群では非入院患者群より有意に不良であり(共にP < 0.001),特にPNI低値は重症感染症発生の予測因子であった(オッズ比:1.749, 95%信頼区間:1.110-2.755, P < 0.001).結論:RAにおいて感染症は重大な合併症である.感染症を合併しないように安全に治療を行うためには栄養状態の評価と管理が不可欠である.
中村 真里 中村 康雄 林 豊彦 福田 登 駒井 正彦 橋本 淳 信原 克哉 Chao Edmund Y.
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
no.16, pp.13-25, 2002-06-25
9 4

Baseball pitching involves a complicated and rapid movement that has been investigated to prevent injuries and to improve the pitching performance. It is difficult to assess the pitching motion with high accuracy and a high sampling rate, due to the limitations of preexistent camera systems. The current camera system, however, has enough capacity to measure pitching motions with high accuracy and a high sampling rate. We have been diagnosing shoulder joint injuries caused by pitching. The patients (N=939) felt pain during the pitching sequence as follows: top position (32.5%), maximum external rotation (27.2%), and ball release (14.5%). Hence the top position is one of the most important postures to investigate the mechanisms of shoulder joint injury in pitchers. There have been no studies that focused on the top position, however. The main purpose of this study was to develop a system to assess the pitching motion accurately. Another purpose was to estimate the instant of the top position and evaluate the kinematics of the shoulder and elbow joints. Pitching movement was assessed using a motion capture system (ProReflex MCU500, Qualisys Inc., Sweden) in a studio that has an official pitcher's mound and home base. This system can record the positions of reflective markers at 500 Hz using seven CCD cameras. Thirty-two markers were mounted on the joints and body landmarks of each subject. Two markers were mounted on the ball. The pitching motions of eleven subjects were assessed, after a period for warm up. Kinematics parameters were calculated using three-axis gyroscopic Euler angle. The instant of the top position was observed for all subjects before the lead foot touched the ground. The interval from the top position to ball release was 0.242±0.0438 [s] (n=11). The subjects were divided into two groups by the type of posture at the instant of the top position, as follows: internal rotation group (n=5), 11.8±6.08 degrees, and external rotation group (n=6), 38.1±19.97. Other kinematics parameters at the top position were adduction of the shoulder at 74.2±19.84 degrees, horizontal adduction of the shoulder at 37.3±14.10 degrees, and extension of the elbow at 92.1±21.63 degrees. The timing and posture of the estimated top position were almost the same as those of the conventional top position. From the top position to lead foot contact on the pitching sequence, there were three patterns of elbow leading. The three patterns did not depend upon experience. We interpreted them as individual variations.
中田 光 竹内 志穂 橋本 淳史
日本臨床免疫学会会誌 (ISSN:09114300)
vol.40, no.4, pp.277b, 2017 (Released:2017-11-25)

前世紀末,我々は,特発性肺胞蛋白症の血液及び肺に大量のGM-CSF自己抗体が存在することを発見した(J. Exp. Med, 1999).GM-CSFあるいは受容体欠損マウスが同症を発症することから,同抗体が本症の病因であると唱えた(N. Engl. J. Med, 2003).その後,米国で患者自己抗体をサルに投与した疾患モデルができ,仮説が証明された.その後の検討で,本GM-CSF自己抗体は,GM-CSFに対して非常に強い親和性をもつこと,また,エピトープはGM-CSF分子の複数箇所にまたがり,ポリクローナル抗体であることが分かった.この抗体の多様性の起源として,1)複数のgermline alleleをもつnaiive B cellに由来するという考え方と,2)リンパ濾胞における体細胞超変異に由来するという考え方がある.そのどちらが正しいのかを明らかにするため,自己抗体陽性B細胞の軽鎖/重鎖可変部配列を次世代シークエンスと情報処理技術により大規模解析した.これにより,本症の発症機序解明に寄与したい.
乾 浩明 町田 明敏 橋本 淳 信原 克哉
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.25, no.3, pp.471-474, 2001

This study examines the glenoid cavity using three-dimensional MRI. Forty volunteers were enrolled in the study. Three-dimensional scapular images were reconstructed using an open MRI and computer software. The tilting angles of the glenoid bone were measured in five consecutive axial planes perpendicular to the glenoidal long axis. Cross sections were divided into three types (concave, flat, and convex)according to the shape on each plane.<BR>The average tilting angles for the five planes from the bottom to the top were 3.3&plusmn;4.1,1.4&plusmn;3.8, -0.6&plusmn;1.9, -1.4&plusmn;3.3, -6.2&plusmn;3.3 degrees anteriorly, indicating that the three-dimensional bony structure of the glenoid was twisted anteriorly to posteriorly. Images on the bottom plane consisted of 82.5% concave type,15% flat type, and 2.5% convex type, while only 3 cases (7.5%) showed a concave shape in the top plane. The shape of the glenoid cavity is thought to be conducive for glenohumeral motion and stability.
建道 寿教 橋本 淳 橋本 卓 駒井 正彦 中村 真里 信原 克哉 中村 康雄
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.28, no.3, pp.427-431, 2004

The Purpose of this study was to analyze the articular contact pattern of the normal glenohumeral joint. There are few previous papers concerning the dynamic contact patterns, although the studies of using the cadaver or the tracking device have been reported. The subjects consisted of 10 normal volunteers. The subjects were fixed on a tilted stand with free motion around the scapula.3D MRI images were extracted at the scapular plane at every 30&deg; between 30&deg; and 150&deg; in the supine position. The images obtained at each position were transmitted to a personal computer and the description of the bony frame by digitizing methods using the analyzing software were developed. Three dimensional reconstruction of the glenohumeral joint were performed. The items of measurement were the following (1)The contact area; the distances between the humeral head and the glenoid surface were calculated and the distribution set at the distances were considered to be the contact area. The shortest distance was regarded as the proximity of the joint. The change of the center of the distribution was investigated. (2)The center of the humeral head (3) Kinematics of the humerus; (from the aspect of the scapula) Results: (1)In the contact area; the minimum contact area had shifted superiorly up to 90 or 120&deg; elevation, but after 120&deg; it shifted inferiorly. Concerning the antero-posterior direction of the glenoid, it shifted antero-inferiorly at the elevated position compared to that of the 30Thlevation. (2)In the center of the humeral head; it shifted superiorly at 120&deg; or 150&deg; compaired to the 30&deg; elevation. Its change was within 3mm. (3)In the Kinematics of the humerus; although the glenohumeral movement was totally 66&deg;, it was only 17' after 90&deg; elevation. We conclude that although the contact area shifted superior until 90&deg;, it shifted to the central part of the glenoid over 120&deg;, because the centripetal force might have worked at the elevated position. The distribution of the contact area was assumed to be reflected as a result of seeking a good congruity of the humeral head and the glenoid.
中溝 寛之 橋本 淳 中村 真里 金谷 整亮 信原 克哉 中村 康雄
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.28, no.2, pp.355-358, 2004-08-30 (Released:2012-11-20)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of baseball pitching motion in young pitchers. Sixty-five asymptomatic pitchers were analyzed with a motion capture system. The subjects were classified into two groups according to their age: A: 34cases (10-15 years old), B: 3lcases (19-34 years old). Kinematic and kinetic parameters were used to compare the differences between the two groups. Abduction and horizontal adduction angles of the upper arm were smaller in group A at ball release. The trunk was less flexed and twisted, but was bent much more toward the non-throwing side in the group A. There were no significant differences between the two groups with regard to the elbow angles, the wrist angles and the interval from arm-cocking phase to ball release. Our results showed that the young pitchers tend to put their pitch arm behind their trunk at ball release. That position is not close to “Zero Position”. It causes stretching the anterior structure of the shoulder. Furthermore, the shoulder is overloaded by the rotational stress from the end of armcocking phase to ball release. Repetition of this stress might cause epiphyseal damage for young pitchers. The young pitchers should be taught proper pitching mechanics. Limitation on pitches might be able to reduce the risk of epiphyseal damage in young pitchers.
橋本 淳也 渡邊 洋一 宮谷 真人 中尾 敬
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.127-134, 2019-03-31

Previous studies have reported that positive autobiographical memories are involuntarily retrieved on a daily basis and often accompany mood changes. Previous studies have used subjective report methods to measure the impact of involuntary retrieval on mood. However, subjective report methods are known to be easily distorted by social desirability and demand characteristics. To avoid this problem, we applied the measurement of implicit mood and examined the impact of involuntary positive memory on mood. Sixty-four participants participated in the experiment and 48 participants were included in the analyses. Participants carried out an easy task in which the retrieval cue was presented, to induce an involuntary positive memory. Participants were also asked to rate the mood of nonsense words in order to measure implicit mood before and after the task. The results demonstrated that the involuntary positive memory retrieval increased positive mood in participants who exhibited lower positive implicit mood before the involuntary memory retrieval. We experimentally demonstrated that involuntarily retrieved positive memories can improve implicit mood.
溝上 章志 橋本 淳也
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木計画学研究・論文集 (ISSN:09134034)
vol.25, pp.731-739, 2008-09-30 (Released:2010-06-04)
1 1

本稿は, 熊本電気鉄道を対象にした中心商店街と協働による社会実験の経緯とその成果について報告するものである. 本社会実験は熊本電気鉄道のサービス改善計画の擬似体験と中心市街地の活性化への効果を検証することを目的としたものである. また, 熊本電鉄沿線では住民を対象にしたモビリティ・マネジメントも実施している. これらの社会実験や利用促進施策の影響について利用実態調査の結果から考察を行った. その結果, 一連の調査・研究と社会実験などの実績の積み重ねによりサービス改善計画の実行可能性が認知され, 行政および関係機関での検討が行われることになった.
橋本 淳 吉野 秀幸
大阪教育大学紀要. I, 人文科学 (ISSN:03893448)
vol.53, no.2, pp.15-39, 2005-02-21

武田 邦彦 橋本 淳 棚橋 満
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
資源と素材 (ISSN:09161740)
vol.120, no.3, pp.139-145, 2004 (Released:2006-04-15)

Resource saving is thought to be one of the concepts and the acts necessary for environmental preservation. However, resource saving and its effect were examined and discussed from historical, regional, value and ethical viewpoints. From a historical viewpoint, the conversion from a society that used mainly sustainable resources to a society that uses non-sustainable resources was considered. From a regional viewpoint, Japan as a special region where there are little non-sustainable resources and a lot of consumption was taken up, and the influence of monopoly of worldwide resources by Europe and the United States was considered. In addition, in terms of value, the size of the overall gain of the acquisition of resources between generations was considered, and from an ethical viewpoint, the North-South problem was mainly analyzed. Also, regarding the conversion between resources, as the first approximation, the possibility of converting a general material into energy such as oil was shown, and the examination was advanced based on this. And then, it was pointed out that resource had not been saved in terms of the construction of a sustainable society even in the Edo period when resource had generally been maintained.