植田 篤史 松村 葵 相見 貴行 新熊 孝文 大木 毅 中村 康雄
一般社団法人 日本スポーツ理学療法学会
スポーツ理学療法学 (ISSN:27584356)
vol.2, no.1, pp.7-15, 2024 (Released:2023-09-30)

【目的】肩甲骨の運動異常(Scapular Dyskinesis:SDK)を有する野球選手の肩屈曲運動中の肩甲骨運動を評価すること。【方法】対象は肩挙上・下制時ならびに投球時に肩関節痛のない野球選手51名とした。SDKの評価はSDKを4つのtypeに分類し(type I~IV),type Iを認めた場合は異常群,type IVの場合は正常群とした。測定は肩屈曲動作を実施し,三次元動作解析装置を用いて,肩甲骨と肩関節の角度を算出した。解析区間は,肩屈曲30°~120°位の肩甲骨の上下方回旋,内外旋,前後傾角度を算出した。【結果】異常群の挙上期30°~90°の肩甲骨の後傾は正常群に比較して,有意に小さかった(p<0.05)。また,異常群の下制期30°~60°の肩甲骨前傾は正常群に比較して,有意に大きかった(p<0.01)。【結論】SDK type Iを有する無症状の野球選手の肩屈曲動作中の肩甲骨運動の特徴として,挙上期30°~90°の肩甲骨の過小な後傾と下制期30~60°の過剰な前傾運動を呈していることが明らかとなった。
中村 真里 中村 康雄 林 豊彦 福田 登 駒井 正彦 橋本 淳 信原 克哉 Chao Edmund Y.
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
no.16, pp.13-25, 2002-06-25
9 4

Baseball pitching involves a complicated and rapid movement that has been investigated to prevent injuries and to improve the pitching performance. It is difficult to assess the pitching motion with high accuracy and a high sampling rate, due to the limitations of preexistent camera systems. The current camera system, however, has enough capacity to measure pitching motions with high accuracy and a high sampling rate. We have been diagnosing shoulder joint injuries caused by pitching. The patients (N=939) felt pain during the pitching sequence as follows: top position (32.5%), maximum external rotation (27.2%), and ball release (14.5%). Hence the top position is one of the most important postures to investigate the mechanisms of shoulder joint injury in pitchers. There have been no studies that focused on the top position, however. The main purpose of this study was to develop a system to assess the pitching motion accurately. Another purpose was to estimate the instant of the top position and evaluate the kinematics of the shoulder and elbow joints. Pitching movement was assessed using a motion capture system (ProReflex MCU500, Qualisys Inc., Sweden) in a studio that has an official pitcher's mound and home base. This system can record the positions of reflective markers at 500 Hz using seven CCD cameras. Thirty-two markers were mounted on the joints and body landmarks of each subject. Two markers were mounted on the ball. The pitching motions of eleven subjects were assessed, after a period for warm up. Kinematics parameters were calculated using three-axis gyroscopic Euler angle. The instant of the top position was observed for all subjects before the lead foot touched the ground. The interval from the top position to ball release was 0.242±0.0438 [s] (n=11). The subjects were divided into two groups by the type of posture at the instant of the top position, as follows: internal rotation group (n=5), 11.8±6.08 degrees, and external rotation group (n=6), 38.1±19.97. Other kinematics parameters at the top position were adduction of the shoulder at 74.2±19.84 degrees, horizontal adduction of the shoulder at 37.3±14.10 degrees, and extension of the elbow at 92.1±21.63 degrees. The timing and posture of the estimated top position were almost the same as those of the conventional top position. From the top position to lead foot contact on the pitching sequence, there were three patterns of elbow leading. The three patterns did not depend upon experience. We interpreted them as individual variations.
中村 康雄 齊藤 稔 林 豊彦 江原 義弘
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.20, pp.53-64, 2010 (Released:2017-02-15)

サッカーは, キック動作を基本とした主に足でボールをコントロールするスポーツである. ボールを自在に操る蹴り脚は, 熟練者であるほど巧みな動きをする. そのため, 多くの先行研究では, 足のみを対象としてキック動作の定量的な測定・解析が行われてきた. しかし, キック動作は全身運動である. キック動作をさらに理解するためには, 足だけでなく, 蹴り脚の動作の要となる腰部の運動についても同時に測定し, 定量的に評価する必要がある. 本研究は, インステップキック動作を対象とし運動学・動力学解析することと, 熟練者と未熟練者の腰部の運動の違いを定量的に評価することを目的とした. キック動作はモーションキャプチャ・システムを用いて測定した. 熟練者と未熟練者の運動を評価した結果から, 腰部は, 上体の急激な屈曲運動の補助, 下肢へのエネルギー伝達, 姿勢の安定の3つの役割があると考えられた.
建道 寿教 橋本 淳 橋本 卓 駒井 正彦 中村 真里 信原 克哉 中村 康雄
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.28, no.3, pp.427-431, 2004

The Purpose of this study was to analyze the articular contact pattern of the normal glenohumeral joint. There are few previous papers concerning the dynamic contact patterns, although the studies of using the cadaver or the tracking device have been reported. The subjects consisted of 10 normal volunteers. The subjects were fixed on a tilted stand with free motion around the scapula.3D MRI images were extracted at the scapular plane at every 30&deg; between 30&deg; and 150&deg; in the supine position. The images obtained at each position were transmitted to a personal computer and the description of the bony frame by digitizing methods using the analyzing software were developed. Three dimensional reconstruction of the glenohumeral joint were performed. The items of measurement were the following (1)The contact area; the distances between the humeral head and the glenoid surface were calculated and the distribution set at the distances were considered to be the contact area. The shortest distance was regarded as the proximity of the joint. The change of the center of the distribution was investigated. (2)The center of the humeral head (3) Kinematics of the humerus; (from the aspect of the scapula) Results: (1)In the contact area; the minimum contact area had shifted superiorly up to 90 or 120&deg; elevation, but after 120&deg; it shifted inferiorly. Concerning the antero-posterior direction of the glenoid, it shifted antero-inferiorly at the elevated position compared to that of the 30Thlevation. (2)In the center of the humeral head; it shifted superiorly at 120&deg; or 150&deg; compaired to the 30&deg; elevation. Its change was within 3mm. (3)In the Kinematics of the humerus; although the glenohumeral movement was totally 66&deg;, it was only 17' after 90&deg; elevation. We conclude that although the contact area shifted superior until 90&deg;, it shifted to the central part of the glenoid over 120&deg;, because the centripetal force might have worked at the elevated position. The distribution of the contact area was assumed to be reflected as a result of seeking a good congruity of the humeral head and the glenoid.
瀧澤 哲也 中村 康雄 林 豊彦 駒井 正彦 信原 克哉
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.106, no.592, pp.1-4, 2007-03-09

中溝 寛之 橋本 淳 中村 真里 金谷 整亮 信原 克哉 中村 康雄
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.28, no.2, pp.355-358, 2004-08-30 (Released:2012-11-20)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of baseball pitching motion in young pitchers. Sixty-five asymptomatic pitchers were analyzed with a motion capture system. The subjects were classified into two groups according to their age: A: 34cases (10-15 years old), B: 3lcases (19-34 years old). Kinematic and kinetic parameters were used to compare the differences between the two groups. Abduction and horizontal adduction angles of the upper arm were smaller in group A at ball release. The trunk was less flexed and twisted, but was bent much more toward the non-throwing side in the group A. There were no significant differences between the two groups with regard to the elbow angles, the wrist angles and the interval from arm-cocking phase to ball release. Our results showed that the young pitchers tend to put their pitch arm behind their trunk at ball release. That position is not close to “Zero Position”. It causes stretching the anterior structure of the shoulder. Furthermore, the shoulder is overloaded by the rotational stress from the end of armcocking phase to ball release. Repetition of this stress might cause epiphyseal damage for young pitchers. The young pitchers should be taught proper pitching mechanics. Limitation on pitches might be able to reduce the risk of epiphyseal damage in young pitchers.
藤田 翔平 村山 愛 林 豊彦 中村 康雄 小島 英敏 道見 登
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.106, no.80, pp.25-28, 2006-05-19

中村 康雄

金子 裕史 林 豊彦 中村 康雄 石田 智子 高橋 肇 新井 映子 山田 好秋 道見 登 野村 修一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.101, no.478, pp.135-142, 2001-11-22

これまで我々は, 嚥下機能障害者を無侵襲かつベッドサイドで検査することを目的として, 喉頭運動・舌骨上筋群筋電図・嚥下音の同時計測システムを開発してきた.本論文は, お粥の性状の違いによる嚥下動態の変化について述べたものである.被検食品は, 一般的なお粥である"全粥"と, より付着性の小さい嚥下困難者用"ふっくらおかゆ^R"(亀田製菓)とした.実験の結果, 全粥嚥下時に比べ, ふっくらおかゆ嚥下時には次の2点が確認された:1)嚥下初期において, 喉頭がより速く動く;2)筋活動量が少ない.これらの結果から, ふっくらおかゆは, 一般的なお粥に比べて飲み込みやすいことが示唆された.
中村 康雄 林 豊彦 中村 真里 建道 寿教 信原 克哉 菊入 大輔 桐生 慎哉
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.17, pp.111-121, 2004 (Released:2005-04-15)
1 1 2

Diagnosis of a shoulder joint injury, particularly one brought about during sports activities, necessitates measurement of its motion accurately and noninvasively. Conventional measurement of shoulder joint movement, however, deals solely with relative movement between humerus and thorax, neglecting other components of the joint. We have focused on 6-DOF measurement of scapula movement relative to the thorax, a subdominant component of shoulder movement. Such motion data, however, cannot easily be obtained by means of a marker-based motion-capture system, due to the skin mobility relative to the skeleton. The objective of this study was to validate measurement accuracy of scapula movement when measuring markers are attached to the skin above the scapula’s bony landmarks.We employed an open MRI (Magnetom Open, Siemens, Germany) to measure the shoulder joint and markers attached to the subject’s skin. Five and three markers were attached to the skin above the scapula and thorax, respectively. Three volunteers (24.0±2.64 years old), who possessed no distinct kinetic dysfunctions in their shoulders, served as subjects, in this preliminary study. Their shoulder movements were sampled at three humeral elevation angles (0°, 90°, 150°) on a frontal plane by open MRI. In order to reduce the skin mobility, the same movements were recorded, using a more accurate method in which the scapula’s markers were relocated into correct positions, determined through the palpation of an experienced physical therapist, at each humeral elevation. In an attempt to validate the skin mobility, we measured the deviation of the markers from the scapula’s bony landmarks during humeral elevation. Next, the scapula movements were estimated by two different methods as follows: the registration technique using bony shape and the least squares method using the set of markers.The results demonstrated that the deviation of the markers could be reduced into less than or equal to 19.0 mm if the markers were remounted at each elevation angle. Using the remounted markers, we verified the estimated error of position and orientation of the scapula to lie within 10.1° and 6.4 mm, respectively.In conclusion, we validated measurement accuracy of the scapula movement using skin markers above the scapula’s bony landmarks. The results showed that a motion-capture system is capable of quantitatively measuring the static shoulder joint movement with the scapula.
中村 康雄 林 豊彦 中村 真理 中溝 寛之 信原 克哉 加藤 直 飯塚 大輔
vol.17, pp.123-132, 2004-08-25

The shoulder and elbow joint of a baseball pitcher are frequently overused by the repetition of throwing. The overuse causes throwing injuries of the shoulder or the elbow joint. To prevent the injuries or find them as soon as possible at an early stage, it is important to understand and evaluate each individual's baseball pitching motion exactly. Therefore, we are developing an analysis system of the baseball pitching motion for clinical use. The pitching motion is classified into four major pitch styles, as follows: overhand, three-quarter, sidearm, and underhand. In the long-term clinical experience in Nobuhara Hospital, we have expected that one of the causes of throwing injuries is related to the pitch styles. A previous paper reported that different pitch styles produced different kinematic and kinetic results of pitching motion analysis (Matsuo, 2000). The difference of pitch styles will influence analysis results of the pitching motion. The classification, however, was performed qualitatively by a person having baseball experience. There is no standard method to classify the pitch styles quantitatively. The pitch styles also have to be classified quantitatively in order to investigate various factors of injuries. The aim of this study was to classify baseball pitchers of various levels into four pitch styles quantitatively and compare the kinematic and kinetic parameters. We measured the pitching motions of the baseball pitchers, using a motion-capture system at 500 Hz. Ages of the 104 subjects of this experiment ranged from 10 to 38 years. We suggested four kinematic parameters in order to classify the pitch styles. The measured pitching motions were then classified into four pitch styles, using multivariate discriminant analysis. The correct answer rate was 89.4%. ANOVA revealed significant differences of the antero-posterior direction of resultant force at the time of ball release among four classified pitch styles. The A-P force vector had high correlation (r=0.82) with horizontal adduction angle of the upper arm. The shear force on the shoulder is one of causes of injury during pitching. To reduce the risk of shoulder injuries, we believe it is necessary to reduce shear forces on the pitcher's shoulder. Our results showed that the sidearm group had 50% lower shear force than the other groups. In conclusion, we suggested four kinematic parameters in order to classify the pitch styles. This result shows that these parameters are appropriate for classifying the pitch styles without relation to age or skill differences. The results of kinematic and kinetic parameters showed the significant differences between four pitch styles. Our next task is to increase the number of subjects, especially sidearm and underhand pitchers.